android Programming Glossary: globalvars
Extending Application to share variables globally variables . Here's my application subclass public class GlobalVars extends Application ArrayList Player players new ArrayList Player.. ArrayList String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames.. String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter if im null bCheck.setTag fb_id if GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .isFriendSelected fb_id bCheck.setChecked.. if im null bCheck.setTag fb_id ArrayList String dude GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .getSelectedFriendList if GlobalVars.. mContext.getApplicationContext .getSelectedFriendList if GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .isFriendSelected fb_id bCheck.setChecked..
Extending Application to share variables globally using the scheme explained here Android How to declare global variables . Here's my application subclass public class GlobalVars extends Application ArrayList Player players new ArrayList Player ArrayList String playerNames new ArrayList String public.. ArrayList Player p players p public void setPlayerNames ArrayList String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables. The first.. Player p players p public void setPlayerNames ArrayList String pn playerNames pn And used the code GlobalVars gv GlobalVars getApplicationContext players gv.getPlayers playerNames gv.getPlayerNames To access these variables. The first line there..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter drawable CheckBox bCheck CheckBox v.findViewById if im null bCheck.setTag fb_id if GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .isFriendSelected fb_id bCheck.setChecked true bCheck.setOnClickListener this return v @Override.. drawable CheckBox bCheck CheckBox v.findViewById if im null bCheck.setTag fb_id ArrayList String dude GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .getSelectedFriendList if GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .isFriendSelected fb_id.. null bCheck.setTag fb_id ArrayList String dude GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .getSelectedFriendList if GlobalVars mContext.getApplicationContext .isFriendSelected fb_id bCheck.setChecked true bCheck.setOnClickListener this @Override public..