android Programming Glossary: mcamera.getparameters
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match up the camera as follows Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewFormat ImageFormat.YV12 1 parameters.setPreviewFpsRange..
Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image mPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize..
Android: Error inflating class and begin the preview. Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewSize w h parameters.set orientation portrait..
Android - Camera preview is sideways mCamera.stopPreview Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters Display display WindowManager getSystemService WINDOW_SERVICE..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn it on value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH.. value mCamera.setParameters params String nowMode mCamera.getParameters .getFlashMode if isOn nowMode.equals Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH..
How to use Front Facing Camera on Samsung Galaxy S found across the web such as Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.set camera id 2 mCamera.setParameters parameters.. I figured it out how to do it Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.set camera id 2 parameters.setPreviewSize 640 480.. Camera mCamera Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.set camera id 2 parameters.setPreviewSize 640 480..
How to use camera flash/led as torch on a Samsung Galaxy Tab? void processOffClick if mCamera null Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF mCamera.setParameters.. void processOnClick if mCamera null Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters..
Android: Jpeg saved from camera looks corrupted and begin the preview. Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters Camera.Size size getBestPreviewSize w h This next call is required..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? to this canvas mCamera Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize 240 160 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay..
Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android e e.printStackTrace if mCamera null Parameters params mCamera.getParameters List String flashModes params.getSupportedFlashModes if flashModes..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails mCamera camera if mCamera null mSupportedPreviewSizes mCamera.getParameters .getSupportedPreviewSizes mSupportedFlashModes mCamera.getParameters.. .getSupportedPreviewSizes mSupportedFlashModes mCamera.getParameters .getSupportedFlashModes Set the camera to Auto Flash mode. if.. Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setFlashMode Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO ..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters.. mCamera.startPreview ... Turn off LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF mCamera.setParameters..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match but I've gotten something to work at last. I'm setting up the camera as follows Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewFormat ImageFormat.YV12 1 parameters.setPreviewFpsRange 4000 60000 parameters.setPreviewSize 640 480..
Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image SurfaceHolder holder int format int w int h if mPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters..
Android: Error inflating class w int h Now that the size is known set up the camera parameters and begin the preview. Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewSize w h parameters.set orientation portrait parameters.setRotation 90 API 5 mCamera.setParameters..
Android - Camera preview is sideways SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters Display display WindowManager getSystemService WINDOW_SERVICE .getDefaultDisplay if display.getRotation Surface.ROTATION_0..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 were able to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn it on value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH else we are being asked to.. off value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO try params.setFlashMode value mCamera.setParameters params String nowMode mCamera.getParameters .getFlashMode if isOn nowMode.equals Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH return true if isOn nowMode.equals Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO..
How to use Front Facing Camera on Samsung Galaxy S Camera on Samsung Galaxy S I've tried several answer I've found across the web such as Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.set camera id 2 mCamera.setParameters parameters or mMediaRecorder.setVideoSource 2 But it doesn't work. I've.. improve this question Anyway after a few trials and error I figured it out how to do it Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.set camera id 2 parameters.setPreviewSize 640 480 or 800 480 this is supported front camera preview size @ Samsung.. MediaRecorder MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder new MediaRecorder Camera mCamera Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.set camera id 2 parameters.setPreviewSize 640 480 or 800 480 mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.unlock..
How to use camera flash/led as torch on a Samsung Galaxy Tab? null mCamera.release mCamera null super.onPause private void processOffClick if mCamera null Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF mCamera.setParameters params private void processOnClick if mCamera null.. mCamera.setParameters params private void processOnClick if mCamera null Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters params AndroidManifest.xml application android..
Android: Jpeg saved from camera looks corrupted w int h Now that the size is known set up the camera parameters and begin the preview. Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters Camera.Size size getBestPreviewSize w h This next call is required in order for preview size to be set and setDisplayOrientation..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? false This allows us to make our own draw calls to this canvas mCamera Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize 240 160 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera..
Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android if mCamera null try mCamera catch Exception e e.printStackTrace if mCamera null Parameters params mCamera.getParameters List String flashModes params.getSupportedFlashModes if flashModes null return else params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails return mPreviewSize public void setCamera Camera camera mCamera camera if mCamera null mSupportedPreviewSizes mCamera.getParameters .getSupportedPreviewSizes mSupportedFlashModes mCamera.getParameters .getSupportedFlashModes Set the camera to Auto Flash.. camera if mCamera null mSupportedPreviewSizes mCamera.getParameters .getSupportedPreviewSizes mSupportedFlashModes mCamera.getParameters .getSupportedFlashModes Set the camera to Auto Flash mode. if mSupportedFlashModes.contains Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO.. to Auto Flash mode. if mSupportedFlashModes.contains Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setFlashMode Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO mCamera.setParameters parameters requestLayout @Override public..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters params mCamera.startPreview ... Turn off LED Parameters.. Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters params mCamera.startPreview ... Turn off LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF mCamera.setParameters params mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.release Your activity..