android Programming Glossary: clipboardmanager
Selecting text in a WebView? 0 shiftPressEvent.dispatch this And then you have to use ClipboardManager to watch for new text. Works on Android 1.5 2.3. emulateShiftHeld..
How to copy text programmatically in my Android app? http reference android content ClipboardManager.html Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager.. Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE.. setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE ClipData clip ClipData.newPlainText..
Copy text from TextView on Android TextView v place your TextView's text in clipboard ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE.. TextView's text in clipboard ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText yourTextView.getText..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility updated my SDK for the latest APIs and noticed that the ClipboardManager features I was using are deprecated. I updated the code to use..
Android: Copy to clipboard selected text from a TextView stringYouExtracted.subString startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE.. startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText stringYouExtracted.. android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB android.text.ClipboardManager clipboard android.text.ClipboardManager getSystemService Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE..
Android 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection + JavaScript on which we perform the TextSelectionActionMode and the ClipboardManager is supplied with the results... to make that clear the actual.. coords while comparing the text to that captured by the ClipboardManager 2 create my own WebTextView whole lotta work lol and not so..
Select text from textview on one click in android this question In your onClickListener for the TextView ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE.. for the TextView ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText yourTextView.getText..
How to get the selected text in android webview exception at clipboard.getText . I have tried code as ClipboardManager mClipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE.. . I have tried code as ClipboardManager mClipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE KeyEvent shiftPressEvent..
Selecting text in a WebView?
How to copy text programmatically in my Android app? programmatically android menu share improve this question http reference android content ClipboardManager.html Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE.. http reference android content ClipboardManager.html Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE ClipData clip ClipData.newPlainText label Text to copy clipboard.setPrimaryClip.. reference android content ClipboardManager.html Use ClipBoardManager's setText method ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE ClipData clip ClipData.newPlainText label Text to copy clipboard.setPrimaryClip clip..
Copy text from TextView on Android View to TextView so that you can get its text TextView yourTextView TextView v place your TextView's text in clipboard ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText yourTextView.getText Hope this helps you.. can get its text TextView yourTextView TextView v place your TextView's text in clipboard ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText yourTextView.getText Hope this helps you and anyone else looking for..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility when I had everything built around Android 2.2 Froyo. I have updated my SDK for the latest APIs and noticed that the ClipboardManager features I was using are deprecated. I updated the code to use the newer ClipData model and tried it out on my Froyo phone..
Android: Copy to clipboard selected text from a TextView int endIndex tv.getSelectionEnd stringYouExtracted stringYouExtracted.subString startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText stringYouExtracted EDIT The previous is.. tv.getSelectionEnd stringYouExtracted stringYouExtracted.subString startIndex endIndex ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText stringYouExtracted EDIT The previous is the full answer but I ran into.. change the last two lines to if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB android.text.ClipboardManager clipboard android.text.ClipboardManager getSystemService Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText stringYouExtracted..
Android 3.x ONLY WebView Text Selection + JavaScript nice job on lining it all up and making it seamless btw on which we perform the TextSelectionActionMode and the ClipboardManager is supplied with the results... to make that clear the actual HTML with the WebView IS NOT actually selected at any time.. coords onto the WebView and make my selection based on the coords while comparing the text to that captured by the ClipboardManager 2 create my own WebTextView whole lotta work lol and not so hackishly create my own ActionMode and do all of the above...
Select text from textview on one click in android show here. android select text textview share improve this question In your onClickListener for the TextView ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText yourTextView.getText ed Answer to the question.. text textview share improve this question In your onClickListener for the TextView ClipboardManager clipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE clipboard.setText yourTextView.getText ed Answer to the question in comments yourTextView.setOnClickListener..
How to get the selected text in android webview to get the text using clipboard it showing me null pointer exception at clipboard.getText . I have tried code as ClipboardManager mClipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN.. clipboard it showing me null pointer exception at clipboard.getText . I have tried code as ClipboardManager mClipboard ClipboardManager getSystemService CLIPBOARD_SERVICE KeyEvent shiftPressEvent new KeyEvent 0 0 KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT..