android Programming Glossary: maxleft
Android: Scrolling an Imageview image int maxX int bitmapWidth 2 screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final int maxRight maxX final int maxTop maxY 1 final int maxBottom maxY set touchlistener ImageView_BitmapView.setOnTouchListener.. scrollByY int downY currentY scrolling to left side of image pic moving to the right if currentX downX if totalX maxLeft scrollByX 0 if totalX maxLeft totalX totalX scrollByX if totalX maxLeft scrollByX maxLeft totalX scrollByX.. to left side of image pic moving to the right if currentX downX if totalX maxLeft scrollByX 0 if totalX maxLeft totalX totalX scrollByX if totalX maxLeft scrollByX maxLeft totalX scrollByX totalX maxLeft scrolling to right..