android Programming Glossary: goal
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ not working in Android 4.0 The goal is to intercept broadcasts from the headset as well as bluetooth..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service this is not a good solution...
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match mediaCodec.start The final goal is to create an RTP stream and correspond with Skype but so..
How to execute web request in its own thread? the user interface according to the server response. The goal of posting requests and handling data in the background is to..
Android Camera without Preview this function or do you have any suggestion to achieve my goal taking a picture without preview and if so would you give me..
Is there a way to add a badge to an application icon in Android? change it to a 'drawable'. You may achieve your goal by using a widget instead of an icon. Widgets are highly customisable..
Change the background color of the options menu see any way to avoid this and still accomplish the stated goal. However it is possible to do the hack in a careful way that..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites is outlined in the documentation but does not achieve my goal of placing the Login activity at the bottom of the history stack.. activity in the manifest but this does not accomplish my goal either and seems to have no effect anyway . I believe I need..
How to change color of ListView items on focus and on click return rowView listView.setAdapter arrayAdapter My goal is to be able to change the text color and the backgorund of..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? the internet done with I was finally able to acheive the goal. All the credit goes to number of open source projects and their..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? JIT @ Google. When Bill and I started on this project the goal was to deliver a working JIT as soon as possible with minimal..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? to duplicate an SDK sample project into workspace My goal is to duplicate the NotePad sample project such that if I tinker.. files will not be affected. The rational behind this goal is explained very well in bullets 1 2 3 in this post by @Neutrino...
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? performFiltering Or is there a better way to obtain my end goal I've done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android and the location should have X 50 100 meters accuracy. The goal is to later be able to plot the user's path during the day on..
Using MessagePack with Android to something unique run Maven build with the install goal then add the dependency in your Android project with that version.. . If you're not using Maven you have to run the jar goal for Ant with the included build.xml . Replace the msgpack JAR..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions URL but not with the other one What i am looking for My goal is to have a peace of code which can work on Android 2.1 higher...
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work think I should do to make this work I feel so close to the goal. android eclipse scala share improve this question Here..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager the Animation of a Circular ViewPager Goal Build a Circular ViewPager. The first element lets you peak..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu GSM 3gpp Goal NOTE The answer selected generates a GSM 3gpp PDU for CDMA 3gpp2..
Sync Two ScrollView inside of each of two HorizontalScrollView of a TableRow. Goal When I touch drag one of ScrollView another ScrollView must..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? and bottomLeftRadius are swapped My goal Figure 1 The Goal So before I knew about the issue here's what I tried. First..
Stop ScrollView from auto-scrolling to an EditText common problem without a great solution that I have found. Goal is to stop a ScrollView from auto scrolling to an EditText or..
Creating shortcuts in Android via Intent [duplicate] TextView and Button in my Activity HomeActivity.class . Goal When I click on the Button it should create a shortcut with..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall card to the Facebook wall I use the Facebook Android SDK. Goal Create multiple posts in news feed of Facebook logged in user..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ not working in Android 4.0 The goal is to intercept broadcasts from the headset as well as bluetooth eventually to respond to different types of clicks from..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service this is not a good solution. I'm aware that I dropped some of Alex' code considering the..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match 5 mediaCodec.configure mediaFormat null null MediaCodec.CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE mediaCodec.start The final goal is to create an RTP stream and correspond with Skype but so far I am only streaming the raw H264 directly to my desktop...
How to execute web request in its own thread? the background and then handle the received data and modify the user interface according to the server response. The goal of posting requests and handling data in the background is to avoid the freezing of user interface. Currently however I..
Android Camera without Preview a picture too. Do i need to use ipc and bindservice to call this function or do you have any suggestion to achieve my goal taking a picture without preview and if so would you give me a small piece of code as example android service camera ..
Is there a way to add a badge to an application icon in Android? APK once the program is compiled. There is no way to programmatically change it to a 'drawable'. You may achieve your goal by using a widget instead of an icon. Widgets are highly customisable and can do what you want. There's a short discussion..
