android Programming Glossary: glycaemicindexitemadapter
How to write a custom filter for ListView with ArrayAdapter then backspace to just a 'B' and you should see all 'B's. In my original post you would not have. private class GlycaemicIndexItemAdapter extends ArrayAdapter GlycaemicIndexItem private ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem items private ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem.. new ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem private GlycaemicIndexItemFilter filter private final Object mLock new Object public GlycaemicIndexItemAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId ArrayList GlycaemicIndexItem newItems super context textViewResourceId newItems.. public class GlycaemicIndexAtoZActivity extends ListActivity Called when the activity is first created. private GlycaemicIndexItemAdapter giAdapter private TextWatcher filterTextWatcher private EditText filterText null @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..