android Programming Glossary: maxlength
Android dialog width wrap_content android lines 1 android maxLines 1 android maxLength 48 android inputType text EditText TextView android id @ id.. wrap_content android lines 1 android maxLines 1 android maxLength 48 android inputType text android singleLine true android layout_weight..
Android Word-Wrap EditText text textCapSentences textMultiLine android maxLines 4 android maxLength 2000 android hint @string compose_hint share improve this..
Limit text length of EditText in Android
PreferenceActivity: save value as integer android summary ... android numeric integer android maxLength 2 Is there a way that this configuration value would be saved..
How to keep an alertdialog open after button onclick is fired? android minWidth 180dip android digits 1234567890 android maxLength 4 android password true LinearLayout android layout_width fill_parent..
adjustPan not preventing keyboard from covering EditText textAutoCorrect textCapSentences textMultiLine android maxLength 1000 android hint Type your message... android imeOptions actionSend..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 lines 3 android maxLines 3 android minLines 3 android maxLength 60 android scrollHorizontally false android hint hint android..
Can you set “tab order” in XML Layout? android layout_height 40dip android textSize 14px android maxLength 2 android nextFocusLeft @ id bikeMMT android imeOptions actionNext.. @ id bikeSST android imeOptions actionNext android maxLength 2 android share improve this question Replace android nextFocusLeft..
Android EditText.setError() yields invisible error text layout_height wrap_content android singleLine true android maxLength 32 In some validation code I use Android's EditText.setError..
Soft Keyboard shows up on EditText focus ONLY once wrap_content android layout_centerHorizontal true android maxLength 30 EditText Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks android..
Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible android gravity top android scrollbars vertical android maxLength 132 ImageView android id @ id image_bottom android layout_width..
How to Get EditText maxLength setting in code to Get EditText maxLength setting in code I would like to see the maxLength of an EditText.. maxLength setting in code I would like to see the maxLength of an EditText at run time to be able to make a text display.. to place in the EditText of each row. I have set android maxLength 12 in the XML file. I want to display a number in that EditText..
Android dialog width android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android lines 1 android maxLines 1 android maxLength 48 android inputType text EditText TextView android id @ id t1_prompt_view android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height.. t1_inp android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android lines 1 android maxLines 1 android maxLength 48 android inputType text android singleLine true android layout_weight 1 android entries @array t1_allowed_values Spinner..
Android Word-Wrap EditText text
Limit text length of EditText in Android
PreferenceActivity: save value as integer android key SomeKey android title @string some_title android summary ... android numeric integer android maxLength 2 Is there a way that this configuration value would be saved as integer Seems now it just allows to enter numbers but the..
How to keep an alertdialog open after button onclick is fired? layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android minWidth 180dip android digits 1234567890 android maxLength 4 android password true LinearLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation..
adjustPan not preventing keyboard from covering EditText maxLines 4 android text android inputType textShortMessage textAutoCorrect textCapSentences textMultiLine android maxLength 1000 android hint Type your message... android imeOptions actionSend Button android id @ id sendMessageButton android layout_width..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 layout_marginTop 10dp android layout_marginBottom 0dp android lines 3 android maxLines 3 android minLines 3 android maxLength 60 android scrollHorizontally false android hint hint android gravity top left android textColor #888 android textSize 14dp..
Can you set “tab order” in XML Layout? EditText android id @ id bikeHHT android layout_width 50dip android layout_height 40dip android textSize 14px android maxLength 2 android nextFocusLeft @ id bikeMMT android imeOptions actionNext android layout_column 1 EditText android id @ id bikeMMT.. layout_height 40dip android textSize 14px android nextFocusRight @ id bikeSST android imeOptions actionNext android maxLength 2 android share improve this question Replace android nextFocusLeft by android nextFocusDown . The next soft button..
Android EditText.setError() yields invisible error text id @ id myedit android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android singleLine true android maxLength 32 In some validation code I use Android's EditText.setError to show any validation errors. This works fine in OS 2.x but..
Soft Keyboard shows up on EditText focus ONLY once actionSearch android hint Test Hint android layout_height wrap_content android layout_centerHorizontal true android maxLength 30 EditText Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks android keyboard edittext share improve this question Try..
Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible 5 android maxLines 6 android layout_below @ id txt_header android gravity top android scrollbars vertical android maxLength 132 ImageView android id @ id image_bottom android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..
How to Get EditText maxLength setting in code to Get EditText maxLength setting in code I would like to see the maxLength of an EditText at run time to be able to make a text display decision... to Get EditText maxLength setting in code I would like to see the maxLength of an EditText at run time to be able to make a text display decision. Is that possible Here is a description of what I.. of ArrayAdapter to be able to feed the String that I want to place in the EditText of each row. I have set android maxLength 12 in the XML file. I want to display a number in that EditText field but if the number I want to display has more than..