android Programming Glossary: mbtadapter
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android access to bluetooth functionality. BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter null socket represents the open connection. BluetoothSocket.. their MAC. If not then do it. if mBTDevice null mBTDevice mBTAdapter.getRemoteDevice mPeerMAC Make an RFCOMM binding. try mBTSocket..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android class BluetoothPrint extends Activity BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null Dialog dialogProgress String.. Qty 2.0 n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new Dialog.. dialogProgress new Dialog BluetoothPrint.this try if mBTAdapter.isDiscovering mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery else mBTAdapter.startDiscovery..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android EDIT Adding code for connect bluetooth adapter which provides access to bluetooth functionality. BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter null socket represents the open connection. BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null device represents the peer BluetoothDevice mBTDevice.. make sure peer is defined as a valid device based on their MAC. If not then do it. if mBTDevice null mBTDevice mBTAdapter.getRemoteDevice mPeerMAC Make an RFCOMM binding. try mBTSocket mBTDevice.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID_RFCOMM_GENERIC..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast public class BluetoothPrint extends Activity BluetoothAdapter mBTAdapter BluetoothSocket mBTSocket null Dialog dialogProgress String BILL TRANS_ID String PRINTER_MAC_ID final String ERROR_MESSAGE.. 04 08 2011 n BILL BILL BILL BILL n n BILL BILL Total Qty 2.0 n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new Dialog BluetoothPrint.this try if mBTAdapter.isDiscovering mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery.. n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new Dialog BluetoothPrint.this try if mBTAdapter.isDiscovering mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery else mBTAdapter.startDiscovery catch Exception e Log.e Class My Exe e System.out.println..