android Programming Glossary: decompress
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific) with one method. If I run this code on Android 2.3.4 I can decompress files in Windows using 7Zip if I run this on Android 3 or Samsung.. sure who makes it wrong 7Zip shows archive list but cannot decompress file saying Unsupported compression method . At the same time..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask private Activity activity private boolean result result of decompress. public void unzip String loc Decompress workThread new Decompress.. c nEntries 0 entriesUnzipped 0 Log.v this.toString Exiting decompress constructor. @Override protected void onPreExecute Log.v this.toString..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? fnwfPyLmeVlW w GphA2BQAAAA Then I need to decompress it. Can anybody give me an example and complete the following.. String compressString String input ... private String decompressString String input ... Thanks update According to scessor's.. the following 4 methods. Android and .net compress and decompress methods. These methods are compatible with each other except..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android?
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask a folder using Android's AsyncTask . The class called Decompress is an inner class of Unzip where Unzip itself is a non Activity.. result result of decompress. public void unzip String loc Decompress workThread new Decompress loc activity workThread.execute if.. public void unzip String loc Decompress workThread new Decompress loc activity workThread.execute if unzip operation was successful..
Unzip a zipped file on sd card in Android application @author jon public class Decompress private String _zipFile private String _location public Decompress.. private String _zipFile private String _location public Decompress String zipFile String location _zipFile zipFile _location location.. fin ZipEntry ze null while ze zin.getNextEntry null Log.v Decompress Unzipping ze.getName if ze.isDirectory _dirChecker ze.getName..
Cannot extract file from ZIP archive created on Android (device/OS specific) available . This means that archive is always compressed with one method. If I run this code on Android 2.3.4 I can decompress files in Windows using 7Zip if I run this on Android 3 or Samsung Galaxy Tab not sure who makes it wrong 7Zip shows archive.. 7Zip if I run this on Android 3 or Samsung Galaxy Tab not sure who makes it wrong 7Zip shows archive list but cannot decompress file saying Unsupported compression method . At the same time 7Zip shows Deflate as a compression method on file which means..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask String unzipDest destination file for storing folder. private Activity activity private boolean result result of decompress. public void unzip String loc Decompress workThread new Decompress loc activity workThread.execute if unzip operation was.. Decompress String location Context c loc location mContext c nEntries 0 entriesUnzipped 0 Log.v this.toString Exiting decompress constructor. @Override protected void onPreExecute Log.v this.toString Inside onPreExecute. pd new ProgressDialog mContext..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? 997o7nU4n99 P1xmZAFs9s5K2smeIYCqyB8 fnwfPyLmeVlW w GphA2BQAAAA Then I need to decompress it. Can anybody give me an example and complete the following methods private String compressString String input ... private.. give me an example and complete the following methods private String compressString String input ... private String decompressString String input ... Thanks update According to scessor's answer Now I have the following 4 methods. Android and .net.. ... Thanks update According to scessor's answer Now I have the following 4 methods. Android and .net compress and decompress methods. These methods are compatible with each other except in one case. I mean they are compatible in the first 3 states..
How to get raw preview data from Camera object at least 15 frames per second in Android?
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask can access but not update values AsyncTask I am trying to unzip a folder using Android's AsyncTask . The class called Decompress is an inner class of Unzip where Unzip itself is a non Activity class. The pseudo code is public class Unzip private String.. storing folder. private Activity activity private boolean result result of decompress. public void unzip String loc Decompress workThread new Decompress loc activity workThread.execute if unzip operation was successful display index Class Decompress.. Activity activity private boolean result result of decompress. public void unzip String loc Decompress workThread new Decompress loc activity workThread.execute if unzip operation was successful display index Class Decompress class Decompress extends..
Unzip a zipped file on sd card in Android application import import @author jon public class Decompress private String _zipFile private String _location public Decompress String zipFile String location _zipFile zipFile _location.. @author jon public class Decompress private String _zipFile private String _location public Decompress String zipFile String location _zipFile zipFile _location location _dirChecker public void unzip try FileInputStream fin.. _zipFile ZipInputStream zin new ZipInputStream fin ZipEntry ze null while ze zin.getNextEntry null Log.v Decompress Unzipping ze.getName if ze.isDirectory _dirChecker ze.getName else FileOutputStream fout new FileOutputStream _location..