android Programming Glossary: glitches
Drawing line less than one pixel thick requires anti-aliasing in Android 4.2
Low-latency audio playback on Android buffer. Loads of developers get this wrong and end up with glitches that are unpredictable and hard to debug. Use vector instructions.. not the average because the worst case is what causes the glitches. And be conservative. You already know that if it takes more..
Auto-fit TextView for Android its font according to its size yet never have weird glitches and having the text get too large small compared to its available..
Why does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening? sometimes not always. That is when I start to open it it glitches and freezes with about 4 millimeters open and always the same..
Sharing data between tabs data between tabs I am getting some glitches while making a tab enabled application. I want to share data..
Android: Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances? seem to play fine. Testing on HTC Desire 1.1ghz OC. I get glitches with the threading sometimes though. Occasionally if all four..
What's the purpose of startManagingCursor? operations are done off the main thread so there are not glitches in your UI interactions and animations and can propagate existing..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping once you get to 1 000 000th page you will see graphical glitches when scrolling but this is typically not a real world use case...
Drawing line less than one pixel thick requires anti-aliasing in Android 4.2
Low-latency audio playback on Android free structure such as a single reader single writer ring buffer. Loads of developers get this wrong and end up with glitches that are unpredictable and hard to debug. Use vector instructions such as NEON SSE or whatever the equivalent instruction.. remember that you need to know the worst case performance not the average because the worst case is what causes the glitches. And be conservative. You already know that if it takes more time to process your audio than it does to play it you'll never..
Auto-fit TextView for Android one that has just a constant number of lines of text and adjusts its font according to its size yet never have weird glitches and having the text get too large small compared to its available space. android textview font size layoutparams share..
Why does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening? to open the drawer and only when opening and only happens sometimes not always. That is when I start to open it it glitches and freezes with about 4 millimeters open and always the same distance. It then would not continue opening nor close back..
Sharing data between tabs data between tabs I am getting some glitches while making a tab enabled application. I want to share data between two tabs of my application. How can I achieve the same..
Android: Mixing multiple AudioTrack instances? question I have 4 audioTracks playing at once and they seem to play fine. Testing on HTC Desire 1.1ghz OC. I get glitches with the threading sometimes though. Occasionally if all four are playing one will not stop when I try to join the thread...
What's the purpose of startManagingCursor? to the user experience of your app it ensures that all cursor operations are done off the main thread so there are not glitches in your UI interactions and animations and can propagate existing cursor data across activity instances when an activity..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping to the left from the 'first' page. It doesn't work so well once you get to 1 000 000th page you will see graphical glitches when scrolling but this is typically not a real world use case. I could fix this by resetting the count to a lower number..