android Programming Glossary: defines
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen What's my Size app for Android. Screen size Android defines four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches.. applies to large devices for example large tablets Android defines four generalised screen densities Qualifier Description Nominal..
Launching activities within a tab in Android other activities ie the child activities not the one that defines the TabHost and has access to call setContent java android..
How to parse complex JSON file in android an adapter to store each items R.layout.listview_layout defines the layout of each item SimpleAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? W3C and such which basically means do not do this. Android defines a Uri syntax for describing a generic Intent. There are methods..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? contains a package called android.preference . The package defines classes to implement application preferences UI. To see some..
Start Activity with an animation windowAnimationStyle attribute to some custom style which defines values for activityOpenEnterAnimation taskOpenEnterAnimation.. a new animation style in your styles.xml like this just defines top layer Animation style name Animation the animations must..
log4j support in Android legacy.html#log4j over slf4j bridge. The latter defines the core log4j classes used by typical implementations and bind..
set the absolute position of a view in Android 30 40 params.leftMargin 80 params.topMargin 90 This line defines how params.leftMargin and params.topMargin are interpreted...
Making data persistent in android contains a package called android.preference . The package defines classes to implement application preferences UI. To see some..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] c See res values attrs.xml for the declare styleable that defines Gallery1. TypedArray a obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.Gallery1..
Gallery with folder filter images are grouped so there has to be a parameter that defines to which folder it belongs. Checking the MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns..
Multi-gradient shapes select multiple color stops and the following float array defines where those stops are positioned from 0 to 1 . You can then..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android Note that the ListView has the id @android id list which defines the default ListView a ListActivity can use. public class ListViewDemo..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android you definetely want. android theme @style EmptyActivity defines the way DummyBrightnessActivity looks like to the user and this..
Custom Adapter for List View method. R.layout.itemlistrow which is a XML layout which defines the row of the ListView. check below. xml version 1.0 encoding..
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? id via XML to ensure it remains unique Here values ids.xml defines a custom id xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources item name.. id placeholder an int value of 12 .. Next defines some adds views programmatically via code int placeholderId..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling service public class Event implements Parcelable Cloneable Defines under what Bundle's key architecture events are stored public.. are stored public static final String BUNDLE_KEY ZKEvent Defines which messages are architecture's events public static final.. events public static final int MSG_WHAT 0xDEFECABE Defines a key to store map under a Bundle to put into a Parcel oh yeah..
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox their ID save_button Button findViewById Defines listeners for the buttons save_button.setOnClickListener this..
Android:sound pool and service Toast.makeText this number num Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to bindService private..
how to run the android application in device?
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView void android.widget.ListView.setChoiceMode int choiceMode Defines the choice behavior for the List. By default Lists do not have..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android Android defines screen sizes as Normal Large XLarge etc. It automatically picks between static resources in appropriate folders. I need..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen or ppi ` To determine screen size density quickly please install What's my Size app for Android. Screen size Android defines four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge.. Tab is classified as large larger than 4 inches Extra large applies to large devices for example large tablets Android defines four generalised screen densities Qualifier Description Nominal value ldpi low density 120 ppi mdpi medium density 160 ppi..
Launching activities within a tab in Android Is this possible and how would I go about this from other activities ie the child activities not the one that defines the TabHost and has access to call setContent java android share improve this question It is possible to launch activities..
How to parse complex JSON file in android Instantiating an adapter to store each items R.layout.listview_layout defines the layout of each item SimpleAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter getBaseContext countries return adapter Invoked by the..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? You need to follow the standard rules for URIs via the W3C and such which basically means do not do this. Android defines a Uri syntax for describing a generic Intent. There are methods on Intent for converting to and from this representation..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? storing the activity state in database. Note Android also contains a package called android.preference . The package defines classes to implement application preferences UI. To see some more examples check Android's Data Storage post on developers..
