android Programming Glossary: gmapv2direction
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination import android.util.Log public class GMapV2Direction public final static String MODE_DRIVING driving public final.. public final static String MODE_WALKING walking public GMapV2Direction public Document getDocument LatLng start LatLng end String mode.. class for your needs for example to draw directions md new GMapV2Direction mMap SupportMapFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment for getting the direction and parsing public class GMapV2Direction public final static String MODE_DRIVING driving public final.. public final static String MODE_WALKING walking public GMapV2Direction public Document getDocument LatLng start LatLng end String mode.. Double.valueOf paramMap.get DESTINATION_LONG GMapV2Direction md new GMapV2Direction Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination import import android.content.Context import android.util.Log public class GMapV2Direction public final static String MODE_DRIVING driving public final static String MODE_WALKING walking public GMapV2Direction public.. GMapV2Direction public final static String MODE_DRIVING driving public final static String MODE_WALKING walking public GMapV2Direction public Document getDocument LatLng start LatLng end String mode String url http maps api directions.. double lng 1E5 poly.add position return poly then use this class for your needs for example to draw directions md new GMapV2Direction mMap SupportMapFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap Document doc md.getDocument sourcePosition..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment but this is how you do it. Create a class that will be responsible for getting the direction and parsing public class GMapV2Direction public final static String MODE_DRIVING driving public final static String MODE_WALKING walking public GMapV2Direction public.. GMapV2Direction public final static String MODE_DRIVING driving public final static String MODE_WALKING walking public GMapV2Direction public Document getDocument LatLng start LatLng end String mode String url http maps api directions.. LatLng toPosition new LatLng Double.valueOf paramMap.get DESTINATION_LAT Double.valueOf paramMap.get DESTINATION_LONG GMapV2Direction md new GMapV2Direction Document doc md.getDocument fromPosition toPosition paramMap.get DIRECTIONS_MODE ArrayList LatLng..