android Programming Glossary: decodepoly
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON points List GeoPoint pointToDraw decodePoly encodedString mMapView.getOverlays .add new MyOverLay pointToDraw.. Exception e e.printStackTrace private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination nl3.item getNodeIndex nl3 points ArrayList LatLng arr decodePoly latNode.getTextContent for int j 0 j arr.size j listGeopoints.add.. nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? jSteps.get k .get polyline .get points List LatLng list decodePoly polyline for int l 0 l list.size l HashMap String String hm.. catch Exception e return routes private List LatLng decodePoly String encoded List LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android String polyline poly.getString points polyz decodePoly polyline catch Exception e return null protected void onPostExecute.. Method to decode polyline points private List LatLng decodePoly String encoded List LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment nl3.item getNodeIndex nl3 points ArrayList LatLng arr decodePoly latNode.getTextContent for int j 0 j arr.size j listGeopoints.add.. nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android overviewPolylines.getString points List LatLng list decodePoly encodedString for int z 0 z list.size 1 z LatLng src list.get.. catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private List LatLng decodePoly String encoded List LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index.. overviewPolylines.getString points List LatLng list decodePoly encodedString for int z 0 z list.size 1 z LatLng src list.get..
android get and parse Google Directions to use it. polyline decoding example private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points List GeoPoint pointToDraw decodePoly encodedString mMapView.getOverlays .add new MyOverLay pointToDraw catch ClientProtocolException e e.printStackTrace catch.. e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination nl2 polyline nl3 locationNode.getChildNodes latNode nl3.item getNodeIndex nl3 points ArrayList LatLng arr decodePoly latNode.getTextContent for int j 0 j arr.size j listGeopoints.add new LatLng arr.get j .latitude arr .get j .longitude.. for int i 0 i nl.getLength i if nl.item i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? k String polyline polyline String JSONObject JSONObject jSteps.get k .get polyline .get points List LatLng list decodePoly polyline for int l 0 l list.size l HashMap String String hm new HashMap String String hm.put lat Double.toString LatLng.. hm routes.add path catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace catch Exception e return routes private List LatLng decodePoly String encoded List LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len int..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android 0 JSONObject poly route.getJSONObject overview_polyline String polyline poly.getString points polyz decodePoly polyline catch Exception e return null protected void onPostExecute String file_url for int i 0 i polyz.size 1 i LatLng.. .width 2 .color Color.RED .geodesic true pDialog.dismiss Method to decode polyline points private List LatLng decodePoly String encoded List LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len ..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment nl2 polyline nl3 locationNode.getChildNodes latNode nl3.item getNodeIndex nl3 points ArrayList LatLng arr decodePoly latNode.getTextContent for int j 0 j arr.size j listGeopoints.add new LatLng arr.get j .latitude arr.get j .longitude.. for int i 0 i nl.getLength i if nl.item i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android routes .getJSONObject overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points List LatLng list decodePoly encodedString for int z 0 z list.size 1 z LatLng src list.get z LatLng dest list.get z 1 line myMap.addPolyline new PolylineOptions.. dest.longitude .width 5 .color Color.BLUE .geodesic true catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private List LatLng decodePoly String encoded List LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len int.. routes .getJSONObject overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points List LatLng list decodePoly encodedString for int z 0 z list.size 1 z LatLng src list.get z LatLng dest list.get z 1 line myMap.addPolyline new PolylineOptions..
android get and parse Google Directions this question I found this example on the web I'll try to use it. polyline decoding example private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len..