android Programming Glossary: defaultvalue
Android Preferences: How to load the default values when the user hasn't used the preferences-screen? with the defined preferences. I have set all the android defaultValue for them. When I start my application I need the preferences.. value prefs.getBoolean key false However when android defaultValue true I still get false . So it looks like the defaultValues.. defaultValue true I still get false . So it looks like the defaultValues set in the XML are not used anywhere but when initializing..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? presence of a Y chromosome. android key genderPref android defaultValue male android entries @array genderArray android entryValues.. pulls on you in pounds. android key weightPref android defaultValue 180 android entries @array weightArray android entryValues @array.. of your beer in ounces. android key beerPref android defaultValue 12 android entries @array beerArray android entryValues @array..
change background color of Preference android background #041A37 android defaultValue 5 android key @string Interference_Delay android progressDrawable.. intereference com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference2 android defaultValue 30 android key @string Drop_Delay android progressDrawable @drawable.. android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after..
customize check box preference Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue true android background @drawable android_button Is there any.. Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue true android widgetLayout @layout custom_checkbox Second way..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value key pref_boot_startup android title Auto start android defaultValue true But when I retrieve the preference in code the value is..
custom row in a listPreference? Your Title android summary Your Summary android defaultValue 1 android entries @array yourArray android entryValues @array..
Android SeekBarPreference void onSetInitialValue boolean restoreValue Object defaultValue int temp restoreValue getPersistedInt 25 Integer defaultValue.. int temp restoreValue getPersistedInt 25 Integer defaultValue if restoreValue persistInt temp this.oldValue temp private int..
TimePicker in PreferenceScreen void onSetInitialValue boolean restoreValue Object defaultValue String time null if restoreValue if defaultValue null time.. Object defaultValue String time null if restoreValue if defaultValue null time getPersistedString 00 00 else time getPersistedString.. getPersistedString 00 00 else time getPersistedString defaultValue.toString else time defaultValue.toString lastHour getHour..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment?
Android Preferences: How to load the default values when the user hasn't used the preferences-screen? to let the user set some values. I am feeding it the xml file with the defined preferences. I have set all the android defaultValue for them. When I start my application I need the preferences or if they are not set yet manually I want the default values.. prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this boolean value prefs.getBoolean key false However when android defaultValue true I still get false . So it looks like the defaultValues set in the XML are not used anywhere but when initializing the.. value prefs.getBoolean key false However when android defaultValue true I still get false . So it looks like the defaultValues set in the XML are not used anywhere but when initializing the preferences screen. I don't want to hardcode the default..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? android title Gender android summary Verify or deny the presence of a Y chromosome. android key genderPref android defaultValue male android entries @array genderArray android entryValues @array genderValues ListPreference android title Weight android.. android title Weight android summary How much the planet pulls on you in pounds. android key weightPref android defaultValue 180 android entries @array weightArray android entryValues @array weightValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceCategory android.. ListPreference android title Beer Size android summary The volume of your beer in ounces. android key beerPref android defaultValue 12 android entries @array beerArray android entryValues @array beerValues ListPreference android title Shot Size android..
change background color of Preference android background #041A37 PreferenceCategory com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference android background #041A37 android defaultValue 5 android key @string Interference_Delay android progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds Delay.. @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds Delay until intereference com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference2 android defaultValue 30 android key @string Drop_Delay android progressDrawable @drawable seekbardrawable android title Seconds delay until drop.. android title Seconds delay until drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop CheckBoxPreference android background @drawable..
customize check box preference preference.xml file is CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue true android background @drawable android_button Is there any error in the definition The only change that shows up in.. for the preference CheckBoxPreference android key @string Drop_Option android title Close after call drop android defaultValue true android widgetLayout @layout custom_checkbox Second way is to create a custom theme redefine style for checkbox views..
Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value XML code for my CheckBoxPreference CheckBoxPreference android key pref_boot_startup android title Auto start android defaultValue true But when I retrieve the preference in code the value is false . sharedPreferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences..
custom row in a listPreference? android key yourPref android title Your Title android dialogTitle Your Title android summary Your Summary android defaultValue 1 android entries @array yourArray android entryValues @array yourValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen My xml for..
Android SeekBarPreference ta.getInt index 25 return validateValue dValue @Override protected void onSetInitialValue boolean restoreValue Object defaultValue int temp restoreValue getPersistedInt 25 Integer defaultValue if restoreValue persistInt temp this.oldValue temp private.. void onSetInitialValue boolean restoreValue Object defaultValue int temp restoreValue getPersistedInt 25 Integer defaultValue if restoreValue persistInt temp this.oldValue temp private int validateValue int value if value maximum value maximum else..
TimePicker in PreferenceScreen TypedArray a int index return a.getString index @Override protected void onSetInitialValue boolean restoreValue Object defaultValue String time null if restoreValue if defaultValue null time getPersistedString 00 00 else time getPersistedString defaultValue.toString.. protected void onSetInitialValue boolean restoreValue Object defaultValue String time null if restoreValue if defaultValue null time getPersistedString 00 00 else time getPersistedString defaultValue.toString else time defaultValue.toString.. String time null if restoreValue if defaultValue null time getPersistedString 00 00 else time getPersistedString defaultValue.toString else time defaultValue.toString lastHour getHour time lastMinute getMinute time share improve this answer..
How to transfer some data to another Fragment?