android Programming Glossary: doc.createelement
How to remove the white spaces between tags in XML DocumentBuilder docBuilder dbfac.newDocumentBuilder Document doc docBuilder.newDocument Element root doc.createElement subscriber doc.appendChild root creating child node for username EditText txtusername EditText findViewById txtusername EditText findViewById subscriber 0 String.valueOf txtusername.getText Element UserName doc.createElement UserName UserName.setTextContent subscriber 0 root.appendChild UserName creating child node for PASSWORD EditText txtPassword.. txtPassword EditText findViewById subscriber 1 String.valueOf txtPassword.getText Element Password doc.createElement Password Password.setTextContent subscriber 1 root.appendChild Password set up a transformer TransformerFactory transfac..
How to append tags in XML in Android? doc docBuilder.newDocument Creating the XML tree create the root element and add it to the document Element root doc.createElement root doc.appendChild root create a comment and put it in the root element Comment comment doc.createComment Just a thought.. Just a thought root.appendChild comment create child element add an attribute and add to root Element child doc.createElement child child.setAttribute name value root.appendChild child add a text element to the child Text text doc.createTextNode..
how to update xml file from another xml file dynamically? traversal.createNodeIterator a NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT null true doc docBuilder.newDocument Element rootElement doc.createElement ScrollView doc.appendChild rootElement for Node n iterator.nextNode n null n iterator.nextNode rootElement.appendChild..