android Programming Glossary: client.getconnectionmanager
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps in in.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e Log.e REST_CLIENT.. e Log.e REST_CLIENT Execute Request e.getMessage client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace private String ConvertStreamToString..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? is e.toString Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR responseString client.getConnectionManager .shutdown return responseString @Override protected void onPostExecute..
UTF8 Encoding in Android when invoking REST webservice e Log.e TAG An error occurred while obtaining categories e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown Any help would be appreciated android encoding utf..
Java httpPost into .asp form release your clients connection public void shutDownClient client.getConnectionManager .shutdown This is an example of the HttpClient do not forget..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android release instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager.. .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace private static String convertStreamToString.. client new DefaultHttpClient ClientConnectionManager mgr client.getConnectionManager HttpParams params client.getParams client new DefaultHttpClient..
Android: Making Https Request ClientConnectionManager ccm client.getConnectionManager SchemeRegistry sr ccm.getSchemeRegistry sr.register new Scheme..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? release instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager.. .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace return rtnData private static String..
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out) static void safeClose HttpClient client if client null client.getConnectionManager null client.getConnectionManager .shutdown share improve..
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps null InputStream in entity.getContent response ConvertStreamToString in in.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e Log.e REST_CLIENT Execute Request e.getMessage client.getConnectionManager.. .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e Log.e REST_CLIENT Execute Request e.getMessage client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace private String ConvertStreamToString InputStream in BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? responseString catch Exception e Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR Error is e.toString Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR responseString client.getConnectionManager .shutdown return responseString @Override protected void onPostExecute String response super.onPostExecute response pDialog.dismiss..
UTF8 Encoding in Android when invoking REST webservice URLEncoder.encode result UTF 8 String c AS catch Exception e Log.e TAG An error occurred while obtaining categories e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown Any help would be appreciated android encoding utf 8 decode encode share improve this question Use this to..
Java httpPost into .asp form doing everything that you need with the client you might release your clients connection public void shutDownClient client.getConnectionManager .shutdown This is an example of the HttpClient do not forget that you might also use the UrlConnection here are differences..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android instream Closing the input stream will trigger connection release instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace private static.. catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace private static String convertStreamToString InputStream is BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader.. getThreadSafeClient if client null return client client new DefaultHttpClient ClientConnectionManager mgr client.getConnectionManager HttpParams params client.getParams client new DefaultHttpClient new ThreadSafeClientConnManager params mgr.getSchemeRegistry..
Android: Making Https Request ctx ssf.setHostnameVerifier SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER ClientConnectionManager ccm client.getConnectionManager SchemeRegistry sr ccm.getSchemeRegistry sr.register new Scheme https ssf 443 return new DefaultHttpClient ccm client.getParams..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? Closing the input stream will trigger connection release instream.close catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace return rtnData private.. catch ClientProtocolException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace catch IOException e client.getConnectionManager .shutdown e.printStackTrace return rtnData private static String convertStreamToString InputStream is BufferedReader reader..
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out)