android Programming Glossary: define
Does Android support near real time push notification something close to this using Android APIs. To clarify I define similar as Not an SMS message but some data driven solution..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? components should receive the broadcast first. If you define an android priority attribute on your SMS listening intent filter..
How to programmatically setting style attribute in a view is also such a thing as a StateListDrawable which lets you define different drawables for each state the your Button can be in.. your button to change colour when it's pressed you could define an XML file called res drawable my_button.xml directory like..
Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android in the framework but I need something like this I need to define a layout within other the child layout must implement scrolling..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) fonts and XML layouts Android I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android. As far as I can find..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? in a TextView clickable I have the following TextView defined TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height.. as simple as this Looks like it has to do with the way I define my string resource. This does not work string name txtCredits..
MVC pattern in Android? share improve this question It's already implemented. You define your user interface in various XML files by resolution hardware.. in various XML files by resolution hardware etc. You define your resources in various XML files by locale etc. You extend..
Launch custom android application from android browser integration between your website and your app you can define your own scheme intent filter data android scheme my.special.scheme..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? the data sub element. Basically what you'll need to do is define your own scheme. Something along the lines of intent filter..
How exactly does the android:onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener? . By using the XML attribute you just need to define a method instead of a class so I was wondering if the same can.. just implements the OnClickListener for you when you define the android onClick someMethod attribute. Those two code snippets..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser the android.sax implementation. You have first have to define the XML structure using the RootElement and Element objects... using the android.sax SAX implementation is that you can define the structure of the XML you have to parse and then just add..
How to Start an Application on Startup? Also in your manifest define your service and listen for the boot completed action service.. intent filter receiver Then you need to define the receiver that will get the BOOT_COMPLETED action and start..
Android: How to declare global variables? of the Singleton design pattern so that I do not have to define terms in this answer. I highly encourage skimming the link before..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom myapp R array Since updating to ADT 14 I can no longer.. 23 29 Dex Loader Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom myapp R array 2011 10 23 16 23 29 myProj Conversion to.. format failed Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom myapp R array Similar issues have been reported and I have..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? icon link href css AccordFintech.css rel stylesheet script Define WL namespace. var WL WL WL WLClient configuration variables...
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? LinearLayout Step 2 Define Base container fragment which will be helpful for backtracking.. main class. public class Talk extends Fragment Define global variables over here private ProgressDialog pDialog StaticApiList..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? need a weakreference of the outerclass Using interface. Define a interface in DatePickerFragment . Implement the interface..
Gmail style listview here and other answers. Option 2 Implement it on your own. Define an array list or any work around that keeps indexes of selected..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? of the hello jni sample project LOCAL_PATH call my dir # Define vars for library that will be build statically. include CLEAR_VARS..
Custom event listener on Android app listener addeventlistener share improve this question Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? to Define Callbacks in Android During the most recent google io there..
EditText with number keypad by default, but allowing alphabetic characters improve this question Here is what you are looking for Define your EditText in your xml this way EditText android id @ id..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime XML document under res values attrs.xml and add resources Define the values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml void setFoo String new_foo ... public String getFoo ... 2. Define the attributes in res values attrs.xml so they can be used in..
sliding drawer appear in all activities but instead of drawer I use a created a custom tabbar Define a layout with your drawer like this this is act_layout.xml LinearLayout..
How to save file from website to sdcard to that URL. URLConnection ucon url.openConnection Define InputStreams to read from the URLConnection. InputStream is..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android Looper.prepare setLooper Looper.myLooper Define a listener that responds to location updates LocationListener..
Running Shell commands though java code on Android? a working way to do this for future reference of whoever Define the string String commands sysrw rm data local
Volume change listener? ComponentName broadcastReceiver Define a BroadcastReceiver that handles ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON . The recieved..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask . For testability you can do something like this 1. Define an interface IBusinessDAO 2. Define RealBusinessDAO implements.. something like this 1. Define an interface IBusinessDAO 2. Define RealBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 3. Define MockBusinessDAO.. 2. Define RealBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 3. Define MockBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 4. Call
Does Android support near real time push notification a similar facility or whether it's possible to implement something close to this using Android APIs. To clarify I define similar as Not an SMS message but some data driven solution As real time as is possible Is scalable ie as the server part..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? broadcast &mdash meaning that you can tell the system which components should receive the broadcast first. If you define an android priority attribute on your SMS listening intent filter you will then receive the notification before the native..
How to programmatically setting style attribute in a view . Themes can however be applied programmatically . There is also such a thing as a StateListDrawable which lets you define different drawables for each state the your Button can be in whether focused selected pressed disabled and so on. For example.. selected pressed disabled and so on. For example to get your button to change colour when it's pressed you could define an XML file called res drawable my_button.xml directory like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android..
Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android I read that the any view layout implements this feature in the framework but I need something like this I need to define a layout within other the child layout must implement scrolling vertical horizontal for moving. Initially implemented a..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) fonts and XML layouts Android I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android. As far as I can find out there is no way to specify that your widgets should use..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? do I make links in a TextView clickable I have the following TextView defined TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text @string txtCredits android autoLink.. onClickListener for the TextView in my activity for something as simple as this Looks like it has to do with the way I define my string resource. This does not work string name txtCredits a href http Google a string But this does string..
MVC pattern in Android? implement the MVC pattern for Android java android mvc share improve this question It's already implemented. You define your user interface in various XML files by resolution hardware etc. You define your resources in various XML files by locale.. It's already implemented. You define your user interface in various XML files by resolution hardware etc. You define your resources in various XML files by locale etc. You extend clases like ListActivity TabActivity and make use of the XML..
