android Programming Glossary: decompiled
Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC you get a hacker that gets a hold of your program. I've decompiled my own applications and its scary what I've seen. What if they..
Changing application package name in custom Ant build step actually need to try installing it rather than viewing the decompiled XML android apk aapt share improve this question This is..
Google Cloud Messaging register AUTHENTICATION_FAILED In an attempt to understand the reasons for the error I decompiled Google Play Services jar and compared it with GCM library. It..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code I just Obfuscated my Android code using proguard and then decompiled it. There are a number of strings I would really like to hide.. I would really like to hide from prying eyes. When I decompiled my code the strings were there for everyone to see...and change... are all random numbers but I can't find the R class in the decompiled code. Where is it Foe example I see new SimpleCursorAdapter..
Injecting code into APK from the Amazon store I never used it before tonight and decompiled it. You won't find much in the manifest but there's a whole..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app?
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile 2. Encrypt Class Files To prevent Class files from being decompiled directly many developers will encrypt some key Class files such.. Because native codes are often difficult to be decompiled. Developers can convert the entire application to native codes.. codes. But the obfuscated codes are difficult to be decompiled i.e. the decompiled codes are very difficult to understand therefore..
Android: app licensing, copy protection code from an APK file Most of the identifiers names in the decompiled source code are scrambled a b c... but any solid programmer..
Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC For most good users this might be fine. But imagine you get a hacker that gets a hold of your program. I've decompiled my own applications and its scary what I've seen. What if they get your username password to your database and wreak havoc..
Changing application package name in custom Ant build step the AndroidManifest.xml is wrong. To test this you actually need to try installing it rather than viewing the decompiled XML android apk aapt share improve this question This is the way I do it working target name package resources depends..
Google Cloud Messaging register AUTHENTICATION_FAILED an additional jar which doesn't seem like the right way. In an attempt to understand the reasons for the error I decompiled Google Play Services jar and compared it with GCM library. It turns out they both have a similar method something like void..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code strings in Obfuscated code I just Obfuscated my Android code using proguard and then decompiled it. There are a number of strings I would really like to hide from prying eyes. When I decompiled my code the strings were.. proguard and then decompiled it. There are a number of strings I would really like to hide from prying eyes. When I decompiled my code the strings were there for everyone to see...and change. One of the strings is a URL to my licensing server and.. sort of information Also I noticed that the R class strings are all random numbers but I can't find the R class in the decompiled code. Where is it Foe example I see new SimpleCursorAdapter localActivity 2130903058 localCursor arrayOfString arrayOfInt..
Injecting code into APK this question Just for the fun of it I downloaded an apk from the Amazon store I never used it before tonight and decompiled it. You won't find much in the manifest but there's a whole folder of Amazon classes inside the smali tree. The mechanisms..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app?
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile Java programs in stand alone programs are unable to isolate. 2. Encrypt Class Files To prevent Class files from being decompiled directly many developers will encrypt some key Class files such as registration number serial number management and other.. to native codes is also an effective way to prevent decompilation. Because native codes are often difficult to be decompiled. Developers can convert the entire application to native codes or they can also convert only key modules. If just convert.. codes accomplish the same function semantics with the untreated codes. But the obfuscated codes are difficult to be decompiled i.e. the decompiled codes are very difficult to understand therefore decompile staffs are hard to understand the really..
Android: app licensing, copy protection see all source code in your APKs. Android Getting source code from an APK file Most of the identifiers names in the decompiled source code are scrambled a b c... but any solid programmer can figure out what your app does. Any dishonest party can copy..