android Programming Glossary: client_secret
Android subscription and Google API client setClientId CLIENT_ID client setClientSecret CLIENT_SECRET client setRedirectUri MY_WEBAPP_URL client setDeveloperKey key.. 'code' code 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET 'redirect_uri' MY_WEBAPP_URL cURL call to OAuth URL with fields.. refresh_token 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET This will give you an access token you can use to get purchase..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus static final String CLIENT_ID public static final String CLIENT_SECRET String REDIRECT_URI http localhost String REDIRECT_URI urn.. transport jsonFactory CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET SCOPE .setApprovalPrompt force .setAccessType offline .build.. .setJsonFactory jsonFactory .setClientSecrets CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET .addRefreshListener new CredentialRefreshListener @Override..
Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found CLIENT_ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX private static final String CLIENT_SECRET XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization.. accessToken TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authResponse.refreshToken HttpRequestFactory rf TRANSPORT.createRequestFactory..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob String CLIENT_ID myClientID String CLIENT_SECRET myClientSecret String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl.. TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization.. accessToken TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authResponse.refreshToken HttpRequestFactory rf TRANSPORT.createRequestFactory..
Android subscription and Google API createAuthUrl client new apiClient key file_get_contents KEY_FILE client setClientId CLIENT_ID client setClientSecret CLIENT_SECRET client setRedirectUri MY_WEBAPP_URL client setDeveloperKey key client setScopes array 'https auth androidpublisher'.. o oauth2 token' fields array 'grant_type' 'authorization_code' 'code' code 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET 'redirect_uri' MY_WEBAPP_URL cURL call to OAuth URL with fields sent as POST This should return you JSON data with a refresh.. fields fields array 'grant_type' 'refresh_token' 'refresh_token' refresh_token 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET This will give you an access token you can use to get purchase data from the following URL https androidpublisher..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus is blow public class MainActivity extends Activity public static final String CLIENT_ID public static final String CLIENT_SECRET String REDIRECT_URI http localhost String REDIRECT_URI urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob JsonFactory jsonFactory new JacksonFactory.. final GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder transport jsonFactory CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET SCOPE .setApprovalPrompt force .setAccessType offline .build String url flow.newAuthorizationUrl .setRedirectUri REDIRECT_URI.. new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport transport .setJsonFactory jsonFactory .setClientSecrets CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET .addRefreshListener new CredentialRefreshListener @Override public void onTokenResponse Credential credential..
Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory private static final String CLIENT_ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX private static final String CLIENT_SECRET XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. token GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant authRequest new GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization false AccessTokenResponse authResponse authRequest.execute.. GoogleAccessProtectedResource access new GoogleAccessProtectedResource accessToken TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authResponse.refreshToken HttpRequestFactory rf TRANSPORT.createRequestFactory access System.out.println Access token authResponse.accessToken..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb auth calendar String CALLBACK_URL urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob String CLIENT_ID myClientID String CLIENT_SECRET myClientSecret String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl CLIENT_ID CALLBACK_URL SCOPE .build String authorizationCode.. debug mode GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant authRequest new GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization false AccessTokenResponse authResponse authRequest.execute.. GoogleAccessProtectedResource access new GoogleAccessProtectedResource accessToken TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authResponse.refreshToken HttpRequestFactory rf TRANSPORT.createRequestFactory access AccessProtectedResource accessProtectedResource..