android Programming Glossary: maxsize
Android GalleryView Recycling the image before you display it. To know how much you need to downsample the bitmap you must first get its size int maxSize 125 make 125 the upper limit on the bitmap size int resId points to bitmap in res drawable BitmapFactory.Options opts new.. we want a 125x125 bitmap we keep 1 out of every 4 pixels which we get from int inSample 500 125 int inSample maxDim maxSize opts new BitmapFactory.Options opts.inSampleSize inSample Now simply decode the resources and we have our down sampled bitmap...
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files msg throw new InterruptedException private static void copyStream InputStream in OutputStream out byte tmpBuf long maxSize throws IOException while maxSize 0 int count int Math.min maxSize tmpBuf.length count tmpBuf 0 count if count 0.. private static void copyStream InputStream in OutputStream out byte tmpBuf long maxSize throws IOException while maxSize 0 int count int Math.min maxSize tmpBuf.length count tmpBuf 0 count if count 0 break out.write tmpBuf 0 count maxSize.. InputStream in OutputStream out byte tmpBuf long maxSize throws IOException while maxSize 0 int count int Math.min maxSize tmpBuf.length count tmpBuf 0 count if count 0 break out.write tmpBuf 0 count maxSize count Sends given response..