android Programming Glossary: documents
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor into the document. This makes sure that you don't get new documents which triggers the weird editing behavior but it does not retroactively.. editing behavior but it does not retroactively fix older documents with these line endings so if you open them you still get weird.. a new lint check which looks for broken line endings in documents. This runs incrementally so if you edit an XML file which has..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK Drive SDK I've spent the last six hours pouring over documents from Google and I still don't know how to get started with this...
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to Eclipse Workspace So you should.. to Eclipse Workspace So you should now have something like documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock Along with your main project.. ActionBarSherlock Along with your main project maybe documents Android Workspace TestProject 3 Open Android Studio load your..
Is there any example about Spanned and Spannable text and Spannable text object These days I've read API documents around ten times even I'm not certain that I understand correctly...
Display PDF within app on Android? like to add a feature in your android app to view PDF documents I would suggest you to compile and use library within this project..
What is Pending Intent? Pending Intent I am newbie to Android. I read the Android documents. Can anyone tell me what Pending Intent is android share..
How to call SOAP web service in Android All I've been able to find are either very convoluted documents and references to kSoap2 and then some bit about parsing it..
Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android [closed] closed I need a PDF library for manipulating a PDF documents creating PDF image convertinng to PDF and things like that but..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android this question Starting with Android 4.4 you can print documents from a device to a hardware printer via wifi. Android apps can..
Android Microsoft Office Library (.doc, .docx, .xls, .ppt, etc.) share improve this question Since most of the documents we need to display are already hosted on the web we opted to.. google docs viewer . We still have a few locally stored documents though that this approach doesn't work with. For these our solution..
Need a Fragments Example me to a Fragments example that will just give me the xml documents and the java file that I can plug in and play The developer..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase etc. From what I've been reading here and in some other documents this has the problem of getting a db locked exception in case..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? google it but theres no code available to start with the documents say that i should use it if i want to do broadcast internally..
How to setup network on VirtualBox for Android 2.3 must be PC net FAST III From http documents virtualboxhowto I also found the following two things to be..
Android API for Google Drive? or is it possible to use and existing API like the Google Documents list data And if so which URL should be used for listing accessing.. share improve this question You can use the existing Documents List API to access Drive resources they share the same endpoints...
Android Studio error installing Gradle read this log from on Microsoft Windows Windwos Drive Documents and Settings your username .AndroidStudioPreview system log.. 934 283002 INFO ution.rmi.RemoteProcessSupport Unzipping C Documents and Settings Kiki.J.Hu .gradle wrapper dists gradle 1.6 bin.. 1.6 bin 72srdo3a5eb3bic159kar72vok gradle 1.6 to C Documents and Settings Kiki.J.Hu .gradle wrapper dists gradle 1.6 bin..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? Windows XP and AVDs Android Virtual Devices are saved to Documents and Settings user .android by default. Is there any way to change..
key hash for android-facebook app 1 line keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings debug.keystore C OpenSSL..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? sdk windows samples android 7 to C Users androideve Documents NotePad Step 2. Import from copy to workspace 1. Start Eclipse.. Create project from existing source C Users androideve Documents NotePad 3. Delete project from Package Explorer without deleting.. Projects into Workspace Next Browse C Users androideve Documents NotePad Check Copy projects into workspace Finish 5. Delete..
How can I get the MD5 fingerprint from Java's keytool, not only SHA-1? following. Here I copied the debug.keystore file from C Documents and Settings in bin folder C Program Files..
Keytool alias does not exist . Your keystore file can be found at the following path C Documents and Settings username Local Settings Application Data Android.. username Local Settings Application Data Android Or C Documents and Settings username .android Keystore file name is debug.keystore..
Android:Google Maps API Key Signup : MD5 certification key bin keytool.exe list alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings IBM .android debug.keystore storepass android keypass.. bin keytool.exe V list alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings IBM .android debug.keystore storepass android keypass..
Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor fixed such that it no longer introduces these r r sequences into the document. This makes sure that you don't get new documents which triggers the weird editing behavior but it does not retroactively fix older documents with these line endings so if.. that you don't get new documents which triggers the weird editing behavior but it does not retroactively fix older documents with these line endings so if you open them you still get weird editing behavior. 2 Second there's a new lint check which.. them you still get weird editing behavior. 2 Second there's a new lint check which looks for broken line endings in documents. This runs incrementally so if you edit an XML file which has this problem ADT will add an error marker for this problem..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK Open and Save files to from Google Drive SDK I've spent the last six hours pouring over documents from Google and I still don't know how to get started with this. All I want to do is make it so my existing Android app..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock Android Studio workspace. and rename to ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to Eclipse Workspace So you should now have something like documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock.. Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to Eclipse Workspace So you should now have something like documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock Along with your main project maybe documents Android Workspace TestProject 3 Open Android.. So you should now have something like documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock Along with your main project maybe documents Android Workspace TestProject 3 Open Android Studio load your TestProject then goto File Import Module.. . Now navigate..
Is there any example about Spanned and Spannable text Spanned and Spannable text I'm struggling with using EditText and Spannable text object These days I've read API documents around ten times even I'm not certain that I understand correctly. So I'm looking for a kind of example which show me how..
