android Programming Glossary: document.getelementsbytagname
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) mySession 1 view.loadUrl javascript console.log 'MAGIC' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML mWebView.loadUrl http So..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview js var _ytrp_html5_video_last js var _ytrp_html5_video document.getElementsByTagName 'video' 0 js if _ytrp_html5_video undefined _ytrp_html5_video..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done 'paginator' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'ul' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'tr'.. document.getElementsByTagName 'ul' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'tr' 0 .style.display 'none' I've set webview visibility to..
Android Web Scraping with a Headless Browser javascript window.HtmlViewer.showHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' webView.loadUrl StartURL ParseHtml..
How do I get the web page contents from a WebView? to get the contents webview.loadUrl javascript function document.getElementsByTagName 'body' 0 .style.color 'red' android share improve this.. javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' load a web page browser.loadUrl..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView javascript window.HTMLOUT.showHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' Pattern pattern Pattern.compile..
Android not respecting metatag removal? document .ready function function initMeta var headID document.getElementsByTagName head 0 var metaNode document.createElement 'meta'
is it possible to access HTML form data POSTed through a WebView? .addEventListener 'submit' parseForm false var inputs document.getElementsByTagName 'input' for var i 0 i inputs.length i if inputs i .getAttribute..
ANDROID: Parsing XML document.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList lineNodes document.getElementsByTagName line I'm not sure what to do next. My code seems quite long..
Android webview, loading javascript file in assets folder android_asset jstest.js' script.onload function test document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 .appendChild script I know the javascript here works..
how to get html content from a webview? javascript window.HTMLOUT.showHTML ' html ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' html ' txtcode TextView findViewById javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings.. javascript window.HtmlViewer.showHTML ' html ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' html ' webview.loadUrl http android..
android - get Text out of webview view.loadUrl javascript window.INTERFACE.processContent document.getElementsByTagName 'body' 0 .innerText webView.loadUrl http
Maximum length of Intent putExtra method? (Force close) WebView view String address if address.indexOf mySession 1 view.loadUrl javascript console.log 'MAGIC' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML mWebView.loadUrl http So in the onConsoleMessage method I just pass the html code to..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview and notifies the Javascript interface String js javascript js var _ytrp_html5_video_last js var _ytrp_html5_video document.getElementsByTagName 'video' 0 js if _ytrp_html5_video undefined _ytrp_html5_video _ytrp_html5_video_last js _ytrp_html5_video_last _ytrp_html5_video..
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done 'n' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByClassName 'paginator' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'ul' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'tr' 0 .style.display 'none' I've set webview visibility to.. 'paginator' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'ul' 0 .style.display 'none' document.getElementsByTagName 'tr' 0 .style.display 'none' I've set webview visibility to INVISIBLE How can I set visibility to VISIBLE after the JavaScript..
Android Web Scraping with a Headless Browser void onPageFinished WebView view String url Load HTML webView.loadUrl javascript window.HtmlViewer.showHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' webView.loadUrl StartURL ParseHtml jInterface.html public class MyJavaScriptInterface private..
How do I get the web page contents from a WebView? what is the appropriate JavaScript to put in this call to get the contents webview.loadUrl javascript function document.getElementsByTagName 'body' 0 .style.color 'red' android share improve this question I know this is a late answer but I found this question.. JavaScript into the page which just finished loading. browser.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' load a web page browser.loadUrl http files jsexamples gethtml.html share improve..
Is it possible to get the HTML code from WebView JavaScript into the page which just finished loading. webview.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.showHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' Pattern pattern Pattern.compile h2 Winning Sc. h2 div . br Pattern.DOTALL Matcher matcher..
Android not respecting metatag removal? default viewport through javascript script type text javascript document .ready function function initMeta var headID document.getElementsByTagName head 0 var metaNode document.createElement 'meta' 'viewport' metaNode.content 'width device width initial..
is it possible to access HTML form data POSTed through a WebView? document.forms.length form_idx document.forms form_idx .addEventListener 'submit' parseForm false var inputs document.getElementsByTagName 'input' for var i 0 i inputs.length i if inputs i .getAttribute 'type' 'button' inputs i .addEventListener 'click' parseForm..
ANDROID: Parsing XML document documentBuilder.parse inputStream document.getDocumentElement .normalize NodeList lineNodes document.getElementsByTagName line I'm not sure what to do next. My code seems quite long for this. I've googled for better methods but some cleaner code..
Android webview, loading javascript file in assets folder 'type' 'text javascript' script.setAttribute 'src' 'file android_asset jstest.js' script.onload function test document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 .appendChild script I know the javascript here works because the background color actually turns to red but for..
how to get html content from a webview? HTMLOUT wvbrowser.loadUrl http wvbrowser.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.showHTML ' html ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' html ' txtcode TextView findViewById txtcode.addTextChangedListener this btcode ImageButton.. JavaScript into the page which just finished loading. wvbrowser.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' class MyJavaScriptInterface @SuppressWarnings unused public void showHTML String html txtcode.setText.. public void onPageFinished WebView view String url webview.loadUrl javascript window.HtmlViewer.showHTML ' html ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' html ' webview.loadUrl http android in index.php post Common errors and bugs and how..
android - get Text out of webview @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url view.loadUrl javascript window.INTERFACE.processContent document.getElementsByTagName 'body' 0 .innerText webView.loadUrl http Using the following main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..