android Programming Glossary: division
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? in the sharedprefs which is good but then when i run a division operation on them I always get 0 as a result.. Where is the.. int bmi weight height height return bmi java android division share improve this question You're doing integer division... share improve this question You're doing integer division. You need to cast one operand to double . share improve this..
Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android thread and show me the line number of statement where the division by zero occurs. No instead it shows some other method internal.. end in the java class that is responsible for doing the division if you haven't added the jars with the source code of this classes..
Looking for fast image distortion algorithms are defining bulge factor we can just leave out the extra division With only a handful of multiplications and a single real exponentiation..
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? floating point arithmetic in a couple of respects integer division will truncate if the result is not integral integer addition..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? String SqlConnector con String salorg String distch String division Context co this Boolean searchable false TextView tvmc TextView.. distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid DownloadWebPageTask task new.. ' and channel ' distch ' and Name like ' search ' and division ' division ' else c select Kunnr Name Name1 Inco1..
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? print the content of the values I get the values i have entered in the sharedprefs which is good but then when i run a division operation on them I always get 0 as a result.. Where is the error public int computeBMI SharedPreferences customSharedPreference.. CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height return bmi java android division share improve this question You're doing integer division. You need to cast one operand to double . share improve this..
Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android int a 1 0 Now I expect the debugger to halt the thread and show me the line number of statement where the division by zero occurs. No instead it shows some other method internal to the system for which I have no source. To make the matters.. and solve it. If you step to deeply into the code you will end in the java class that is responsible for doing the division if you haven't added the jars with the source code of this classes to your project the debugger isn't able to show you something..
Looking for fast image distortion algorithms this equivalent we should use n 2 instead of n but since we are defining bulge factor we can just leave out the extra division With only a handful of multiplications and a single real exponentiation this is probably the fastest you can hope to get...
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? explained integer arithmetic behaves very differently to floating point arithmetic in a couple of respects integer division will truncate if the result is not integral integer addition subtraction and multiplication will overflow. Both of these..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? convertView Map String String map new TreeMap String String SqlConnector con String salorg String distch String division Context co this Boolean searchable false TextView tvmc TextView tvmn @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. prefName MODE_PRIVATE salorg prefs.getString prefNamesalesorgid distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute new String null ListView lv.. SmtpAddr Telf1 from tb_soldtoparties where salesorg ' salorg ' and channel ' distch ' and Name like ' search ' and division ' division ' else c select Kunnr Name Name1 Inco1 Vwerk SmtpAddr Telf1 from tb_soldtoparties where salesorg..
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? in Java always results in zero 0 The function below gets two values from sharedpreferences weight and height and I use..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) IssuerName CN thawte Primary Root CA OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only OU Certification Services Division O thawte Inc. C US does not match SubjectName CN Thawte SSL CA O Thawte Inc. C US of signing certificate at org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted.. IssuerName CN thawte Primary Root CA OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only OU Certification Services Division O thawte Inc. C US does not match SubjectName CN Thawte SSL CA O Thawte Inc. C US of signing certificate at org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.PKIXCertPathValidatorSpi.engineValidate..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 CA 1 s C US O Thawte Inc. OU Domain Validated SSL CN Thawte DV SSL CA i C US O thawte Inc. OU Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA 2 s C US O thawte Inc. OU Certification Services.. c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA 2 s C US O thawte Inc. OU Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA i C ZA ST Western Cape L Cape Town O Thawte Consulting.. use only CN thawte Primary Root CA i C ZA ST Western Cape L Cape Town O Thawte Consulting cc OU Certification Services Division CN Thawte Premium Server CA emailAddress premium android ssl share improve this question This thread..