android Programming Glossary: distribute
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly it is not therefore possible to configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size it is not therefore possible to configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? the OEM need not include it on the ROM they can still distribute it on the Android market. But you can't. A good solution would..
J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE [closed] what platform do you like and how you like freedom in distribute your applications Windows Mobile C or .NET free distribution..
Building a fat jar using maven I'm quite new to maven. I have a code base which I want to distribute as jar. It also have dependency on external jars which I want..
Packaging Android resource files within a distributable Jar file working on some reusable Android code that I would like to distribute to other developers for use within their own applications. The.. have any optimistic news for you. In general you cannot distribute your own package as easily as you would expect. The main problem.. from external xml files. So the ugly hack here would be to distribute your library together with all your resources which user would..
Embed a database in the .apk of a distributed application [Android] a database in the .apk of a distributed application Android My question is I think quite simple but.. and I'm thinking of putting all of it in a database and distribute it in an embeded database with the application in the market...
Differences between Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project but allows the client free rein on the code as it is distributed as source. If I am to create a closed source application that.. that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute to other Android programmers what should I use And can someone..
is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout I have.. I want the 3 buttons to have a fixed width and be evenly distributed across the width of the linear layout. I can manage this by..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column I have been in similar scenarios when I also wanted to distribute the given space equally between two child views but failed to..
unsigned APK can not be installed APK can not be installed I am trying to distribute my application to some people for testing. I have installed..
Android Layout Weight are using fill_parent as the width. The weight is used to distribute the remaining empty space or take away space when the total..
Create an Android Jar library for distribution source be available. I'm looking for a way to build and distribute a closed source library that can be used in other Android projects..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds Hocevar Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document and changing..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] alone in the browser of the desktop or device. You can distribute them like any other program including selling them on the iStore..
Auto increment version code in Android app
How to secure my app against piracy but I want to make it harder for people to pirate it or distribute it illegaly Any ideas experiences comments you can share That.. on the Android Market include leaked source code copied distributed paid apps and re keying. I explain each below and way to solve..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly for the principle of weight as defined in weight. In general it is not therefore possible to configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows or columns ... For complete control over excess space distribution..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size for the principle of weight as defined in weight. In general it is not therefore possible to configure a GridLayout to distribute excess space in non trivial proportions between multiple rows or columns. Some common use cases may nevertheless be accommodated..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? the Market if it is signed by someone else's signature. However the OEM need not include it on the ROM they can still distribute it on the Android market. But you can't. A good solution would be if each vendor signed a small library which then could..
J2ME VS Android VS iPhone VS Symbian VS Windows CE [closed] I edited a bit I think 3 4 platform have a future. But depends what platform do you like and how you like freedom in distribute your applications Windows Mobile C or .NET free distribution just like normal applications or through market You need a..
Building a fat jar using maven a fat jar using maven I'm quite new to maven. I have a code base which I want to distribute as jar. It also have dependency on external jars which I want to bundle in the final jar. I heard that this can be done..
Packaging Android resource files within a distributable Jar file resource files within a distributable Jar file I am working on some reusable Android code that I would like to distribute to other developers for use within their own applications. The code has some resource dependencies layouts xml png drawables.. android resources share improve this question I don't have any optimistic news for you. In general you cannot distribute your own package as easily as you would expect. The main problem is the autogenerated R file. You probably make some references.. But as far as I know you are not able to inflate layouts from external xml files. So the ugly hack here would be to distribute your library together with all your resources which user would have to copy to his res folder. To be honest there is no..
Embed a database in the .apk of a distributed application [Android] a database in the .apk of a distributed application Android My question is I think quite simple but I don't think the answer will be... I have quite a lot of.. of content to have in my application to make it run properly and I'm thinking of putting all of it in a database and distribute it in an embeded database with the application in the market. The only trouble is that I have no idea of how to do that...
Differences between Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project Google API uses it... Android Library Project includes resources but allows the client free rein on the code as it is distributed as source. If I am to create a closed source application that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute.. as source. If I am to create a closed source application that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute to other Android programmers what should I use And can someone direct me to a tutorial on creating an Android Library android..
is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout I have a linear layout oriented horizontally that contains 3 buttons... linear layout oriented horizontally that contains 3 buttons. I want the 3 buttons to have a fixed width and be evenly distributed across the width of the linear layout. I can manage this by setting the gravity of the linearlayout to center and then..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column course keep the android layout_weight as 1 on the child views I have been in similar scenarios when I also wanted to distribute the given space equally between two child views but failed to do so since the child with wider content also became wider..
unsigned APK can not be installed APK can not be installed I am trying to distribute my application to some people for testing. I have installed it on my Desire directly from eclipse and it works fine. To..
Android Layout Weight share improve this question It doesn't work because you are using fill_parent as the width. The weight is used to distribute the remaining empty space or take away space when the total sum is larger than the LinearLayout. Set your widths to 0dip..
Create an Android Jar library for distribution Android Applications as needed. However that requires that source be available. I'm looking for a way to build and distribute a closed source library that can be used in other Android projects like a traditional JAR. This will require usage of the..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 December 2004 Copyright C 2004 Sam Hocevar Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] a bundle of HTML5 JavaScript and CSS files that will run stand alone in the browser of the desktop or device. You can distribute them like any other program including selling them on the iStore for the iPhone. The support for this is patchy at the moment..
Auto increment version code in Android app
How to secure my app against piracy security of my app I know that I can never get it 100 secured but I want to make it harder for people to pirate it or distribute it illegaly Any ideas experiences comments you can share That will be greatly appreciated Best regards android piracy prevention.. essential to its success. The biggest threats agains an app on the Android Market include leaked source code copied distributed paid apps and re keying. I explain each below and way to solve them. Firstly this paper describes how to reverse engineer..