android Programming Glossary: mbitmap
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button to the new activity look here. In short you could add an mBitmap variable to SaveData and pass it along to CheckData . For this.. SaveData.this CheckData.class intent.putExtra bitmapData mBitmap startActivity intent break And in onActivityResult add this.. intent break And in onActivityResult add this at the end mBitmap bitmap In CheckData.onCreate Bitmap bmp getIntent .getExtras..
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception extends View private Paint paint private Path path Bitmap mBitmap ProgressDialog pd final Point p1 new Point Canvas canvas Bitmap.. Paint.Join.ROUND paint.setStrokeWidth 5f mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.paint.. canvas this.paint.setColor Color.GREEN canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 paint @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent..
Android color picker to be included in the activity 0.25f private static final float MAXP 0.75f private Bitmap mBitmap private Canvas mCanvas private Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint.. private Canvas mCanvas private Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint Context context private Paint circlePaint private Path.. DrawingView Context c super c context c mPath new Path mBitmapPaint new Paint Paint.DITHER_FLAG circlePaint new Paint circlePath..
how to get the images from device in android java application RESULT_OK Uri chosenImageUri data.getData Bitmap mBitmap null mBitmap Media.getBitmap this.getContentResolver chosenImageUri.. Uri chosenImageUri data.getData Bitmap mBitmap null mBitmap Media.getBitmap this.getContentResolver chosenImageUri share..
overlay two images in android to set an imageview line. what am I doing wrong private void test Bitmap mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.t Bitmap.. getResources R.drawable.t Bitmap mBitmap2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources Bitmap.. Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap mBitmap.getWidth mBitmap.getHeight mBitmap.getConfig Canvas canvas new..
Android get current time and date
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button can't decode it. For good answers on how to pass the bitmap to the new activity look here. In short you could add an mBitmap variable to SaveData and pass it along to CheckData . For this change the code in SaveData.onClick to case to case Intent intent new Intent SaveData.this CheckData.class intent.putExtra bitmapData mBitmap startActivity intent break And in onActivityResult add this at the end mBitmap bitmap In CheckData.onCreate Bitmap bmp getIntent.. intent.putExtra bitmapData mBitmap startActivity intent break And in onActivityResult add this at the end mBitmap bitmap In CheckData.onCreate Bitmap bmp getIntent .getExtras .get bitmapData if bmp null Certificates testCertificates new..
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception myView drawingLayout.addView myView public class MyView extends View private Paint paint private Path path Bitmap mBitmap ProgressDialog pd final Point p1 new Point Canvas canvas Bitmap mutableBitmap public MyView Context context super context.. context this.paint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE paint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND paint.setStrokeWidth 5f mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.paint .copy Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 true this.path new Path @Override.. @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas this.canvas canvas this.paint.setColor Color.GREEN canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 paint @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event float x event.getX float y event.getY switch event.getAction..
Android color picker to be included in the activity DrawingView extends View private static final float MINP 0.25f private static final float MAXP 0.75f private Bitmap mBitmap private Canvas mCanvas private Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint Context context private Paint circlePaint private Path.. private static final float MAXP 0.75f private Bitmap mBitmap private Canvas mCanvas private Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint Context context private Paint circlePaint private Path circlePath public DrawingView Context c super c context c mPath.. private Paint circlePaint private Path circlePath public DrawingView Context c super c context c mPath new Path mBitmapPaint new Paint Paint.DITHER_FLAG circlePaint new Paint circlePath new Path circlePaint.setAntiAlias true circlePaint.setColor..
how to get the images from device in android java application
overlay two images in android to set an imageview images in my app but they seem to crash at my canvas.setbitmap line. what am I doing wrong private void test Bitmap mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.t Bitmap mBitmap2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources what am I doing wrong private void test Bitmap mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.t Bitmap mBitmap2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap mBitmap.getWidth mBitmap.getHeight.. Bitmap mBitmap2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap mBitmap.getWidth mBitmap.getHeight mBitmap.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas canvas.setBitmap bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap..
Android get current time and date