android Programming Glossary: decrease
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 2 try to decrease decoded image options.inPurgeable true purgeable to disk Bitmap..
Compiling Android project from command line is slow attribute to every dex invocation which will massively decrease build times by dexing only classes that have changed between..
In-App payment in amazon mnt sdcard amazon.sdktester.json The click number doesn't decrease because when is clicked the button a SKU INVALID message is..
Can I do Android Programming in C++, C? of your application in that language JNI calls can decrease your performance by a lot. Java isn't that hard tho if you know..
How to change/decrease android spinner size to change decrease android spinner size I like to decrease change the spinner.. to change decrease android spinner size I like to decrease change the spinner size which include 1 the spinner object size...
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) filter your SQLite data with a good approximation and decrease amount of data that you need to evaluate in your java code...
Android phone orientation overview including compass faces the sky the amount of rain flowing through Y will decrease to zero while the volume through Z will steadily increase until..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? roughly ball speed and location. Y int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if Y screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed.. dY 1 dY Reverse speed when bottom hit. dY acc Increase or decrease speed. Increase rotating angle. if angle 360 angle 0 Draw ball.. and location. if ballFingerMove ballY int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if ballY screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed..
It is possible to make a horizontal NumberPicker? from Android is vertical with the increase and decrease buttons above and below the number display. Is it possible to..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap Error is due to the size of the image i used this code to decrease the size of image when select from gallery. public Bitmap setImageToImageView..
libgdx SpriteBatch render to texture the supersampling if m_fbo null m_fboScaler increase or decrease the antialiasing quality m_fbo new FrameBuffer Format.RGB565..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy Isn't this only supposed to be broadcast for each percent decrease It actually caused my entire launcher to lag I had to uninstall.. Isn't this only supposed to be broadcast for each percent decrease Where do you see that documented AFAIK ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED..
How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images in android? corners which I can drag around with touch to increase decrease its size. The image below illustrates a demo of something I..
Speeding up the Android build process what I'm looking for or if there is some other way to decrease build times Any suggestion would be appreciated. java android..
Disable Android browser's input overlays? my HTC 2.3.4 My CSS still needs some polishing. I need to decrease the inputs width and align center so the borders of the below..
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images byte shrinkBitmap byte data BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize 2 try to decrease decoded image options.inPurgeable true purgeable to disk Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
Compiling Android project from command line is slow you chose before. This will prepend undocumented incremental attribute to every dex invocation which will massively decrease build times by dexing only classes that have changed between builds. Now it looks like this dx Merged dex A 1 defs 11 3KiB..
In-App payment in amazon needs to reside on the device's file system under the path mnt sdcard amazon.sdktester.json The click number doesn't decrease because when is clicked the button a SKU INVALID message is returned Look at the logcat due to no .json file is found in..
Can I do Android Programming in C++, C? Java for the rest. Just pick one language and write the majority of your application in that language JNI calls can decrease your performance by a lot. Java isn't that hard tho if you know how to program in C C . The advantage of Java is that the..
How to change/decrease android spinner size to change decrease android spinner size I like to decrease change the spinner size which include 1 the spinner object size. 2 the font displayed.. to change decrease android spinner size I like to decrease change the spinner size which include 1 the spinner object size. 2 the font displayed its size and color. 3 when I open..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) sqlite geolocation share improve this question 1 At first filter your SQLite data with a good approximation and decrease amount of data that you need to evaluate in your java code. Use the following procedure for this purpose To have a deterministic..
Android phone orientation overview including compass the Y 'tube'. If the phone is gradually rotated so its screen faces the sky the amount of rain flowing through Y will decrease to zero while the volume through Z will steadily increase until the maximum amount of rain is flowing through. Similarly..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? canvas Draw background. canvas.drawBitmap bgr 0 0 null Compute roughly ball speed and location. Y int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if Y screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed when bottom hit. dY acc Increase or decrease speed. Increase.. Increase or decrease vertical position. if Y screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed when bottom hit. dY acc Increase or decrease speed. Increase rotating angle. if angle 360 angle 0 Draw ball Save the position of the canvas. canvas.rotate.. reverseBackroundFirst Compute roughly the ball's speed and location. if ballFingerMove ballY int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if ballY screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed when bottom hit. dY acc Increase or decrease speed. Increase..
It is possible to make a horizontal NumberPicker? is possible to make a horizontal NumberPicker The widget NumberPicker from Android is vertical with the increase and decrease buttons above and below the number display. Is it possible to make it horizontal With the buttons on the left and the right..
java.lang.outofmemoryerror bitmap size exceeds vm budget on bitmap bitmap2.recycle android share improve this question Error is due to the size of the image i used this code to decrease the size of image when select from gallery. public Bitmap setImageToImageView String filePath Decode image size BitmapFactory.Options..
libgdx SpriteBatch render to texture if m_fboEnabled enable or disable the supersampling if m_fbo null m_fboScaler increase or decrease the antialiasing quality m_fbo new FrameBuffer Format.RGB565 int width m_fboScaler int height m_fboScaler false m_fboRegion..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy calls a second saying it's receiving ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED. Isn't this only supposed to be broadcast for each percent decrease It actually caused my entire launcher to lag I had to uninstall it. That can't be right. android broadcastreceiver appwidget.. be to register that receiver from an activity or a service. Isn't this only supposed to be broadcast for each percent decrease Where do you see that documented AFAIK ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED will be broadcast whenever the hardware feels like it. Also..
How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images in android? to be displayed on the image. That rectangle will have moveable corners which I can drag around with touch to increase decrease its size. The image below illustrates a demo of something I would like to develop. java android share improve this question..
Speeding up the Android build process explain to me if using one of these tools would accomplish what I'm looking for or if there is some other way to decrease build times Any suggestion would be appreciated. java android maven build gradle share improve this question Adopting..
Disable Android browser's input overlays? crummy let me know. Working like this looks very nice on my HTC 2.3.4 My CSS still needs some polishing. I need to decrease the inputs width and align center so the borders of the below list item stay visible. Other than that this would be a nice..