android Programming Glossary: defaults
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen inches. If you don't set the device density the emulator defaults to low density and always loads ldpi specific resources. Resolution..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? Put the library in the native library path which defaults to libs in your project folder. If you built the native code..
How to install Android Market App on the emulator? files and folders by executing following commands lsy defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE lsy killall Finder..
Why my opengl output differs for various devices? as intended is that as an immediate based renderer it defaults to preserving the buffers whereas Mali does not. From the Khronos..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? canvas new Canvas lookup Paint paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them if reusing a Paint paint.setAntiAlias false..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults to the initially specified text size unless it is too small..
Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog has this one as its parent but that still didn't clear all defaults. So I checked the Android git tree and got the default style..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android android enabled exported etc. attributes... the Android defaults are correct In package com.example..
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? return super.onKeyDown keyCode event I realize Android defaults to the search bar when you type from the home screen but this..
How do I get multiple icons to launch different activities in one application? default all activities share the same task affinity that defaults to main package specified in the manifest. On your settings..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value share improve this question You have to set the defaults first @Override protected void onCreate PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout Try changing the ADB connection timeout. I think it defaults that to 5000ms and I changed mine to 10000ms to get rid of that..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time break if the underlying class changes the field name it defaults back to original scroll implemenation. The call myScroller.startScroll..
Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error Try changing the ADB connection timeout. I think it defaults that to 5000ms and I changed mine to 10000ms to get rid of that..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key If you want to change the layout style of the popup which defaults to @android layout keyboard_popup_keyboard.xml you can specify..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format can be found there Gradient compatibility issue ICS defaults to fewer colors than all the previous versions of Android Awful..
FragmentActivity causing ClassNotFoundException else including the manifest is unchanged from the defaults. Any help is much appreciated Edit Manifest included below xml..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup is ignoring the build path and instead using the ANT defaults. I solved this by removing my jar file from the build path creating..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen display to real size and type in the real screen dimension in inches. If you don't set the device density the emulator defaults to low density and always loads ldpi specific resources. Resolution pixel dimensions will be correct but your density dependent..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? folder on every build then you can use it by the below suggestion. Put the library in the native library path which defaults to libs in your project folder. If you built the native code for the 'armeabi' target then put it under libs armeabi . If..
How to install Android Market App on the emulator? in Utilities and enable the Finder to show hidden system files and folders by executing following commands lsy defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE lsy killall Finder Download system.img http s8eeph3r71ho1lz..
Why my opengl output differs for various devices? GLES2 SDK here The reason the Geforce ULP based nexus 7 works as intended is that as an immediate based renderer it defaults to preserving the buffers whereas Mali does not. From the Khronos EGL specification EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR Specifies the effect..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? default path index of 255 lookup.eraseColor 0xFF000000 Canvas canvas new Canvas lookup Paint paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them if reusing a Paint paint.setAntiAlias false paint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL for int i 0 i paths.size..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview super context attrs initialise private void initialise mTestPaint new Paint mTestPaint.set this.getPaint max size defaults to the initially specified text size unless it is too small Re size the font so the specified text fits in the text box..
Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog DialogWindow style. I tried just making a style that has this one as its parent but that still didn't clear all defaults. So I checked the Android git tree and got the default style and just copy pasted it. This is the one style name Theme.Dialog..
Trying to start a service on boot on Android intent filter receiver you don't need the android enabled exported etc. attributes... the Android defaults are correct In package com.example public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override..
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? return true case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_B Stuff return true etc. return super.onKeyDown keyCode event I realize Android defaults to the search bar when you type from the home screen but this really is just for a very particular use. I don't really expect..
How do I get multiple icons to launch different activities in one application? This is done with the attribute android taskAffinity . By default all activities share the same task affinity that defaults to main package specified in the manifest. On your settings activity you can specify android taskAffinity your.own.package.SettingsTask..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value default value to true android default value checkboxpreference share improve this question You have to set the defaults first @Override protected void onCreate PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues this R.xml.preferences false SharedPreferences..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout android timeout install apk share improve this question Try changing the ADB connection timeout. I think it defaults that to 5000ms and I changed mine to 10000ms to get rid of that problem. If you are in Eclipse you can do this by going..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time field mScroller in HorizontalScrollView. Of course this will break if the underlying class changes the field name it defaults back to original scroll implemenation. The call myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 changes the scroll speed...
Android Failed to install HelloWorld.apk on device (null) Error eclipse android install apk share improve this question Try changing the ADB connection timeout. I think it defaults that to 5000ms and I changed mine to 10000ms to get rid of that problem. If you are in Eclipse you can do this by going..
Android ImageView size not scaling with source image
Creating a SoftKeyboard with Multiple/Alternate characters per key keyHeight 56dp Keyboard Styling the alternate key popup If you want to change the layout style of the popup which defaults to @android layout keyboard_popup_keyboard.xml you can specify a android popupLayout attribute which points to a layout..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format has also been reported in these questions but still no solution can be found there Gradient compatibility issue ICS defaults to fewer colors than all the previous versions of Android Awful background image quality in Android The quistion is how..
FragmentActivity causing ClassNotFoundException savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Everything else including the manifest is unchanged from the defaults. Any help is much appreciated Edit Manifest included below xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup update of the ADT component of Android. It looks like Android is ignoring the build path and instead using the ANT defaults. I solved this by removing my jar file from the build path creating a folder in the root of the app heirarchy alongside..