android Programming Glossary: clickpreventabletextview
Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView with a rather ugly workaround. But it works I've created a ClickPreventableTextView which I use when I have clickablespans in a TextView that should.. and handle the click event @author Lukas public class ClickPreventableTextView extends TextView implements OnClickListener private boolean.. clickListener private boolean ignoreSpannableClick public ClickPreventableTextView Context context super context public ClickPreventableTextView..
Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView suggested subclassing TextView and with that hint a came up with a rather ugly workaround. But it works I've created a ClickPreventableTextView which I use when I have clickablespans in a TextView that should be clickable as a whole. In its onTouchEvent method this.. return from click handler otherwise call @link preventNextClick and handle the click event @author Lukas public class ClickPreventableTextView extends TextView implements OnClickListener private boolean preventClick private OnClickListener clickListener private boolean.. private boolean preventClick private OnClickListener clickListener private boolean ignoreSpannableClick public ClickPreventableTextView Context context super context public ClickPreventableTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs public..