android Programming Glossary: clearing
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL spits out an error unnamed 3314 0 updateTexImage clearing GL error 0x502 0x502 is a generic openGL error and doesn't really..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview PremiumList new ArrayList HashMap String String You are clearing all the data from PremiumList in this line and this way you..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? question Taking a punt here but are you ever actually clearing the screen The kinds of behaviour you are seeing suggest that.. uninitialised memory reusing an old buffer implicitly clearing etc. GL requires you to be specific about what you want so you..
android application failing upon user scrolling - no 'obvious' error you that it's not leaving it around for debugging it's clearing it away on the assumption you're a user and just want to get..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery ImageBuffer.getInstance .getImages .add i fullImage clearing the data source when exiting the category in finish for int.. but very little is released after exiting. Am I not clearing my drawables properly For each element in my arrayList of drawables..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? about the app http blog index.php 2010 07 23 clearing out deleted playlists in android UPDATE 2 Tuesday April 9 2013..
Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android Android Is it possible to start an activity on the stack clearing the entire history before it The situation I have an activity..
Android: Get all PendingIntents set with AlarmManager in removing all the alarms that where previously set clearing them. Is there a way for me to do that or to get all the alarms..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents to fix this problem but it has the unwanted side effect of clearing the activiy stack to root whenever I hit HOME. Example A B C..
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device able to get a Context menu without the 'edit' options by clearing the header and contents by modifying your code... @Override..
Android: clearing the full activity stack clearing the full activity stack I've done qui a bit of reading and..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? every pixel when updating the screen. But when you're not clearing old drawings on your Canvas the old drawings are still on the..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps so you end up with a null GeoPoint You are always clearing the list of overlays before addind a new one so you always end..
How to disable the Clear Data button in Application info of Manage appliaction this question There is no way to prevent the user from clearing your app data. The manifest option you mention is intended for..
Video plays only once in Webview of Android that VideoView only goes to end of the video file. I tried clearing cache as suggested here but no luck. What could be the possible..
ListView selection remains persistent after exiting choice mode I have improved the above workarounds a bit by clearing the selection state manually and then setting the mode in a..
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation has lost their purchase data either by reinstalling or by clearing the data I don't care which . On app startup I check for a flag..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? info screen. The files directory typically can as well but clearing the files directory will also clear the cache directory. Which..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled want then to remain for longer period in extenal storage. Clearing the Cache Sometimes when your image size is too large even caching..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) and setting the default home application SOLVED How in the..
SecurityException: Unable to find field for dex.jar android SDK folder SDK Manager is also not opening. I have tried Clearing all project Re stared eclipse and computer about 20 30 timmes..
Android: Clear Cache of All Apps? apps on the device. This has been asked many times before Clearing app cache programmatically http questions..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache stack.add child while stack.size 0 Log.v TAG LOG_START Clearing the stack stack.size File f stack.get stack.size 1 if f.isDirectory..
Clearing preferences in SharedPreferences in Android, not just Values preferences in SharedPreferences in Android not just Values..
Clearing canvas with Canvas.drawColor() canvas with Canvas.drawColor i'm attempting to change the background..
Android Clearing all EditText Fields with Clear Button Clearing all EditText Fields with Clear Button How do I clear all the..
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called intent 0 public void clearSelectedPlayer Log.i TAG Clearing selected player curSelectedPlayerPosition 1 Clear the list view..
Modifying camera output using SurfaceTexture and OpenGL When openGL goes to render the frame the LogCat repeatedly spits out an error unnamed 3314 0 updateTexImage clearing GL error 0x502 0x502 is a generic openGL error and doesn't really help me track down the problem. This is a sequence of..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview homework EDIT First of all remove this line from OnItemClick PremiumList new ArrayList HashMap String String You are clearing all the data from PremiumList in this line and this way you will get blank list in next activity. So get rid of this line...
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? android opengl es 2.0 gpu share improve this question Taking a punt here but are you ever actually clearing the screen The kinds of behaviour you are seeing suggest that you are not and that in different scenaries you are seeing..
android application failing upon user scrolling - no 'obvious' error referred to is the crashed process. debuggerd is just telling you that it's not leaving it around for debugging it's clearing it away on the assumption you're a user and just want to get on with your life. this particular bug has already been fixed..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery fullImage AsyncImageLoader.getInstance .loadImageByUrl imageUrl ImageBuffer.getInstance .getImages .add i fullImage clearing the data source when exiting the category in finish for int i 0 i ImageBuffer.getInstance .getImageArraySize i if ImageBuffer.getInstance.. that more and more memory is allocated when entering a gallery but very little is released after exiting. Am I not clearing my drawables properly For each element in my arrayList of drawables I call setCallBack null and set the element to null...