Launch custom android application from android browser or your application. Of course if you want to provide tight integration between your website and your app you can define your own scheme intent filter data android scheme my.special.scheme action android name android.intent.action.VIEW intent..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? file. Specifically take a look at the documentation for the data sub element. Basically what you'll need to do is define your own scheme. Something along the lines of intent filter data android scheme anton action android name android.intent.action.VIEW..
How exactly does the android:onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener? taste or defining an internal class that implements the OnClickListener . By using the XML attribute you just need to define a method instead of a class so I was wondering if the same can be done via code and not in the XML layout. android onclick.. improve this question No that is not possible via code. Android just implements the OnClickListener for you when you define the android onClick someMethod attribute. Those two code snippets are totally the same but just implemented in two different..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser hander example. android.sax Implementation Let's start with the android.sax implementation. You have first have to define the XML structure using the RootElement and Element objects. In any case I would work with POJOs Plain Old Java Objects.. a very quick example as you can see. The major advantage of using the android.sax SAX implementation is that you can define the structure of the XML you have to parse and then just add an event listener to the appropriate elements. The disadvantage..
How to Start an Application on Startup? in your manifest uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Also in your manifest define your service and listen for the boot completed action service android name .MyService android label My Service intent filter.. intent filter action android name android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED intent filter receiver Then you need to define the receiver that will get the BOOT_COMPLETED action and start your service. public class StartMyServiceAtBootReceiver extends..
Android: How to declare global variables? of concepts best explained in this StackExchange explanation of the Singleton design pattern so that I do not have to define terms in this answer. I highly encourage skimming the link before continuing. Point by point Diane states the following..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom myapp R array Since updating to ADT 14 I can no longer build my project. It was building fine prior to updating. The.. was building fine prior to updating. The error 2011 10 23 16 23 29 Dex Loader Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom myapp R array 2011 10 23 16 23 29 myProj Conversion to Dalvik format failed Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files.. myapp R array 2011 10 23 16 23 29 myProj Conversion to Dalvik format failed Unable to execute dex Multiple dex files define Lcom myapp R array Similar issues have been reported and I have tried the suggestions there including Restarting Eclipse..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? icon link href images apple touch icon.png rel apple touch icon link href css AccordFintech.css rel stylesheet script Define WL namespace. var WL WL WL WLClient configuration variables. Values are injected by the deployer that packs the gadget...
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? 0dip android layout_height 0dip android layout_weight 0 LinearLayout Step 2 Define Base container fragment which will be helpful for backtracking and replacment of fragments check out replaceFragement ... android layout_height match_parent FrameLayout Your main class. public class Talk extends Fragment Define global variables over here private ProgressDialog pDialog StaticApiList sal TalkModelAll tma JSONObject myJasonObject null..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? your activity class in which case it should be static and you need a weakreference of the outerclass Using interface. Define a interface in DatePickerFragment . Implement the interface in your activity class and set the date to textview. public..
Gmail style listview give you a detailed answer. But you can take a hint from here and other answers. Option 2 Implement it on your own. Define an array list or any work around that keeps indexes of selected element of your list. And then use it to filter backgrounds..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? library should use it. Example of a modified file of the hello jni sample project LOCAL_PATH call my dir # Define vars for library that will be build statically. include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_MODULE module_name LOCAL_C_INCLUDES header_files_path..
Custom event listener on Android app this Thanks Nelson R. Perez android events event handling listener addeventlistener share improve this question Define a callback interface public interface NewsUpdateListener void onNewsUpdate News data to be passed Provide a registration..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? to Define Callbacks in Android During the most recent google io there was a presentation about implementing restful client applications...
EditText with number keypad by default, but allowing alphabetic characters numeric digits only. What options do I have android share improve this question Here is what you are looking for Define your EditText in your xml this way EditText android id @ id etTest android layout_width match_parent android layout_height..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime context attrs Now if you don't have one add an XML document under res values attrs.xml and add resources Define the values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr..
How to pass custom component parameters in java and xml getters and setters for each of the attributes public void setFoo String new_foo ... public String getFoo ... 2. Define the attributes in res values attrs.xml so they can be used in XML. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable..
sliding drawer appear in all activities setContentView in the right way. Here's the working example but instead of drawer I use a created a custom tabbar Define a layout with your drawer like this this is act_layout.xml LinearLayout ... android orientation vertical YourDrawer .....
How to save file from website to sdcard DownloadManager downloaded file name fileName Open a connection to that URL. URLConnection ucon url.openConnection Define InputStreams to read from the URLConnection. InputStream is ucon.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android if getLocationQuality bestLocation LocationQuality.GOOD Looper.prepare setLooper Looper.myLooper Define a listener that responds to location updates LocationListener locationListener new LocationListener public void onLocationChanged..
Running Shell commands though java code on Android? project with greater understanding of how to code. Here's a working way to do this for future reference of whoever Define the string String commands sysrw rm data local sysro Then in the onClick call RunAsRot like such RunAsRoot..
Volume change listener? volume share improve this question Check out registerMediaButtonEventReceiver ComponentName broadcastReceiver Define a BroadcastReceiver that handles ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON . The recieved intent includes a single extra field EXTRA_KEY_EVENT..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask and centralizing your business logic into a POJO for reusability . For testability you can do something like this 1. Define an interface IBusinessDAO 2. Define RealBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 3. Define MockBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO.. into a POJO for reusability . For testability you can do something like this 1. Define an interface IBusinessDAO 2. Define RealBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 3. Define MockBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 4. Call inside.. can do something like this 1. Define an interface IBusinessDAO 2. Define RealBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 3. Define MockBusinessDAO implements IBusinessDAO 4. Call inside AsyncTask.doInBackground For unit test your business..