Change the background color of the options menu as a string not as a Java type . I do not see any way to avoid this and still accomplish the stated goal. However it is possible to do the hack in a careful way that will fall back if
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites Intent flags to FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP which seems to do as is outlined in the documentation but does not achieve my goal of placing the Login activity at the bottom of the history stack and preventing the user from navigating back to previously.. I also tried using android launchMode singleTop for the Login activity in the manifest but this does not accomplish my goal either and seems to have no effect anyway . I believe I need to either clear the history stack or finish all previously..
How to change color of ListView items on focus and on click Risultato item.result result.setText item.hour return rowView listView.setAdapter arrayAdapter My goal is to be able to change the text color and the backgorund of these child views whenever the parent is selected or pressed...
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? of code analysis and searching various implementations on the internet done with I was finally able to acheive the goal. All the credit goes to number of open source projects and their developers. I would like to share this knowledge with all..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? question This is Ben one of the engineers working on the JIT @ Google. When Bill and I started on this project the goal was to deliver a working JIT as soon as possible with minimal impact to resource contention eg memory footprint CPU hijacked..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? to duplicate an SDK sample project into workspace My goal is to duplicate the NotePad sample project such that if I tinker with the source files in order to learn through experimentation.. in order to learn through experimentation the original sample files will not be affected. The rational behind this goal is explained very well in bullets 1 2 3 in this post by @Neutrino. Based on @Neutrino's post I performed the following steps..
How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API? and provide a custom android.widget.Filter that overrides performFiltering Or is there a better way to obtain my end goal I've done something somewhat similar but it was for the Quick Search box and it involved implementing a service but I believe..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android server. The app should conserve as much battery as possible and the location should have X 50 100 meters accuracy. The goal is to later be able to plot the user's path during the day on a map so I need sufficient accuracy for that. Misc What do..
Using MessagePack with Android JAR If you're using Maven change the version in the pom.xml to something unique run Maven build with the install goal then add the dependency in your Android project with that version . If you're not using Maven you have to run the jar goal.. then add the dependency in your Android project with that version . If you're not using Maven you have to run the jar goal for Ant with the included build.xml . Replace the msgpack JAR in your Android project with this one. If you're publishing..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one What i am looking for My goal is to have a peace of code which can work on Android 2.1 higher. This issue is also discussed here 1 Inconsistent 2.2 Media..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work ComputeSum a Int b Int def getResut Int a b What do you think I should do to make this work I feel so close to the goal. android eclipse scala share improve this question Here is the solution to use Android with Eclipse 3.7 and with Scala..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager the Animation of a Circular ViewPager Goal Build a Circular ViewPager. The first element lets you peak to the last element and swipe to it and vice versa. You should..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu GSM 3gpp Goal NOTE The answer selected generates a GSM 3gpp PDU for CDMA 3gpp2 please refer here To create a PDU that can be passed into..
Sync Two ScrollView Two ScrollView Situation I have two ScrollView inside of each of two HorizontalScrollView of a TableRow. Goal When I touch drag one of ScrollView another ScrollView must scroll as much. For instance if I have a list of name on left..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? can I work around Android issue 9161 where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped My goal Figure 1 The Goal So before I knew about the issue here's what I tried. First a base layout LinearLayout android orientation horizontal android..
Stop ScrollView from auto-scrolling to an EditText from auto scrolling to an EditText Seems to be a common problem without a great solution that I have found. Goal is to stop a ScrollView from auto scrolling to an EditText or any view for that matter that has focus. You have a bunch..
Creating shortcuts in Android via Intent [duplicate] Android create shortcuts on the home screen I am having one TextView and Button in my Activity HomeActivity.class . Goal When I click on the Button it should create a shortcut with the default android image as icon and text as entered in the..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall I use the Facebook Android SDK. Goal Create multiple posts in news feed of Facebook logged in user that will contain photo from the Android device its SD card..