android Programming Glossary: decompile
Decompile an APK, modify it and then recompile it APK modify the sources and then recompile it. I can decompile it using dex2jar or apktool it's working great From the jar..
Android - How to decode and decompile any APK file? How to decode and decompile any APK file I'm working for ads. My customers give me some.. these apps will run. My question is How to decode and decompile APK file android decode decompiler apk share improve this.. is How to decode and decompile APK file android decode decompiler apk share improve this question To decompile APK Use APKTool...
How secure are SQLite and SharedPreferences files on Android? world writable if you choose. Wouldn't it be possible to decompile apk file and find encryption key as well in that case That depends..
how to get source file from apk file share improve this question It is possible. You need a decompiler for that. But be careful to consider the legal issues. I use..
Decompiling iOS Objective-C binaries [duplicate] iOS Objective C binaries duplicate Possible Duplicate decompile an app binary to get back to source code I've got an iPhone..
Decompile .smali files on an apk unpack an .apk files. But it only unpacks it and doesn't decompile the .smali file to .java. Is it possible to decompile the .smali.. decompile the .smali file to .java. Is it possible to decompile the .smali to .java. Any help would be much appreciated I really.. apk smali share improve this question No APK Manager decompiles the .dex file into .smali and binary .xml to human readable..
Injecting code into APK code into APK I know you can decompile code using apktool and recompile it again but my question is.. they are wrapping the apk with their own code and once you decompile that apk you see that they have added there own class from the Amazon store I never used it before tonight and decompiled it. You won't find much in the manifest but there's a whole..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation Log.d This is a debug statement are removed. However if I decompile the app at this stage I can still see all the String literals..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile it. How can we protect it. Because an apk is easily decompile completely because i did it myself. So now the question is How.. the Class file directly. So there is no way for hackers to decompile Class files. Currently there are more and more standards and.. 2. Encrypt Class Files To prevent Class files from being decompiled directly many developers will encrypt some key Class files..
Decompile an APK, modify it and then recompile it APK modify it and then recompile it I need to modify an existing APK modify the sources and then recompile it. I can decompile it using dex2jar or apktool it's working great From the jar file I can obtain the java sources using jd gui Then I can modify..
Android - How to decode and decompile any APK file? How to decode and decompile any APK file I'm working for ads. My customers give me some APK files of their Apps. My work is insert ads banners into.. My work is insert ads banners into them. After close ads banners these apps will run. My question is How to decode and decompile APK file android decode decompiler apk share improve this question To decompile APK Use APKTool. Follow this link to.. them. After close ads banners these apps will run. My question is How to decode and decompile APK file android decode decompiler apk share improve this question To decompile APK Use APKTool. Follow this link to learn how APKTool work share improve..
How secure are SQLite and SharedPreferences files on Android? default files are secure. You can make them world readable or world writable if you choose. Wouldn't it be possible to decompile apk file and find encryption key as well in that case That depends on who you are defending against. If you are defending..
how to get source file from apk file source file from .apk file. android android install apk share improve this question It is possible. You need a decompiler for that. But be careful to consider the legal issues. I use Dedexer or dex2jar . Most times there are good results but..
Decompiling iOS Objective-C binaries [duplicate] iOS Objective C binaries duplicate Possible Duplicate decompile an app binary to get back to source code I've got an iPhone iPad application what is kinda interesting. It uses a special..
Decompile .smali files on an apk the nooby questions. I downloaded an apk manager that lets me unpack an .apk files. But it only unpacks it and doesn't decompile the .smali file to .java. Is it possible to decompile the .smali to .java. Any help would be much appreciated I really need.. lets me unpack an .apk files. But it only unpacks it and doesn't decompile the .smali file to .java. Is it possible to decompile the .smali to .java. Any help would be much appreciated I really need it as a reference for my final semester project. .. as a reference for my final semester project. java android apk smali share improve this question No APK Manager decompiles the .dex file into .smali and binary .xml to human readable xml. The sequence based on APK Manager 4.9 is 22 to select..
Injecting code into APK code into APK I know you can decompile code using apktool and recompile it again but my question is how would you be able to inject large amounts of code into.. appstore drm is doing this Im assuming since they say they are wrapping the apk with their own code and once you decompile that apk you see that they have added there own class etc. How are they acheving this android injection apk.. this question Just for the fun of it I downloaded an apk from the Amazon store I never used it before tonight and decompiled it. You won't find much in the manifest but there's a whole folder of Amazon classes inside the smali tree. The mechanisms..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation the ProGuard logs and Android log output that calls such as Log.d This is a debug statement are removed. However if I decompile the app at this stage I can still see all the String literals that were used &mdash i.e. This is a debug statement in this..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile sqlite which contain personal information and we want to protect it. How can we protect it. Because an apk is easily decompile completely because i did it myself. So now the question is How to Secure an apk and also how to protect my database that.. relevant interfaces of the server rather than access to the Class file directly. So there is no way for hackers to decompile Class files. Currently there are more and more standards and protocols services provided through interfaces such as HTTP.. Java programs in stand alone programs are unable to isolate. 2. Encrypt Class Files To prevent Class files from being decompiled directly many developers will encrypt some key Class files such as registration number serial number management and other..