android Programming Glossary: doc.getelementsbytagname
Android set image as wallpaper doc.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList nodeList doc.getElementsByTagName list for int i 0 i nodeList.getLength i Node node nodeList.item..
how can i update view when fragment change? songsList new ArrayList HashMap String String NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_TEST looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination String getDurationText Document doc try NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes.. public int getDurationValue Document doc try NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes.. type type type en.nextElement try NodeList nl1 nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName distance Node node1 nl1.item nl1.getLength 1 NodeList nl2 null..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment public String getDurationText Document doc NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes.. public int getDurationValue Document doc NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes.. public String getDistanceText Document doc NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName distance Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String.. URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String..
Open XML file from res/xml in Android doc.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList animalNodes doc.getElementsByTagName animal Then I can simply create a node push the object into..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s doc db.parse urlConnection.getInputStream if doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .getLength 0 String path doc.getElementsByTagName.. GeometryCollection .getLength 0 String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .item 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getNodeName.. 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getNodeName String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .item 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getFirstChild..
HTTP request for XML file doc.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList nodeList doc.getElementsByTagName eventMetrics for int i 0 i nodeList.getLength i Node node..
NetworkOnMainThread URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName ITEM START loop through all item nodes item for int i 0 i nl.getLength..
Show Progress Dialog Android xmlparser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish NodeList nodes doc.getElementsByTagName result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength i HashMap String String..
Android set image as wallpaper Document doc db.parse new InputSource url_link.openStream doc.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList nodeList doc.getElementsByTagName list for int i 0 i nodeList.getLength i Node node nodeList.item i Element fstElmnt Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName..
how can i update view when fragment change? onPostExecute Document doc ArrayList HashMap String String songsList new ArrayList HashMap String String NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_TEST looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination return doc catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null public String getDurationText Document doc try NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes Node node2 nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 text Log.i DurationText.. return node2.getTextContent catch Exception e return 0 public int getDurationValue Document doc try NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes Node node2 nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 value Log.i DurationValue.. String getDistanceText Document doc while en.hasMoreElements type type type en.nextElement try NodeList nl1 nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName distance Node node1 nl1.item nl1.getLength 1 NodeList nl2 null nl2 node1.getChildNodes Node node2 nl2.item getNodeIndex..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment in return doc catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null public String getDurationText Document doc NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes Node node2 nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 text Log.i DurationText.. DurationText node2.getTextContent return node2.getTextContent public int getDurationValue Document doc NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName duration Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes Node node2 nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 value Log.i DurationValue.. return Integer.parseInt node2.getTextContent public String getDistanceText Document doc NodeList nl1 doc.getElementsByTagName distance Node node1 nl1.item 0 NodeList nl2 node1.getChildNodes Node node2 nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 text Log.i DistanceText..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing http 8080 MySite xml String xml parser.getXmlFromUrl URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item.. in this part of the code String xml parser.getXmlFromUrl URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item..
Open XML file from res/xml in Android Document doc dBuilder.parse fXmlFile doc.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList animalNodes doc.getElementsByTagName animal Then I can simply create a node push the object into a ListArray then do what I want with the objects as I loop through..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s DocumentBuilder db dbf.newDocumentBuilder doc db.parse urlConnection.getInputStream if doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .getLength 0 String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .item 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild.. doc db.parse urlConnection.getInputStream if doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .getLength 0 String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .item 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getNodeName String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection.. String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .item 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getNodeName String path doc.getElementsByTagName GeometryCollection .item 0 .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getFirstChild .getNodeValue Log.d xxx path path String pairs path.split..
HTTP request for XML file responsePost.getEntity Document doc db.parse responseXml doc.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList nodeList doc.getElementsByTagName eventMetrics for int i 0 i nodeList.getLength i Node node nodeList.item i Element fstElmnt Element node NodeList nameList..
NetworkOnMainThread xmlparser parser new xmlparser String xml parser.getXmlFromUrl URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName ITEM START loop through all item nodes item for int i 0 i nl.getLength i lets create our HASHMAP feeds items into our ArrayList..
Show Progress Dialog Android doc if numResults 0 Toast.makeText Tab1Activity.this Testing xmlparser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish NodeList nodes doc.getElementsByTagName result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nodes.item..