android Programming Glossary: gnueabi
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? command will use the Makefile from above ARCH arm CROSS_COMPILE opt CodeSourcery Sourcery_G _Lite bin arm none linux gnueabi make As shown above the cross compiler I had used is from CodeSourcery. And after insmod android_module.ko you can see the..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc compiling static C hello world for Android using arm linux gnueabi gcc I want to build a static hello world from C using arm linux gnueabi gcc as opposed to using the NDK standalone toolchain.. C hello world for Android using arm linux gnueabi gcc I want to build a static hello world from C using arm linux gnueabi gcc as opposed to using the NDK standalone toolchain or Codesourcery for that matter. In Ubuntu... I have done the following.. toolchain or Codesourcery for that matter. In Ubuntu... I have done the following sudo apt get install gcc arm linux gnueabi I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it..