android Programming Glossary: dm.heightpixels
How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int statusBarOffset dm.heightPixels root.getMeasuredHeight int originalPos new int 2 view.getLocationOnScreen.. dm.widthPixels 2 xDest view.getMeasuredWidth 2 int yDest dm.heightPixels 2 view.getMeasuredHeight 2 statusBarOffset TranslateAnimation..
How do I get the CURRENT orientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_*) of an Android device? .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels int height dm.heightPixels int orientation if the device's natural orientation is portrait..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display the aspect ratio cameraSize getBestPreviewSize parameters dm.heightPixels dm.widthPixels if cameraSize null parameters.setPreviewSize..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches? x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View tempView ... the view you'd..
Android: How can you get framebuffer (screenshot) on rooted device? .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels int height dm.heightPixels int screenshotSize width height ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect..
Android: Showing wrong screen resolution .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels When i tried this code in.. dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels When i tried this code in my Galaxy S phone i got the screen..
Android Rotating MapView .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing final float pBearing mBearing pBearing..
How to get screen size of device? [duplicate] x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen..
How to get the screen size of the device? dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels give me 533 I have HTC Desire and my resolution is 480 x 800.. .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels 320 dip int height dm.heightPixels 533 dip What I needed is the REAL pixels and the calculation..
How to control zoom in webView .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int screenHeight dm.heightPixels Double val new Double screenHeight 40 new Double 1024 val val..
How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int statusBarOffset dm.heightPixels root.getMeasuredHeight int originalPos new int 2 view.getLocationOnScreen originalPos int xDest dm.widthPixels 2 xDest view.getMeasuredWidth.. new int 2 view.getLocationOnScreen originalPos int xDest dm.widthPixels 2 xDest view.getMeasuredWidth 2 int yDest dm.heightPixels 2 view.getMeasuredHeight 2 statusBarOffset TranslateAnimation anim new TranslateAnimation 0 xDest originalPos 0 0 yDest..
How do I get the CURRENT orientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_*) of an Android device? dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels int height dm.heightPixels int orientation if the device's natural orientation is portrait if rotation Surface.ROTATION_0 rotation Surface.ROTATION_180..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display but some devices do not return one for all camera matching the aspect ratio cameraSize getBestPreviewSize parameters dm.heightPixels dm.widthPixels if cameraSize null parameters.setPreviewSize cameraSize.width cameraSize.height mCamera.setParameters parameters..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches?
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow application DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View tempView ... the view you'd like to locate int loc new int 2 tempView.getLocationOnScreen..
Android: How can you get framebuffer (screenshot) on rooted device? dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels int height dm.heightPixels int screenshotSize width height ByteBuffer bb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect screenshotSize 4 bb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder..
Android: Showing wrong screen resolution dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels When i tried this code in my Galaxy S phone i got the screen resolution as 320x533 px.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels When i tried this code in my Galaxy S phone i got the screen resolution as 320x533 px but in reality the Galaxy S got a..
Android Rotating MapView pAttrs final DisplayMetrics dm pContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing final float pBearing mBearing pBearing @Override protected void dispatchDraw final Canvas pCanvas..
How to get screen size of device? [duplicate]
How to get the screen size of the device? new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels give me 533 I have HTC Desire and my resolution is 480 x 800 pixels I know I am stupid and obviously I do something wrong.. dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels 320 dip int height dm.heightPixels 533 dip What I needed is the REAL pixels and the calculation for them is like this int widthPix int Math.ceil dm.widthPixels..
How to control zoom in webView numPages DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int screenHeight dm.heightPixels Double val new Double screenHeight 40 new Double 1024 val val 100d return val.intValue And it works fine but I want to disallow..