android Programming Glossary: dodraw
How to get total area covered while drawing path on canvas android? mDrawPaint.setMaskFilter mBlur private void doDraw Canvas c c.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 null private float mX mY private..
Live Wallpaper Tutorial I found here . Do the actual drawing stuff private void doDraw Canvas canvas Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? that draws a canvas with bitmaps like this private void doDraw Canvas canvas for int i 0 i 8 i for int j 0 j 9 j for int k.. like to hear that answer... This is the routine that calls doDraw public void run while mRun Canvas c null try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas.. mSurfaceHolder if mMode STATE_RUNNING updateGame doDraw c finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c ..
Cardio graph for android null synchronized mSurfaceHolder doDraw c finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c.. is obtained by calling yourSurfaceView.getHolder and doDraw is where you call canvas.drawPath and all your drawing code...
Android transparent canvas (surfaceview) .addCallback this mThread new ViewThread this public void doDraw Canvas canvas canvas.drawARGB 50 120 120 120 paint.setARGB 255..
How to get total area covered while drawing path on canvas android? BlurMaskFilter mBlur new BlurMaskFilter 10 BlurMaskFilter.Blur.NORMAL mDrawPaint.setMaskFilter mBlur private void doDraw Canvas c c.drawBitmap mBitmap 0 0 null private float mX mY private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE 1 void touch_start..
Live Wallpaper Tutorial I am trying to do the following from a live wallpaper tutorial I found here . Do the actual drawing stuff private void doDraw Canvas canvas Bitmap b BitmapFactory.decodeResource context.getResources IMAGES current canvas.drawColor Color.BLACK canvas.drawBitmap..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? I try to make a simple game. I found and put to use a template that draws a canvas with bitmaps like this private void doDraw Canvas canvas for int i 0 i 8 i for int j 0 j 9 j for int k 0 k 7 k canvas.drawBitmap mBits allBits i j k i 50 k 7 j 50.. topics at stackoverflow I think a lot of people would like to hear that answer... This is the routine that calls doDraw public void run while mRun Canvas c null try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized mSurfaceHolder if mMode STATE_RUNNING.. Canvas c null try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized mSurfaceHolder if mMode STATE_RUNNING updateGame doDraw c finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c android android canvas surfaceview share improve this question..
Cardio graph for android public void run while running Canvas c null try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized mSurfaceHolder doDraw c finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c synchronized this Optional but saves battery life. You may..
Android transparent canvas (surfaceview) attributeSet super context attributeSet getHolder .addCallback this mThread new ViewThread this public void doDraw Canvas canvas canvas.drawARGB 50 120 120 120 paint.setARGB 255 255 0 0 paint.setStrokeWidth 2 int CanvasHeight canvas.getHeight..