android Programming Glossary: mcheckstates
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? from Android source code if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked.. if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position else if getContext .getApplicationInfo .targetSdkVersion.. child.setActivated mCheckStates.get position Note the mCheckStates variable. It keeps track..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android for int i 0 i GENRES.length i if mCheckBoxAdapter.mCheckStates.get i true result.append GENRES i result.append n Toast.makeText.. tv1 tv CheckBox cb String gen private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates CheckBoxAdapter MainActivity.. SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates CheckBoxAdapter MainActivity context String genres super context..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener Then cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener this Then use.. to check box public boolean isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean.. public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked..
in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down this Then public boolean isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean.. public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked.. CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view new StringBuilder System.out.println .............. ma.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i name1.size i if ma.mCheckStates.get i.. ma.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i name1.size i if ma.mCheckStates.get i true checkedcontacts.append name1.get i .toString .. private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates LayoutInflater mInflater TextView tv1 tv CheckBox cb MyAdapter..
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list new StringBuilder Log.d TAG onClick myAdapter.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i contactName.size i if myAdapter.mCheckStates.get.. for int i 0 i contactName.size i if myAdapter.mCheckStates.get i true checkedContacts.append contactName.get i .toString.. String checkboxArray new ArrayList String myAdapter.mCheckStates listView.getCheckedItemPositions Log.d TAG Sparse myAdapter.mCheckStates..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button result new StringBuilder for int i 0 i adapter.mCheckStates.size i if adapter.mCheckStates.get i true result.append.. for int i 0 i adapter.mCheckStates.size i if adapter.mCheckStates.get i true result.append app_info i .applicationName result.append.. CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates Context context int layoutResourceId AppInfo data null public..
Removing muliple items from listview using Check box in Android String data new ArrayList String SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
ListView with CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE using CheckedText in a custom view has to implement Checkable if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked.. if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position This works for the stock row layouts for lists..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? OR setActivated depending on Android version as below taken from Android source code if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position else if getContext .getApplicationInfo.. code if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position else if getContext .getApplicationInfo .targetSdkVersion android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB child.setActivated.. else if getContext .getApplicationInfo .targetSdkVersion android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB child.setActivated mCheckStates.get position Note the mCheckStates variable. It keeps track of which positions in your list are checked activated. These..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android Auto generated method stub StringBuilder result new StringBuilder for int i 0 i GENRES.length i if mCheckBoxAdapter.mCheckStates.get i true result.append GENRES i result.append n Toast.makeText MainActivity.this result 1000 .show public void.. LayoutInflater mInflater TextView tv1 tv CheckBox cb String gen private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates CheckBoxAdapter MainActivity context String genres super context 0 genres mCheckStates.. mInflater TextView tv1 tv CheckBox cb String gen private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates CheckBoxAdapter MainActivity context String genres super context 0 genres mCheckStates new SparseBooleanArray genres.length..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? improve this question Your Custom Adapter must implement CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener Then cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener this Then use the checked state to set text to check box public boolean.. this Then use the checked state to set text to check box public boolean isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void.. isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged..
in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down Then holder.chckbx.setOnCheckedChangeListener this Then public boolean isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void.. isChecked int position return mCheckStates.get position false public void setChecked int position boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put position isChecked public void toggle int position setChecked position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged.. position isChecked position @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked mCheckStates.put Integer buttonView.getTag isChecked Example public class MainActivity extends Activity implements AdapterView.OnItemClickListener..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view public void onClick View v StringBuilder checkedcontacts new StringBuilder System.out.println .............. ma.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i name1.size i if ma.mCheckStates.get i true checkedcontacts.append name1.get i .toString checkedcontacts.append.. new StringBuilder System.out.println .............. ma.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i name1.size i if ma.mCheckStates.get i true checkedcontacts.append name1.get i .toString checkedcontacts.append n else System.out.println Not Checked........ class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener private SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates LayoutInflater mInflater TextView tv1 tv CheckBox cb MyAdapter mCheckStates new SparseBooleanArray name1.size mInflater..
How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list @Override public void onClick View v StringBuilder checkedContacts new StringBuilder Log.d TAG onClick myAdapter.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i contactName.size i if myAdapter.mCheckStates.get i true checkedContacts.append contactName.get.. new StringBuilder Log.d TAG onClick myAdapter.mCheckStates.size for int i 0 i contactName.size i if myAdapter.mCheckStates.get i true checkedContacts.append contactName.get i .toString checkedContacts.append n else Log.d TAG No OnClick contactName.get.. contacts.this checkedContacts Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show ArrayList String checkboxArray new ArrayList String myAdapter.mCheckStates listView.getCheckedItemPositions Log.d TAG Sparse myAdapter.mCheckStates for int i 0 i myAdapter.mCheckStates.size i ..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub StringBuilder result new StringBuilder for int i 0 i adapter.mCheckStates.size i if adapter.mCheckStates.get i true result.append app_info i .applicationName result.append n Toast.makeText.. generated method stub StringBuilder result new StringBuilder for int i 0 i adapter.mCheckStates.size i if adapter.mCheckStates.get i true result.append app_info i .applicationName result.append n Toast.makeText MainActivity.this result 1000.. class AppInfoAdapter extends ArrayAdapter AppInfo implements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates Context context int layoutResourceId AppInfo data null public AppInfoAdapter Context context int layoutResourceId AppInfo..
Removing muliple items from listview using Check box in Android ListView lv ArrayAdapter String adapter Button delete ArrayList String data new ArrayList String SparseBooleanArray mCheckStates @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.test..
ListView with CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE using CheckedText in a custom view this question Based on my read of the code the row has to implement Checkable if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position This works for the stock row layouts.. Checkable if mChoiceMode CHOICE_MODE_NONE mCheckStates null if child instanceof Checkable Checkable child .setChecked mCheckStates.get position This works for the stock row layouts for lists with choice mode because the row is a CheckedTextView which..