android Programming Glossary: deep
How can I use BitmapRegionDecoder code in android 2.2.2 (Froyo)? contain any new dependencies. P.S. I didn't actually dive deep in the code so please correct me if there's anything I overlooked...
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results to another type of low pass filter which doesn't need any deep buffer to operate a simple IIR filter order 1 diff x n y n 1..
How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot? devices can enable a fast boot feature that is more like a deep hibernation and not a real reboot and therefore should not give..
How to capture raw image from android camera but new users beware the conversion of 10 bit to 8 gets deep quickly. If you want a pretty picture use the android picture..
What is the android UI thread stack size limit and how to overcome it? 1373 ... Research points to my view hierarchy being too deep for Android to handle. Indeed using Hierarchy Viewer I can see.. it all depends on how many function calls you have in your deepest nesting and how many variables each function takes etc ... . Each view calls the draw of its children and it goes as deep as your deepest nesting. I would perform empirical tests at..
Closing several android activities simultaneously several Activities until the Activity stack is quite deep. We'd like a button on every Activity that will take you straight.. out how many Activities to close by itself i.e. detect how deep on the stack its own Activity is. android share improve this..
Moving from One activity to next in Android fundamentals in the documentation it is somewhat to deep to just answer this question but it will give you insights in..
Which design patterns are used on Android? Android use EDIT I'm not asking for design patterns used deep in kernel dalvik and so on but about patterns which an application..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? to the singleton instance will go away I'm not really deep into Java's memory model but I suppose that shouldn't happen..
Wake locks android service recurring which does this perfectly but when the phone goes into deep sleep mode the execution stops of this handler stops. Using.. and it works fine. But when I explicitly put the phone in deep sleep mode the handler stops executing. Where do I place the..
OnItemCLickListener not working in listview ANDROID this question I just found solution from here..but by deep clicking... If any row item of list contains focusable or clickable..
Get list of installed android applications is probably what takes the longest I haven't done any real deep inspection on it use this String label String pm.getApplicationLabel..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService management and will only start task when device is not in deep sleep i.e. it can simply miss the time . share improve this..
Setting the background of an Activity an OutOfMemoryError bitmap size exceeds VM budget error deep down in the bowels of setBackgroundResource called from onCreate..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak that this junk is still retained by the button's listener deep down from the GCroot and it will take time for the GC to decide..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss press back go to another activity etc and never have a deep stack then yes you just have a leak. This blog post describes..
Android: Increase call stack size I don't think you're intended to nest layout elements 30 deep like that the simplistic answer is don't do that . Surely there's..
How can I use BitmapRegionDecoder code in android 2.2.2 (Froyo)? and compile it under Froyo as it is external and doesn't contain any new dependencies. P.S. I didn't actually dive deep in the code so please correct me if there's anything I overlooked. Update Source code we need is located in following repositories..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results averaging filter. What I usually do in this case is switch to another type of low pass filter which doesn't need any deep buffer to operate a simple IIR filter order 1 diff x n y n 1 y n y n 1 alpha x n y n 1 alpha diff ...where y is the filtered..
How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot? intent htc reboot share improve this question Some HTC devices can enable a fast boot feature that is more like a deep hibernation and not a real reboot and therefore should not give the BOOT_COMPLETE intent. Also make sure that the app is..
How to capture raw image from android camera on the web regarding color theory which can explain this fully but new users beware the conversion of 10 bit to 8 gets deep quickly. If you want a pretty picture use the android picture capture and not the raw image The format represents the bayer..
What is the android UI thread stack size limit and how to overcome it? 1646 at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw 1373 ... Research points to my view hierarchy being too deep for Android to handle. Indeed using Hierarchy Viewer I can see that my longest nesting is 19 views My app looks somewhat.. accurately. Assuming the stack sizes are as described above it all depends on how many function calls you have in your deepest nesting and how many variables each function takes etc . It seems that the problematic area is when the views are being.. are being drawn starting with android.view.ViewRoot.draw . Each view calls the draw of its children and it goes as deep as your deepest nesting. I would perform empirical tests at least on the devices appearing in all the boundary groups above...