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? list return adapter UPDATE Here's a link to a post on my blog about the app http blog index.php 2010 07 23 clearing out deleted playlists in android UPDATE 2 Tuesday April 9 2013 I've gotten a lot of traffic to my blog from this post and..
Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android Is it possible to start an activity on the stack clearing the entire history before it The situation I have an activity stack that either goes A B C or B C screen A selects the users..
Android: Get all PendingIntents set with AlarmManager AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime pendingEvent I'm interested in removing all the alarms that where previously set clearing them. Is there a way for me to do that or to get all the alarms that are currently set so that I can delete them manually..
How to prevent multiple instances of an activity when it is launched with different intents using android launchMode singleTask on all the activities to fix this problem but it has the unwanted side effect of clearing the activiy stack to root whenever I hit HOME. Example A B C HOME A when what I need is A B C HOME A B C Is there a good..
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device the Clipboard provide a 'Paste' option ...and so on . I was able to get a Context menu without the 'edit' options by clearing the header and contents by modifying your code... @Override public void onCreateContextMenu ContextMenu menu View view ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo..
Android: clearing the full activity stack clearing the full activity stack I've done qui a bit of reading and searching on SO but can't find a way to clear the current activity..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? update a part of the screen since Android OS is redrawing every pixel when updating the screen. But when you're not clearing old drawings on your Canvas the old drawings are still on the surface and that is probably one way to update just a part..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps list of overlays of yout MapView but you never call setPointToDraw so you end up with a null GeoPoint You are always clearing the list of overlays before addind a new one so you always end up with one overlay. If you want to display multiple points..
How to disable the Clear Data button in Application info of Manage appliaction from user. Please help me. android sqlite share improve this question There is no way to prevent the user from clearing your app data. The manifest option you mention is intended for system apps only and you as a developer have no way to install..
Video plays only once in Webview of Android but now problem is that video plays only first time. After that VideoView only goes to end of the video file. I tried clearing cache as suggested here but no luck. What could be the possible solution for this problem Please try following code to run..
ListView selection remains persistent after exiting choice mode out the clear operation as it is no longer supporting 'selections'. I have improved the above workarounds a bit by clearing the selection state manually and then setting the mode in a delayed manner so the framework will have its turn to clear..
android in-app billing - restoreTransactionInformation add something to check if the user has already purchased but has lost their purchase data either by reinstalling or by clearing the data I don't care which . On app startup I check for a flag that's set after the first run. If that flag isn't there..
When to clear the cache dir in Android? directory can typically be cleared manually from the app info screen. The files directory typically can as well but clearing the files directory will also clear the cache directory. Which one do I use It depends on how vital that data is compared..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled that. Also you can use DiskLruCache for images where you want then to remain for longer period in extenal storage. Clearing the Cache Sometimes when your image size is too large even caching the image causes OutOfMemoryError so in that case its..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) and setting the default home application SOLVED How in the world does Nova manage this Im literally trying to do exactly..
SecurityException: Unable to find field for dex.jar android error Unable to build the file dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder SDK Manager is also not opening. I have tried Clearing all project Re stared eclipse and computer about 20 30 timmes Uninstall Android SDk JAVA and reinstalled it Setting the..
Android: Clear Cache of All Apps? to be able to programmatically clear the cache of all of the apps on the device. This has been asked many times before Clearing app cache programmatically http questions 10262998 reflecting methods to clear android app cache Clear..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache list File children dir.listFiles for File child children stack.add child while stack.size 0 Log.v TAG LOG_START Clearing the stack stack.size File f stack.get stack.size 1 if f.isDirectory true boolean empty f.delete if empty false File..
Clearing preferences in SharedPreferences in Android, not just Values preferences in SharedPreferences in Android not just Values from what I can incur out of the SharedPreferences documentation..
Clearing canvas with Canvas.drawColor() canvas with Canvas.drawColor i'm attempting to change the background image of a custom View with some success. the image..
Android Clearing all EditText Fields with Clear Button Clearing all EditText Fields with Clear Button How do I clear all the EditText fields in a layout with a Clear Button . I have a..
ListFragment OnListItemClick not being called intent.putExtra playerURL mPlayerUrl startActivityForResult intent 0 public void clearSelectedPlayer Log.i TAG Clearing selected player curSelectedPlayerPosition 1 Clear the list view getListView .clearChoices ViewPlayerFragment vpf ViewPlayerFragment..