android Programming Glossary: clearcache
Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method null snapshot.close return contained public void clearCache if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ disk cache CLEARED..
Out of memory cache error when accessing inside the app photoToLoad.imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache memoryCache.clear fileCache.clear public class ClassMemoryCache..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] photoToLoad.imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache memoryCache.clear fileCache.clear File Cache public class FileCache..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache true mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode.. old the files must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache recursive returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder.. recursive returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder final File dir final int numDays int deletedFiles 0 if..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images else imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles.. imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) else imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles.. stub_id Clear cache. public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class else imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles..
Using DiskLruCache in android 4.0 does not provide for openCache method null catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally if snapshot null snapshot.close return contained public void clearCache if BuildConfig.DEBUG Log.d cache_test_DISK_ disk cache CLEARED try mDiskCache.delete catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Out of memory cache error when accessing inside the app null photoToLoad.imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap else photoToLoad.imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache memoryCache.clear fileCache.clear public class ClassMemoryCache private Map String Bitmap cache Collections.synchronizedMap..
How to parser json for image url [duplicate] null photoToLoad.imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap else photoToLoad.imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache memoryCache.clear fileCache.clear File Cache public class FileCache private File cacheDir public FileCache Context context..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache mUIHandler mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.clearHistory mWebView.clearFormData mWebView.clearCache true WebSettings webSettings mWebView.getSettings webSettings.setCacheMode WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE Time time new Time.. recursive and added a numDays parameter so you can control how old the files must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache recursive returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder final File dir final int numDays int deletedFiles.. the files must be that are pruned helper method for clearCache recursive returns number of deleted files static int clearCacheFolder final File dir final int numDays int deletedFiles 0 if dir null dir.isDirectory try for File child dir.listFiles ..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images public void run if bitmap null imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap else imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete Here is the same.. bitmap.get else imageView.setImageBitmap null System.gc imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete android caching..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) public void run if bitmap null imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap else imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete the custom list view.. if bitmap null imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap else imageView.setImageResource stub_id Clear cache. public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete public static void..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class public void run if bitmap null imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap else imageView.setImageResource stub_id public void clearCache clear memory cache cache.clear clear SD cache File files cacheDir.listFiles for File f files f.delete the custom list view..