android Programming Glossary: do..
Android Eclipse Plugin: Instrumentation Test Runner not specified tried to run a unit test once that's what I always want to do... Grr android eclipse unit testing junit share improve this..
Android 4.0.3 emulator crashes: Failed to allocate memory: 8 even 256 but it didn't work either... I don't know what to do... Here's a screenshot of the emulator settings window Thanx upfront...
Exact procedure to add “jfeinstein10 / SlidingMenu” in android project now i don't know what to do... please somebody guide me with proper detailed procedure of..
how to detect Android ListView Scrolling stopped? with scrollState 0 ... do what you need to do... setOnScrollListener new OnScrollListener public void onScroll..
launch sms application with an intent in my intent but that's because I don't know how I can do... Thank's android sms android intent share improve this question..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml one of the constructors that takes an AttributeSet you can do... TypedArray arr context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.MyComponent..
Android: make animation from still images days. I would never expect that it would be so easy to do... D I've used both handler and timer to achieve with just an.. to asset directory. Its so simple as it can nothing big to do... I hope it'll be helpful for someone looking to go like this..
Fragment already added IllegalStateException new one. Although that's what replace method was mean to do... But I still guessing why replace method didn't worked fine..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event what I'm doing is the correct way to handle what I want to do... Any other solution is also welcome android fragment android..
Android Eclipse Plugin: Instrumentation Test Runner not specified fu failing me. It's also annoyingly decided that because I tried to run a unit test once that's what I always want to do... Grr android eclipse unit testing junit share improve this question In the Run Configuration you may have Android JUnit..
Android 4.0.3 emulator crashes: Failed to allocate memory: 8 to lower down the RAM size to 800 MB and then 512 MB or even 256 but it didn't work either... I don't know what to do... Here's a screenshot of the emulator settings window Thanx upfront. android android emulator share improve this question..
Exact procedure to add “jfeinstein10 / SlidingMenu” in android project does not match the expected package now i don't know what to do... please somebody guide me with proper detailed procedure of how to integrate and use this library in project. Thanks android..
how to detect Android ListView Scrolling stopped? Try using the setOnScrollListener and implement the onScrollStateChanged with scrollState 0 ... do what you need to do... setOnScrollListener new OnScrollListener public void onScroll AbsListView view int firstVisibleItem int visibleItemCount..
launch sms application with an intent intent so you can see that I put too much things in my intent but that's because I don't know how I can do... Thank's android sms android intent share improve this question To start launch the sms activity all you need is this..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml . If you need to pick anything out of the attributes in one of the constructors that takes an AttributeSet you can do... TypedArray arr context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.MyComponent CharSequence foo_cs arr.getString R.styleable.MyComponent_foo..
Android: make animation from still images problem and the easiest solution I got to go with after so many days. I would never expect that it would be so easy to do... D I've used both handler and timer to achieve with just an image view no flipper no animator nothing else at all... Here..
Fragment already added IllegalStateException been to execute remove of the previous fragment and add the new one. Although that's what replace method was mean to do... But I still guessing why replace method didn't worked fine in this case... is really weird and I want to discard that it..
ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event to add the Fragments EDIT 2 I would like to know whether what I'm doing is the correct way to handle what I want to do... Any other solution is also welcome android fragment android viewpager share improve this question Try this Register..