android Programming Glossary: decoder
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android 1. The Base64 Decoder Get this blazing fast Base64 encode decoder class called MiGBase64. Download it from SourceForge . Create..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeStream() out of memory with a 400KB file with 2MB free heap 18312K 19336K paused 30ms 08 05 21 26 05.283 D skia 2319 decoder decode returned false The size of the file referenced by imgFileName..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds SpeechListener 13268 onEndOfSpeech 12 16 13 50 59.676 I decoder 1461 INFO recognition time wall 2.732 sec user 0.54 sec sys..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match to communicate with Skype I assume I shouldn't change the decoder i.e. the Gstreamer command right Is this to be solved in Android..
Handling large Bitmaps javadoc of which reads If set to true the decoder will return null no bitmap but the out... fields will still..
Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size graphics BitmapFactory.Options.html#inSampleSize Note the decoder will try to fulfill this request but the resulting bitmap may.. Also powers of 2 are often faster easier for the decoder to honor. How should I decode bitmaps from the SD card to get..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery allocate 819840 bytes 07 13 08 38 21.277 DEBUG skia 2133 decoder decode returned false 07 13 08 38 21.287 WARN dalvikvm 2133..
Base64 encoder and decoder encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android.. encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder.. for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64 It seems..
Android decoder->decode returned false for Bitmap download decoder decode returned false for Bitmap download I've started getting.. Bitmap download I've started getting a DEBUG skia xxxx decoder decode returned false issue on a few profile images from Facebook..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget allocate 1550532 bytes 01 06 09 52 27.798 DEBUG skia 17473 decoder decode returned false 01 06 09 52 27.798 DEBUG AndroidRuntime..
How to load tiles from a large bitmap in Android? would for instance do the following BitmapRegionDecoder decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance myStream false Bitmap region.. myStream false Bitmap region decoder.decodeRegion new Rect 10 10 50 50 null Easy share improve..
Is it possible to chop a bitmap to small pieces without loading the entire thing into memory? would for instance do the following BitmapRegionDecoder decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance myStream false Bitmap region.. myStream false Bitmap region decoder.decodeRegion new Rect 10 10 50 50 null Easy share improve..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app and put it in your Android lib folder to include the core decoder in your app. You do not want to include javase . You can look..
display huge Images in Android e1 e1.printStackTrace BitmapRegionDecoder decoder null try decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance istream false.. e1.printStackTrace BitmapRegionDecoder decoder null try decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance istream false catch IOException.. int nw j width k int nh i height k Bitmap bMap decoder.decodeRegion new Rect nw nh nw width k nh height k null iv.setImageBitmap..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android Step 2 Decode the url remove the codes 2B 25 etc create a decoder with the codes http tags ref_urlencode.asp..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android PNG String and generates an image to the sdCard. Let's go 1. The Base64 Decoder Get this blazing fast Base64 encode decoder class called MiGBase64. Download it from SourceForge . Create a folder called 'util' within your project's src folder. Place..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeStream() out of memory with a 400KB file with 2MB free heap 2319 GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 0K 50 free 2710K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 30ms 08 05 21 26 05.283 D skia 2319 decoder decode returned false The size of the file referenced by imgFileName is reported to be 400K on Windows. So why does BitmapFactory.decodeStream..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds not yet detached count 0 12 16 13 50 59.666 I MainActivity SpeechListener 13268 onEndOfSpeech 12 16 13 50 59.676 I decoder 1461 INFO recognition time wall 2.732 sec user 0.54 sec sys 0.08 sec 12 16 13 50 59.686 D MainActivity SpeechListener 13268..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match however I'm no expert in this field . Since the purpose is to communicate with Skype I assume I shouldn't change the decoder i.e. the Gstreamer command right Is this to be solved in Android and if so how Or can this be solved by adding certain RTP..
Handling large Bitmaps in BitmapFactory.Options class one I overlooked named inJustDecodeBounds javadoc of which reads If set to true the decoder will return null no bitmap but the out... fields will still be set allowing the caller to query the bitmap without having..
Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size memory. From http reference android graphics BitmapFactory.Options.html#inSampleSize Note the decoder will try to fulfill this request but the resulting bitmap may have different dimensions that precisely what has been requested... may have different dimensions that precisely what has been requested. Also powers of 2 are often faster easier for the decoder to honor. How should I decode bitmaps from the SD card to get a bitmap of the exact size I need while consuming as little..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery this process. 07 13 08 38 21.266 ERROR 2133 VM won't let us allocate 819840 bytes 07 13 08 38 21.277 DEBUG skia 2133 decoder decode returned false 07 13 08 38 21.287 WARN dalvikvm 2133 threadid 25 thread exiting with uncaught exception group 0x4001b188..
Base64 encoder and decoder encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this.. encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64.. encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64 It seems that this was added in API version 8 or android 2.2 so..
Android decoder->decode returned false for Bitmap download decoder decode returned false for Bitmap download I've started getting a DEBUG skia xxxx decoder decode returned false issue on.. decoder decode returned false for Bitmap download I've started getting a DEBUG skia xxxx decoder decode returned false issue on a few profile images from Facebook that I use in ImageViews. Most work perfectly but every..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget Size 9564KB 01 06 09 52 27.787 ERROR 17473 VM won't let us allocate 1550532 bytes 01 06 09 52 27.798 DEBUG skia 17473 decoder decode returned false 01 06 09 52 27.798 DEBUG AndroidRuntime 17473 Shutting down VM 01 06 09 52 27.798 WARN dalvikvm 17473..
How to load tiles from a large bitmap in Android? that lets you do exactly what you want. You would for instance do the following BitmapRegionDecoder decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance myStream false Bitmap region decoder.decodeRegion new Rect 10 10 50 50 null Easy share..
Is it possible to chop a bitmap to small pieces without loading the entire thing into memory? that lets you do exactly what you want. You would for instance do the following BitmapRegionDecoder decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance myStream false Bitmap region decoder.decodeRegion new Rect 10 10 50 50 null Easy share..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app from the ZXing project. You want to build core.jar from core and put it in your Android lib folder to include the core decoder in your app. You do not want to include javase . You can look to the code in android as it is the source to Barcode Scanner..
display huge Images in Android .openInputStream Uri.fromFile f catch FileNotFoundException e1 e1.printStackTrace BitmapRegionDecoder decoder null try decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance istream false catch IOException e e.printStackTrace int nw j width k.. Uri.fromFile f catch FileNotFoundException e1 e1.printStackTrace BitmapRegionDecoder decoder null try decoder BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance istream false catch IOException e e.printStackTrace int nw j width k int nh i height k.. istream false catch IOException e e.printStackTrace int nw j width k int nh i height k Bitmap bMap decoder.decodeRegion new Rect nw nh nw width k nh height k null iv.setImageBitmap bMap This worked. share improve this answer..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android 252Fvideoplayback ... Step 2 Decode the url remove the codes 2B 25 etc create a decoder with the codes http tags ref_urlencode.asp and use the function Uri.decode url to replace invalid escaped..