android Programming Glossary: maxx
Android: Scrolling an Imageview set maximum scroll amount based on center of image int maxX int bitmapWidth 2 screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2.. 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final int maxRight maxX final int maxTop maxY 1 final int.. scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final int maxRight maxX final int maxTop maxY 1 final int maxBottom maxY set touchlistener..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time final int right getChildAt 0 .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max.. int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate..
Android: Scroller Animation? initialVelocity int initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code.. in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling at initialX velocity is initialVelocity..
Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android final int minY zoomDiff final int maxX mScrollableAreaLimit.right zoomDiff final int maxY mScrollableAreaLimit.bottom.. zoomDiff if x minX x minX else if x maxX x maxX if y minY y minY else if y maxY y maxY super.scrollTo.. zoomDiff if x minX x minX else if x maxX x maxX if y minY y minY else if y maxY y maxY super.scrollTo x y..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview version which stops scrolling at the edges of the image... set maximum scroll amount based on center of image int maxX int bitmapWidth 2 screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final.. maxX int bitmapWidth 2 screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final int maxRight maxX final int maxTop maxY 1 final int maxBottom maxY set touchlistener ImageView_BitmapView.setOnTouchListener.. screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final int maxRight maxX final int maxTop maxY 1 final int maxBottom maxY set touchlistener ImageView_BitmapView.setOnTouchListener new View.OnTouchListener..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time 0 return final int width getWidth getPaddingRight getPaddingLeft final int right getChildAt 0 .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll.. 0 .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate public void customSmoothScrollTo int x int y customSmoothScrollBy..
Android: Scroller Animation? 0 Flinger scroller new Scroller getActivity void start int initialVelocity int initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i.. int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling at initialX velocity is initialVelocity lastX initialX getView .post this public void run..
Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android final int minX mScrollableAreaLimit.left zoomDiff final int minY zoomDiff final int maxX mScrollableAreaLimit.right zoomDiff final int maxY mScrollableAreaLimit.bottom zoomDiff if x minX x minX else if x maxX.. mScrollableAreaLimit.right zoomDiff final int maxY mScrollableAreaLimit.bottom zoomDiff if x minX x minX else if x maxX x maxX if y minY y minY else if y maxY y maxY super.scrollTo x y do callback on listener Another one scrollToMethod.. zoomDiff final int maxY mScrollableAreaLimit.bottom zoomDiff if x minX x minX else if x maxX x maxX if y minY y minY else if y maxY y maxY super.scrollTo x y do callback on listener Another one scrollToMethod public void..