android Programming Glossary: mcamera.setpreviewdisplay
How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android? public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay surfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview catch IOException e left.. int width int height start preview with new settings try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay surfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview catch Exception e intentionally..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display this.setLayoutParams frameParams try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder mCamera.startPreview Log.d surfChange W H of CamPreview..
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Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mCamera.startPreview..
Android: Error inflating class camera and tell it where to draw. mCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException exception mCamera.release mCamera null..
Android - Camera preview is sideways the previewCamera method public void previewCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mSurfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true catch..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? a couple of changes to the code the commented out code try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay.. holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder And the SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_NORMAL SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS.. p.setPreviewSize 240 160 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 h h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPreviewCallback catch IOException.. catch IOException e Log.e TAG .surfaceCreated mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters setOptimalSize..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android? mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte dataBufferSize mCamera.setPreviewDisplay videoCaptureViewHolder videoCaptureViewHolder is a SurfaceHolder.. videoCaptureViewHolder mVideoCaptureView.getHolder try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay videoCaptureViewHolder catch Throwable t Log.v CameraTest Camera.. stopVideo if null mCamera return try mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewDisplay null mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer null mCamera.release..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails camera and tell it where to draw. try if mCamera null mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException exception Log.e TAG IOException caused.. a size. return optimalSize public void previewCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder mCamera.startPreview catch Exception e Log.d TAG..
Apply custom filters to camera output call this mCamera.setPreviewCallback new CameraGreenFilter mCamera.setPreviewDisplay null than your camera is not displaying preview at all you have..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters.. void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder mHolder holder mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder mCamera.stopPreview..
How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android? SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS @Override public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay surfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview catch IOException e left blank for now @Override public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder.. void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder int format int width int height start preview with new settings try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay surfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview catch Exception e intentionally left blank for a test main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display result occurs if I use MATCH_PARENT frameParams.height LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT this.setLayoutParams frameParams try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder mCamera.startPreview Log.d surfChange W H of CamPreview child is this.getWidth this.getHeight while parent is ..
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Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mCamera.startPreview mPreviewRunning true public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder..
Android: Error inflating class holder The Surface has been created acquire the camera and tell it where to draw. mCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException exception mCamera.release mCamera null TODO add more exception handling logic here public void..
Android - Camera preview is sideways 180 mCamera.setParameters parameters previewCamera And the previewCamera method public void previewCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mSurfaceHolder mCamera.startPreview isPreviewRunning true catch Exception e Log.d APP_CLASS Cannot start preview e This..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? be needed if you wanted a camera preview to show up. So a couple of changes to the code the commented out code try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder And the SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_NORMAL SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS.. of changes to the code the commented out code try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder And the SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_NORMAL SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS for preview to work Should allow.. mCamera Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize 240 160 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.startPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 being called Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged w w Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged h h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPreviewCallback catch IOException e Log.e TAG .surfaceCreated mCamera.setPreviewDisplay.. holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPreviewCallback catch IOException e Log.e TAG .surfaceCreated mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters setOptimalSize p w h SIZEOFPREVIEW setOptimalSize p w h SIZEOFPICTURE..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android? a picture frame mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte dataBufferSize mCamera.addCallbackBuffer new byte dataBufferSize mCamera.setPreviewDisplay videoCaptureViewHolder videoCaptureViewHolder is a SurfaceHolder object mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer new Camera.PreviewCallback.. mCamera.setParameters parameters if null mVideoCaptureView videoCaptureViewHolder mVideoCaptureView.getHolder try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay videoCaptureViewHolder catch Throwable t Log.v CameraTest Camera PreviewFrameRate mCamera.getParameters .getPreviewFrameRate.. e mCamera.release mCamera null return private void stopVideo if null mCamera return try mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewDisplay null mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer null mCamera.release catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return mCamera null..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails SurfaceHolder holder The Surface has been created acquire the camera and tell it where to draw. try if mCamera null mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException exception Log.e TAG IOException caused by setPreviewDisplay exception @Override protected void.. if optimalSize null TODO Backup in case we don't get a size. return optimalSize public void previewCamera try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder mCamera.startPreview catch Exception e Log.d TAG Cannot start preview. e public void onPreviewFrame byte data..
Apply custom filters to camera output First you are not displaying the image at all. If you call this mCamera.setPreviewCallback new CameraGreenFilter mCamera.setPreviewDisplay null than your camera is not displaying preview at all you have to display it manually. And you can't do any expensive operations..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? findViewById SurfaceHolder mHolder preview.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters.. SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder mHolder holder mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder mCamera.stopPreview mHolder null The surfaceview has to be visible..