Closing several android activities simultaneously simultaneously In my application you can navigate through several Activities until the Activity stack is quite deep. We'd like a button on every Activity that will take you straight back to the main menu i.e. pop all Activities from the.. swoop. If possible it would be good if the View could work out how many Activities to close by itself i.e. detect how deep on the stack its own Activity is. android share improve this question Have a look at the intent flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP..
Moving from One activity to next in Android of Intent . You can also read the document about application fundamentals in the documentation it is somewhat to deep to just answer this question but it will give you insights in the most important concepts of android. share improve this..
Which design patterns are used on Android? other patterns. What patterns and where in particular does Android use EDIT I'm not asking for design patterns used deep in kernel dalvik and so on but about patterns which an application developer will meet while developing an application...
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? classes when memory gets scarce in which case the only reference to the singleton instance will go away I'm not really deep into Java's memory model but I suppose that shouldn't happen otherwise this common way of implementing singletons wouldn't..
Wake locks android service recurring used a handler in the service . I have implemented this service which does this perfectly but when the phone goes into deep sleep mode the execution stops of this handler stops. Using this answer from the question in SO I managed to use wake locks.. answer from the question in SO I managed to use wake locks and it works fine. But when I explicitly put the phone in deep sleep mode the handler stops executing. Where do I place the wakelock in the service. Code snippet below. public class PlaySound..
OnItemCLickListener not working in listview ANDROID is appreciated.... android android listview share improve this question I just found solution from here..but by deep clicking... If any row item of list contains focusable or clickable view then OnItemClickListener won't work. row item must..
Get list of installed android applications app EDIT Also to get the name and icon for the app which is probably what takes the longest I haven't done any real deep inspection on it use this String label String pm.getApplicationLabel app Drawable icon pm.getApplicationIcon app installedApps..
Difference between AlarmManager and ScheduledExecutorService
Setting the background of an Activity times the application will crash. The resulting log shows an OutOfMemoryError bitmap size exceeds VM budget error deep down in the bowels of setBackgroundResource called from onCreate . Am I doing something wrong here Is there a built in way..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak GC hasn't and can't happen yet if you use MAT you'll see that this junk is still retained by the button's listener deep down from the GCroot and it will take time for the GC to decide whether this junk is eligible and can be GCed. But at the..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss you crashing in the flow where you press back go to an activity press back go to another activity etc and never have a deep stack then yes you just have a leak. This blog post describes how to debug leaks http android 2011..
Android: Increase call stack size
How to share text & image in Google Plus (G+) from android without using Intent? FaceBook Twitter . I get this doc and follow the same process. I have found that we can share via two different like Deep linking Interactive posts and base on that i have to choose DeepLink for sharing. i have reach up to here but when i try.. I have found that we can share via two different like Deep linking Interactive posts and base on that i have to choose DeepLink for sharing. i have reach up to here but when i try to copy and paste that code in my new_project then its not working...
google drive api error 403 Access Not configured Package name com.l2c.grants Certificate fingerprint SHA1 22 22 22 22 22 1A 05 81 22 CB 22 22 06 22 2222C 7B 22 22 Deep Linking Disabled Where is this error occuring is it after the user clicks the link to sign in to google or after they have..
Android: Sleep stages/levels on an Android device? a notion of sleep stages levels on Android From browsing the mailing lists I'm aware that there exist a stage called Deep Sleep . Do execution for all apps halt when device reaches this state If so besides user hitting the power button what else.. sleep share improve this question From browsing the mailing lists I'm aware that there exist a stage called Deep Sleep . Um if you say so. For the rest of us there is awake asleep and off . Do execution for all apps halt when device..
LocationManager returns old cached “Wifi” location with current timestamp
OnLocationChanged callback is never called get it to work on a 2.3 device using the requestSingleUpdate which is available in API 9 and by following the guide A Deep Dive into Location but i need it to work on 2.1 or 2.2 and higher using the old SDK. SO if you have any hints or would like..