android Programming Glossary: clientsocket
Send message from a basic server to a specific client 0 IPaddress creating a client socket to accept it Socket clientSocket serverSocket.accept Now I accept the client in a seperate thread.. starting threads just do it in a loop for int i 0 i 5 i clientSocket serverSocket.accept start a new thread passing it the clientSocket.. serverSocket.accept start a new thread passing it the clientSocket as an argument Other possibly useful links https
Bluetooth connection on Android ICS not possible connect to the antenna as usual by using to get the Socket clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID Well it seems.. work out with my antenna and Tablet setup so I tried clientSocket device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID This..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android 90 4C E5 FA 01 22 BluetoothSocket clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid clientSocket.connect.. clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid clientSocket.connect Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd 6775 public static String SERVERIP Socket clientSocket private Handler handler new Handler Called when the activity.. new MediaPlayer Thread t new Thread public void run try clientSocket new Socket SERVERIP SERVERPORT new Runnable @Override.. ParcelFileDescriptor pfd ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket clientSocket pfd.getFileDescriptor .sync mp.setDataSource pfd.getFileDescriptor..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly unrelated try catch blocks for clarity . private Socket clientSocket null DataInputStream readStream null DataOutputStream writeStream.. null serverAddr InetAddress.getByName website.mIpAddress clientSocket new Socket serverAddr port If connected create a read and write.. readStream new DataInputStream new InflaterInputStream clientSocket.getInputStream writeStream new DataOutputStream clientSocket.getOutputStream..
“Service discovery failed” from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm createInsecureRfcommSocket against MAC device.getAddress clientSocket tmp ClientThread Connecting to Server try clientSocket.connect.. clientSocket tmp ClientThread Connecting to Server try clientSocket.connect catch final IOException e DeviceConnections.this.runOnUiThread.. to service. Log.i TAG Client socket unable to connect to clientSocket.getRemoteDevice .getAddress e.printStackTrace I do get the..
Send message from a basic server to a specific client up server ServerSocket serverSocket new ServerSocket 8000 0 IPaddress creating a client socket to accept it Socket clientSocket serverSocket.accept Now I accept the client in a seperate thread so that the main thread does not freeze becauz accept function.. this post on stackoverflow. As to accepting connections and starting threads just do it in a loop for int i 0 i 5 i clientSocket serverSocket.accept start a new thread passing it the clientSocket as an argument Other possibly useful links https threads just do it in a loop for int i 0 i 5 i clientSocket serverSocket.accept start a new thread passing it the clientSocket as an argument Other possibly useful links https resources articles painless threading.html https..
Bluetooth connection on Android ICS not possible a Samsung problem or an Android ICS problem. I tried to connect to the antenna as usual by using to get the Socket clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID Well it seems that it doesn't work out with my antenna and Tablet setup.. MY_UUID Well it seems that it doesn't work out with my antenna and Tablet setup so I tried clientSocket device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID This does work. Ther first option forced the system to unpair the..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android IntentFilter BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND try deviceRemoto bluetooth.getRemoteDevice 90 4C E5 FA 01 22 BluetoothSocket clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid clientSocket.connect Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer.. bluetooth.getRemoteDevice 90 4C E5 FA 01 22 BluetoothSocket clientSocket device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid clientSocket.connect Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer data using the Bluetooth Socket catch IOException e Log.d..
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd private TextView mTextview public static final int SERVERPORT 6775 public static String SERVERIP Socket clientSocket private Handler handler new Handler Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. mTextview.setText Attempting to connect mp new MediaPlayer Thread t new Thread public void run try clientSocket new Socket SERVERIP SERVERPORT new Runnable @Override public void run mTextview.setText Connected to server.. new Runnable @Override public void run try ParcelFileDescriptor pfd ParcelFileDescriptor.fromSocket clientSocket pfd.getFileDescriptor .sync mp.setDataSource pfd.getFileDescriptor pfd.close mp.setDisplay holder mp.prepareAsync..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly A code snippet of what I have done is given below removed all unrelated try catch blocks for clarity . private Socket clientSocket null DataInputStream readStream null DataOutputStream writeStream null private StringBuilder incompleteResponse null private.. context myContext website site InetAddress serverAddr null serverAddr InetAddress.getByName website.mIpAddress clientSocket new Socket serverAddr port If connected create a read and write Stream objects.. readStream new DataInputStream new InflaterInputStream.. port If connected create a read and write Stream objects.. readStream new DataInputStream new InflaterInputStream clientSocket.getInputStream writeStream new DataOutputStream clientSocket.getOutputStream Thread readThread new Thread @Override public..
“Service discovery failed” from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm for SERVICE_NAME catch IOException e Log.i TAG Failed to createInsecureRfcommSocket against MAC device.getAddress clientSocket tmp ClientThread Connecting to Server try clientSocket.connect catch final IOException e DeviceConnections.this.runOnUiThread.. to createInsecureRfcommSocket against MAC device.getAddress clientSocket tmp ClientThread Connecting to Server try clientSocket.connect catch final IOException e DeviceConnections.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run console.append.. public void run console.append Client unable to connect to service. Log.i TAG Client socket unable to connect to clientSocket.getRemoteDevice .getAddress e.printStackTrace I do get the log output Client socket unable to connect to MY_MAC_ADDRESS..