android Programming Glossary: dividers
ActionBar Divider Styling in my ActionBar . In the printscreen there are 3 dividers for instance the first one is between the back button and Check..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue the case with the right most tab. I tried to remove the dividers by styling the ActionBar . After playing around with styles.. @null item style But this didn't remove the dividers either. Is there another attribute which overrides these attributes..
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections? some sections I want to generate a Listview that has some dividers between some of the entries like it can be seen in some of the.. consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining the next part of the list and then again some text..
Open-sided Android stroke? This may happen to you also when setting ListView dividers. The simplest workaround is to use a distance of 1px instead..
How to change the divider height of listview dynamically? share improve this question One way would be to make the dividers rows. Set them as not enabled in your isEnabled adapter method... lay out your whole list by implementing onLayout. If the dividers can be empty space it might work to set top or bottom margins..
Android ListView Divider to 2 3 pixels and it usually looks ugly or sloppy For dividers 1px is the correct height if you want a 1 pixel divider and..
Is there a standard way to add dividers between action bar items in Android 3.0? there a standard way to add dividers between action bar items in Android 3.0 I have a slight problem.. bar in my app. I want to be able to have the pixel wide dividers to group action bar items that you see in many of the native.. I'm asking is whether there is a standard way to add item dividers without having to use a menu item with a custom view and in..
how to insert images and text together in list view http view layout resource problems f27 dividers for imageview and textviews in expandable listview t52970.html..
Android GridView draw dividers GridView draw dividers I'd like to know the simplest way to draw dividers between.. draw dividers I'd like to know the simplest way to draw dividers between items currently textviews within a GridView. The only.. combined they look like continuous horizontal and vertical dividers. There is a setDivider for listviews but not gridviews Thanks...
How to style the divider between Ice Cream Sandwich tabs? drawn between the tab icon and the tab title. I hide those dividers because there is not title and a divider would look strange...
Android actionbar sherlok doesn't show divider between the action buttons. I have th style but the dividers are not visible why style name Theme.SherlockCustom parent @style..
ActionBar Divider Styling be that I am having issues with adding a divider between ActionItems in my ActionBar . In the printscreen there are 3 dividers for instance the first one is between the back button and Check In . I customized my ActionBar using the style below. However..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue the left most tab and the edge of the screen. This is not the case with the right most tab. I tried to remove the dividers by styling the ActionBar . After playing around with styles for a little bit it seems like I am able to override attributes.. item name actionBarDivider @null item item name android actionBarDivider @null item style But this didn't remove the dividers either. Is there another attribute which overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android..
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections? to generate a ListView with headers above some sections I want to generate a Listview that has some dividers between some of the entries like it can be seen in some of the property sections. See the example below. I try to generate.. sections. See the example below. I try to generate a List that consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining the next part of the list and then again some text views. How can this be done I thought about creating different..
Open-sided Android stroke? low dips may end in very thin or invisible strokes or distances. This may happen to you also when setting ListView dividers. The simplest workaround is to use a distance of 1px instead of 1dp. This will make the line always visible at all densities...
How to change the divider height of listview dynamically? of doing this android listview height dynamic divider share improve this question One way would be to make the dividers rows. Set them as not enabled in your isEnabled adapter method. I do that for section headers but it is almost the same.. it is almost the same thing. Another way would be to manually lay out your whole list by implementing onLayout. If the dividers can be empty space it might work to set top or bottom margins for the root view of your rows. In xml that would be android..
Android ListView Divider translated which rounds to 0. On some devices that translates to 2 3 pixels and it usually looks ugly or sloppy For dividers 1px is the correct height if you want a 1 pixel divider and is one of the exceptions for the everything should be dip rule...
Is there a standard way to add dividers between action bar items in Android 3.0? there a standard way to add dividers between action bar items in Android 3.0 I have a slight problem trying to customise the look of the action bar in my app... a slight problem trying to customise the look of the action bar in my app. I want to be able to have the pixel wide dividers to group action bar items that you see in many of the native apps e.g. Gmail Calendar . I found a way to do this by adding.. others get pushed into the overflow menu. So I guess what I'm asking is whether there is a standard way to add item dividers without having to use a menu item with a custom view and in a way that doesn't count towards the limit for action bar items..
how to insert images and text together in list view 2011 03 multiple listview and custom listview.html http view layout resource problems f27 dividers for imageview and textviews in expandable listview t52970.html http tag text and image on a listview..
Android GridView draw dividers GridView draw dividers I'd like to know the simplest way to draw dividers between items currently textviews within a GridView. The only way I.. GridView draw dividers I'd like to know the simplest way to draw dividers between items currently textviews within a GridView. The only way I can think of is to draw borders around those textviews.. think of is to draw borders around those textviews so when combined they look like continuous horizontal and vertical dividers. There is a setDivider for listviews but not gridviews Thanks. android gridview border divider share improve this question..
How to style the divider between Ice Cream Sandwich tabs? for the divider between tabs. They only select the divider drawn between the tab icon and the tab title. I hide those dividers because there is not title and a divider would look strange. Update With the answer from Aneal in mind I added a second..
Android actionbar sherlok doesn't show divider I'm using the sherlok actionbar and trying to apply a divider between the action buttons. I have th style but the dividers are not visible why style name Theme.SherlockCustom parent @style Theme.Sherlock.Light item name abBackground @drawable..