android Programming Glossary: dither
Style for android:uiOptions=“splitActionBarWhenNarrow”? android http apk res android android dither true android src @drawable bg_tile android tileMode repeat Here..
How to convert pcm samples in byte array as floating point numbers in the range -1.0 to 1.0 and back? much To eliminate this error you must use something called dither in the conversion from float to int. Again if that's something..
Removing rounded edges of a customized Seekbar? android tileMode repeat android antialias true android dither false android filter false android gravity left android src.. android tileMode repeat android antialias true android dither false android filter false android gravity left clip item layer..
android: quality of the images resized in runtime you get unwanted artifacts. You can also try using the dither options to tell Android to automatically apply dithering which.. the dither options to tell Android to automatically apply dithering which while not perfect can help make things look a bit better...
Is it possible to dither a gradient drawable? it possible to dither a gradient drawable I'm using the following drawable xml version.. android drawables.html#shape_gradient there isn't a dither attribute for a gradient. Is there anything I can do to smooth.. there anything I can do to smooth the gradient Note adding dither true to shape doesn't seem to work. android graphics share..
Tiled drawable sometimes stretches at once for what that's worth. I also tried to add android dither true to that xml since I read somewhere that without it there..
android:dither=“true” does not dither, what's wrong? dither &ldquo true&rdquo does not dither what's wrong I've been trying.. dither &ldquo true&rdquo does not dither what's wrong I've been trying to get android to dither the.. dither what's wrong I've been trying to get android to dither the background image of an activity so far without success...
XML drawable Bitmap tileMode bug? menu_lines_texture android tileMode repeat android dither true item layer list menu_item_pressed.xml layer list xmlns.. menu_lines_texture android tileMode repeat android dither true item layer list Please see the images below of what exactly..
Awful background image quality in Android apk res android android antialias true android dither true android filter true android tileMode repeat android gravity.. But I've tried everything I found so far. Enabled dither antialias tile RGBA_8888 modes... You name it. Does anyone have.. 4 image2 loaded with code1 and code2 in this case the dithering is not really important as both the source and destination..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format which differs from the current window format with no dither applied. However both the decoding format and window format..
Style for android:uiOptions=“splitActionBarWhenNarrow”? bg_actionbar.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 bitmap xmlns android http apk res android android dither true android src @drawable bg_tile android tileMode repeat Here android src @drawable bg_tile is just referencing my bg_tile.png..
How to convert pcm samples in byte array as floating point numbers in the range -1.0 to 1.0 and back? like speech and low dynamic range music it doesn't matter much To eliminate this error you must use something called dither in the conversion from float to int. Again if that's something you care about research it and ask relevant specific questions..
Removing rounded edges of a customized Seekbar? bitmap xmlns android http apk res android android tileMode repeat android antialias true android dither false android filter false android gravity left android src @drawable cover_back item item android id @android id progress.. apk res android android src @drawable cover_front android tileMode repeat android antialias true android dither false android filter false android gravity left clip item layer list Seekbar implementation SeekBar android id @ id seekBar1..
android: quality of the images resized in runtime colour would only do 16 bit colour so there may be times when you get unwanted artifacts. You can also try using the dither options to tell Android to automatically apply dithering which while not perfect can help make things look a bit better...
Is it possible to dither a gradient drawable? it possible to dither a gradient drawable I'm using the following drawable xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 shape xmlns android http of the screen to the very bottom. According to http android drawables.html#shape_gradient there isn't a dither attribute for a gradient. Is there anything I can do to smooth the gradient Note adding dither true to shape doesn't seem.. there isn't a dither attribute for a gradient. Is there anything I can do to smooth the gradient Note adding dither true to shape doesn't seem to work. android graphics share improve this question I wrote the documentation you referenced...
Tiled drawable sometimes stretches stretching instead of tiling it's never been in all of them at once for what that's worth. I also tried to add android dither true to that xml since I read somewhere that without it there might be bugs. That didn't change anything. Has anyone had..
android:dither=“true” does not dither, what's wrong? dither &ldquo true&rdquo does not dither what's wrong I've been trying to get android to dither the background image of an activity.. dither &ldquo true&rdquo does not dither what's wrong I've been trying to get android to dither the background image of an activity so far without success. I have.. dither &ldquo true&rdquo does not dither what's wrong I've been trying to get android to dither the background image of an activity so far without success. I have no clue what's wrong. This is what I did The root element..
XML drawable Bitmap tileMode bug? android angle 90 shape item item bitmap android src @drawable menu_lines_texture android tileMode repeat android dither true item layer list menu_item_pressed.xml layer list xmlns android http apk res android item android.. android angle 90 shape item item bitmap android src @drawable menu_lines_texture android tileMode repeat android dither true item layer list Please see the images below of what exactly I'm talking about. android android layout share improve..
Awful background image quality in Android background_register bitmap xmlns android http apk res android android antialias true android dither true android filter true android tileMode repeat android gravity center android src @drawable background_blue_565 Currently.. a BitmapDrawable which is the actitivy's LinearLayout background. But I've tried everything I found so far. Enabled dither antialias tile RGBA_8888 modes... You name it. Does anyone have a different solution or idea I could try I'd be very grateful... using code1 3 The same image image1 using both code1 and code2 4 image2 loaded with code1 and code2 in this case the dithering is not really important as both the source and destination use 8 bits per color Notice how the resulting artifacts in..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format be rendered incorrectly as if it has been decoded to the format which differs from the current window format with no dither applied. However both the decoding format and window format have been explicitly set BitmapFactory.Options opts new BitmapFactory.Options..