

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:12:34

android Programming Glossary: document.getelementbyid

HTML5 video doesnt play with android


when it is pressed. script type text javascript var video document.getElementById 'videoTeaser' var elementToTrigger document.getElementById 'video.. document.getElementById 'videoTeaser' var elementToTrigger document.getElementById 'video teaser' elementToTrigger.addEventListener 'click' function..

stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?)


webView stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString @ document.getElementById image .getAttribute src To get the src directory of the image.. yourWebView.loadUrl javascript function var resultSrc document.getElementById image .getAttribute src window.HTMLOUT.someCallback resultSrc..

Unable to get GPS coordinates using Javascript on browser in Android


p id demo Your coordinates p script var watchID var x document.getElementById demo function getLocation if navigator.geolocation var options..

Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done


Not display the element wb.loadUrl javascript function document.getElementById 'Id' .style.display 'none' Call to a function defined on my..

HTML5 <video> element on Android


type video ogg video And I have this in the JS var video document.getElementById 'video' video.addEventListener 'click' function video.play false..

How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android?


Reposition SW on page scroll Cancel Done buttons events document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById.. 'sw cancel' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw done' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false Add scrolling.. this.swFrame.removeEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .removeEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById..

touchend event doesn't work on Android


attachTouchEvents function attachTouchEvents console document.getElementById console var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener.. console document.getElementById console var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault.. event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord .innerHTML S touch.pageX touch.pageY document.getElementById..

Disabling the context menu on long taps on Android


absorbEvent_ function init preventLongPressMenu document.getElementById 'theimage' script head body onload init img id theimage src..

Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView


language javascript function validClick valid.performClick document.getElementById ok .value J'accepte function refuseClick refuse.performClick.. .value J'accepte function refuseClick refuse.performClick document.getElementById no .value Je refuse script valid and refuse are 2 java objects..

iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser


So here's a better workaround var selectField document.getElementById 'Field10' selectField.addEventListener 'touchstart' 'mousedown'..

Fill fields in webview automatically


String username cristian webview.loadUrl javascript document.getElementById 'username' .value ' username ' So basically what you have to..

HTML5 video doesnt play with android


use javascript addlistener..and trigger the video when it is pressed. script type text javascript var video document.getElementById 'videoTeaser' var elementToTrigger document.getElementById 'video teaser' elementToTrigger.addEventListener 'click' function.. when it is pressed. script type text javascript var video document.getElementById 'videoTeaser' var elementToTrigger document.getElementById 'video teaser' elementToTrigger.addEventListener 'click' function video.play false script Both of the solutions dont..

stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?)


what is Android equivalent In an iOS app I used stringFromJavaScript webView stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString @ document.getElementById image .getAttribute src To get the src directory of the image that was being displayed on the webView. I want to do the..

Unable to get GPS coordinates using Javascript on browser in Android


is DOCTYPE html html body onunload OnUnload onload getLocation p id demo Your coordinates p script var watchID var x document.getElementById demo function getLocation if navigator.geolocation var options maximumAge 600000 timeout 100000 enableHighAccuracy true..

Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done


view String url Inject javascript code to the url given Not display the element wb.loadUrl javascript function document.getElementById 'Id' .style.display 'none' Call to a function defined on my myJavaScriptInterface wb.loadUrl javascript window.CallToAnAndroidFunction.setVisible..

HTML5 <video> element on Android


BigBuck.webm type video webm source src BigBuck.theora.ogv type video ogg video And I have this in the JS var video document.getElementById 'video' video.addEventListener 'click' function video.play false I tested this on a Samsung Galaxy S and it works fine...

How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android?


@@ 164 8 162 6 @@ window.addEventListener 'scroll' this true Reposition SW on page scroll Cancel Done buttons events document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw done' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this.. page scroll Cancel Done buttons events document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw done' .addEventListener 'touchstart' this false Add scrolling to the slots this.swFrame.addEventListener 'touchstart'.. 'translate3d 0 260px 0 ' @@ 191 8 184 6 @@ this.swFrame.removeEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw cancel' .removeEventListener 'touchstart' this false document.getElementById 'sw done' .removeEventListener 'touchstart'..

touchend event doesn't work on Android


document.createTextNode w screen.width x h screen.height attachTouchEvents function attachTouchEvents console document.getElementById console var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var.. x h screen.height attachTouchEvents function attachTouchEvents console document.getElementById console var map document.getElementById map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById.. map map.addEventListener 'touchstart' function event event.preventDefault var touch event.touches 0 document.getElementById touchCoord .innerHTML S touch.pageX touch.pageY document.getElementById touchEvent .innerHTML Touch Start false map.addEventListener..

Disabling the context menu on long taps on Android


absorbEvent_ node.ontouchend absorbEvent_ node.ontouchcancel absorbEvent_ function init preventLongPressMenu document.getElementById 'theimage' script head body onload init img id theimage src http www.google.com logos arthurboyd2010 hp.jpg width 400 body..

Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView


clic to the javascript at the top of my HTML page script language javascript function validClick valid.performClick document.getElementById ok .value J'accepte function refuseClick refuse.performClick document.getElementById no .value Je refuse script valid and.. validClick valid.performClick document.getElementById ok .value J'accepte function refuseClick refuse.performClick document.getElementById no .value Je refuse script valid and refuse are 2 java objects that I passed through the javascript interface to use their..

iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser


the library which might break other desirable iScroll functionality. So here's a better workaround var selectField document.getElementById 'Field10' selectField.addEventListener 'touchstart' 'mousedown' function e e.stopPropagation false That code will allow..

Fill fields in webview automatically


to use java commands ... but instead JavaScript... for instance String username cristian webview.loadUrl javascript document.getElementById 'username' .value ' username ' So basically what you have to do is a big string of JavaScript code that will get those fields..