android Programming Glossary: dm
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button extends ListActivity TextView selection DataManipulator dm private DataManipulator DataManipulator protected void onCreate.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.check dm new DataManipulator this LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution have two approaches to get real resolution DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm device_value index dm.widthPixels x m.heightPixels Display display.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm device_value index dm.widthPixels x m.heightPixels Display display getWindowManager..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches? improve this question Use the following DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow the main view of my activity application DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay.. this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View tempView .....
Change language programatically in Android Change locale settings in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics android.content.res.Configuration conf.. language_code.toLowerCase res.updateConfiguration conf dm If you have language specific content you can change that base..
Android: Showing wrong screen resolution of android phones using this code DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels..
Android Rotating MapView pAttrs super pContext pAttrs final DisplayMetrics dm pContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot.. .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing final float.. .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing final float pBearing mBearing..
How to get screen size of device? [duplicate] the height to satisfy your needs. In inches DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi..
How to get the screen size of the device? code is wrong at lest doesn't work for me DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels.. .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels give me 533..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ and send message to third party application in android c2dm0 The sender ID is used in the registration process for c2dm.but.. The sender ID is used in the registration process for c2dm.but there has no receive messages or any register id. there has no receive messages or any register id. file public class Akashc2dmActivity extends Activity..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button 100 out public class CheckData extends ListActivity TextView selection DataManipulator dm private DataManipulator DataManipulator protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.check dm new DataManipulator this LinearLayout layout new LinearLayout this ImageView image new ImageView this DataManipulator new..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution Sensation Real Resolution I have two approaches to get real resolution DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm device_value index dm.widthPixels x m.heightPixels.. approaches to get real resolution DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm device_value index dm.widthPixels x m.heightPixels Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay String widthAndHeight.. resolution DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm device_value index dm.widthPixels x m.heightPixels Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay String widthAndHeight display.getWidth..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches? API for this android screen resolution inches share improve this question Use the following DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double.. this question Use the following DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y.. following DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen inches..
Incorrect Coordinates From getLocationOnScreen/getLocationInWindow of the status notification bar like so View globalView ... the main view of my activity application DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight.. of my activity application DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View tempView ... the view you'd like to locate int loc new int.. application DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics this.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int topOffset dm.heightPixels globalView.getMeasuredHeight View tempView ... the view you'd like to locate int loc new int 2 tempView.getLocationOnScreen..
Change language programatically in Android this again i don't recommend that Resources res context.getResources Change locale settings in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics android.content.res.Configuration conf res.getConfiguration conf.locale new Locale language_code.toLowerCase..
Android: Showing wrong screen resolution wrong screen resolution I was trying to get the screen resolution of android phones using this code DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize.. of android phones using this code DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels When i tried this code in my Galaxy.. using this code DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm str_ScreenSize dm.widthPixels x dm.heightPixels str_ScreenSize dd x dm.heightPixels When i tried this code in my Galaxy S phone i got the..
Android Rotating MapView RotatingLinearLayout final Context pContext final AttributeSet pAttrs super pContext pAttrs final DisplayMetrics dm pContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing.. pAttrs super pContext pAttrs final DisplayMetrics dm pContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing final float pBearing mBearing pBearing @Override protected void dispatchDraw.. pAttrs final DisplayMetrics dm pContext.getResources .getDisplayMetrics mDiagonal int Math.hypot dm.widthPixels dm.heightPixels public void setBearing final float pBearing mBearing pBearing @Override protected void dispatchDraw final Canvas..
How to get screen size of device? [duplicate] display.getHeight Then you can add condition that compares the height to satisfy your needs. In inches DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double.. to satisfy your needs. In inches DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y.. In inches DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm double x Math.pow dm.widthPixels dm.xdpi 2 double y Math.pow dm.heightPixels dm.ydpi 2 double screenInches Math.sqrt x y Log.d debug Screen inches..
How to get the screen size of the device? I need the screen size of the screen in inches. NOTE this code is wrong at lest doesn't work for me DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels.. wrong at lest doesn't work for me DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels give me 533 I have HTC Desire and my resolution is 480 x.. doesn't work for me DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics dm int width dm.widthPixels give me 320 int height dm.heightPixels give me 533 I have HTC Desire and my resolution is 480 x 800 pixels I..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ to retrive Registration id and send message to third party application in android c2dm0 The sender ID is used in the registration process for c2dm.but there has no receive messages or any register id. and send message to third party application in android c2dm0 The sender ID is used in the registration process for c2dm.but there has no receive messages or any register id. file public class Akashc2dmActivity extends.. sender ID is used in the registration process for c2dm.but there has no receive messages or any register id. file public class Akashc2dmActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener Button Register id private..