Start Activity with an animation experimentation yielded the following results If I set the windowAnimationStyle attribute to some custom style which defines values for activityOpenEnterAnimation taskOpenEnterAnimation windowEnterAnimation or windowAnimationStyle I can get rid.. project of mine it is basically pretty simple. You define a new animation style in your styles.xml like this just defines top layer Animation style name Animation the animations must have been defined in your anim folder of course style name..
log4j support in Android slf4j android 1.6.1 RC1.jar the log4j over slf4j http legacy.html#log4j over slf4j bridge. The latter defines the core log4j classes used by typical implementations and bind them to the slf4j Android implementation. Once the libraries..
set the absolute position of a view in Android Color.RED params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 80 params.topMargin 90 This line defines how params.leftMargin and params.topMargin are interpreted. In this case 80 90 means 80 90 to the right of the yellow ImageView...
Making data persistent in android storing the activity state in database. Note Android also contains a package called android.preference . The package defines classes to implement application preferences UI. To see some more examples check Android's Data Storage post on developers..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] public ImageAdapter Context c mContext c See res values attrs.xml for the declare styleable that defines Gallery1. TypedArray a obtainStyledAttributes R.styleable.Gallery1 mGalleryItemBackground a.getResourceId R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryItemBackground..
Gallery with folder filter show images taken by camera Viewing Gallery on my 2.1 system images are grouped so there has to be a parameter that defines to which folder it belongs. Checking the MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns I did not a find any column that would define such..
Multi-gradient shapes p.setShaderFactory sf Basically the int array allows you to select multiple color stops and the following float array defines where those stops are positioned from 0 to 1 . You can then as stated just use this as a standard Drawable. Edit Here's..
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android with a button on the top and a list view on the bottom. Note that the ListView has the id @android id list which defines the default ListView a ListActivity can use. public class ListViewDemo extends ListActivity LIST OF ARRAY STRINGS WHICH..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android not available in the list of recently launched apps which you definetely want. android theme @style EmptyActivity defines the way DummyBrightnessActivity looks like to the user and this is where you make it invisible. This is how you define this..
Custom Adapter for List View View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent method. R.layout.itemlistrow which is a XML layout which defines the row of the ListView. check below. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TableLayout xmlns android http
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? via XML or you don't want it to be you can reserve the id via XML to ensure it remains unique Here values ids.xml defines a custom id xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources item name reservedNamedId type id resources Then once the ViewGroup.. lets say our latest build assigned @ id placeholder an int value of 12 .. Next defines some adds views programmatically via code int placeholderId placeholderId 12 returns placeholder which..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling an instance of this object from an application to a remote service public class Event implements Parcelable Cloneable Defines under what Bundle's key architecture events are stored public static final String BUNDLE_KEY ZKEvent Defines which messages.. Cloneable Defines under what Bundle's key architecture events are stored public static final String BUNDLE_KEY ZKEvent Defines which messages are architecture's events public static final int MSG_WHAT 0xDEFECABE Defines a key to store map under a.. String BUNDLE_KEY ZKEvent Defines which messages are architecture's events public static final int MSG_WHAT 0xDEFECABE Defines a key to store map under a Bundle to put into a Parcel oh yeah private static final String MAP_KEY MAP Indicates this event..
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox Initializing the buttons according to their ID save_button Button findViewById Defines listeners for the buttons save_button.setOnClickListener this Cursor mCursor getContacts startManagingCursor mCursor ListAdapter..
Android:sound pool and service the activity performance. int num mService.getRandomNumber Toast.makeText this number num Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Defines callbacks for service binding passed to bindService private ServiceConnection mConnection new ServiceConnection public void..
how to run the android application in device?
Android,how do i Highlight a row in ListView starting at 0 of the data item to be selected. setChoiceMode void android.widget.ListView.setChoiceMode int choiceMode Defines the choice behavior for the List. By default Lists do not have any choice behavior CHOICE_MODE_NONE . By setting the choiceMode..