Display PDF within app on Android? it yet android pdf share improve this question If you would like to add a feature in your android app to view PDF documents I would suggest you to compile and use library within this project . I've had the exact same problem as you in the past..
What is Pending Intent? is Pending Intent I am newbie to Android. I read the Android documents. Can anyone tell me what Pending Intent is android share improve this question A PendingIntent is a token that you..
How to call SOAP web service in Android on how to call a standard SOAP WSDL web service with Android. All I've been able to find are either very convoluted documents and references to kSoap2 and then some bit about parsing it all manually with SAX . OK that's fine but it's 2008 so I figured..
Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android [closed] Is there any free PDF library for Android closed I need a PDF library for manipulating a PDF documents creating PDF image convertinng to PDF and things like that but in Android. I tried the android itext port but the library..
Bluetooth and WIFI Printing for Android android printing bluetooth wifi printers share improve this question Starting with Android 4.4 you can print documents from a device to a hardware printer via wifi. Android apps can now print any type of content over Wi Fi or cloud hosted..
Android Microsoft Office Library (.doc, .docx, .xls, .ppt, etc.) they don't already have one java android ms office share improve this question Since most of the documents we need to display are already hosted on the web we opted to use an embedded web view that opens the document using google.. to use an embedded web view that opens the document using google docs viewer . We still have a few locally stored documents though that this approach doesn't work with. For these our solution was to rely on the support of existing apps. After spending..
Need a Fragments Example with and screw up and learn from etc. So can anyone point me to a Fragments example that will just give me the xml documents and the java file that I can plug in and play The developer docs found here http guide topics fundamentals..
Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase I need it and performing the needed operations query insert etc. From what I've been reading here and in some other documents this has the problem of getting a db locked exception in case the db is accessed concurrently so a better approach would..
how to use LocalBroadcastManager? described in google docs and Service broadcast doc i tried to google it but theres no code available to start with the documents say that i should use it if i want to do broadcast internally with in my app's process but i dont know where to look for..
How to setup network on VirtualBox for Android 2.3 more Sound Sound Blaster 16 Network NAT or Bridged the adapter must be PC net FAST III From http documents virtualboxhowto I also found the following two things to be very helpful Disable Mouse Integration under the Machine Menu..
Android API for Google Drive? on Chrome store apps. Will there be an API for Android or is it possible to use and existing API like the Google Documents list data And if so which URL should be used for listing accessing files android google drive sdk share improve this..
Android Studio error installing Gradle gradle android studio share improve this question Please read this log from on Microsoft Windows Windwos Drive Documents and Settings your username .AndroidStudioPreview system log on Mac Linux ~ .AndroidStudioPreview system log and you will.. gradle 1.6 . For example mine 2013 05 17 09 42 16 934 283002 INFO ution.rmi.RemoteProcessSupport Unzipping C Documents and Settings Kiki.J.Hu .gradle wrapper dists gradle 1.6 bin 72srdo3a5eb3bic159kar72vok gradle 1.6 to C Documents.. and Settings Kiki.J.Hu .gradle wrapper dists gradle 1.6 bin 72srdo3a5eb3bic159kar72vok gradle 1.6 to C Documents and Settings Kiki.J.Hu .gradle wrapper dists gradle 1.6 bin 72srdo3a5eb3bic159kar72vok ... Caused by com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.model.ExternalSystemException..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? I've set up the Android SDK and Eclipse on my machine running Windows XP and AVDs Android Virtual Devices are saved to Documents and Settings user .android by default. Is there any way to change this behavior I have all of the other components saved..
key hash for android-facebook app go to that dir in command prompt and run this command in 1 line keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings debug.keystore C OpenSSL bin openssl sha1 binary C OpenSSL bin openssl base64 it will..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? Eclipse. 2. Copy the entire sample folder NotePad from C android sdk windows samples android 7 to C Users androideve Documents NotePad Step 2. Import from copy to workspace 1. Start Eclipse 2. File New Project Android Project Next Create project from.. 1. Start Eclipse 2. File New Project Android Project Next Create project from existing source C Users androideve Documents NotePad 3. Delete project from Package Explorer without deleting its files from disk 4. File Import... General Existing.. deleting its files from disk 4. File Import... General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Browse C Users androideve Documents NotePad Check Copy projects into workspace Finish 5. Delete entire folder C Users androideve Documents NotePad from disk...
How can I get the MD5 fingerprint from Java's keytool, not only SHA-1? I need the debug certificates' MD5 fingerprint. I tried following. Here I copied the debug.keystore file from C Documents and Settings in bin folder C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list alias androiddebugkey keystore..
Keytool alias does not exist keystore file for getting the certificate fingerprint MD5 . Your keystore file can be found at the following path C Documents and Settings username Local Settings Application Data Android Or C Documents and Settings username .android Keystore file.. file can be found at the following path C Documents and Settings username Local Settings Application Data Android Or C Documents and Settings username .android Keystore file name is debug.keystore . Copy the debug.keystore file to some other folder..
Android:Google Maps API Key Signup : MD5 certification key key . I am using this command C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_04 bin keytool.exe list alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings IBM .android debug.keystore storepass android keypass android ` but unable to get MD5 key but I am getting.. share improve this question C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_04 bin keytool.exe V list alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings IBM .android debug.keystore storepass android keypass android Consider your jdk bin path in the first path..