android Programming Glossary: mbitmap.getwidth
Android: how to warp images? super context setFocusable true mBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.ic_launcher float w mBitmap.getWidth float h mBitmap.getHeight construct our mesh int index 0 for int y 0 y HEIGHT y float fy h y HEIGHT for int x 0 x WIDTH..
overlay two images in android to set an imageview Bitmap mBitmap2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap mBitmap.getWidth mBitmap.getHeight mBitmap.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas canvas.setBitmap bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap mBitmap new Matrix..
How to crop image in android mScale int midX int midPoint.x int midY int midPoint.y HighlightView hv new HighlightView mImageView int width mBitmap.getWidth int height mBitmap.getHeight RectF imageRect new RectF 0 0 width height RectF faceRect new RectF midX midY midX midY faceRect.inset.. if we found no face in the picture. private void makeDefault HighlightView hv new HighlightView mImageView int width mBitmap.getWidth int height mBitmap.getHeight RectF imageRect new RectF 0 0 width height make the default size about 4 5 of the width or.. for faster face detection. private Bitmap prepareBitmap if mBitmap null return null 256 pixels wide is enough. if mBitmap.getWidth 256 mScale 256.0F mBitmap.getWidth Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.setScale mScale mScale Bitmap faceBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap..