android Programming Glossary: clazz
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES JNIEnv env jclass clazz SLresult result create engine LOGD create engine result slCreateEngine.. JNIEnv env jclass clazz destroy URI audio player object and invalidate all associated.. engineEngine NULL void OnCompletion JNIEnv env jclass clazz jclass cls env GetObjectClass thiz if cls NULL jmethodID mid..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? 1 while c.moveToNext String pkg c.getString 1 String clazz c.getString 2 int badgeCount c.getInt 3 Log.d BadgeTest package.. badgeCount c.getInt 3 Log.d BadgeTest package pkg class clazz count String.valueOf cnt finally c.close In order to add a badge..
newInstance failed: no <init> nullary constructor init dvmFindDirectMethodByDescriptor clazz init V if init NULL common cause secret this arg on non static.. Ljava lang InstantiationException clazz descriptor RETURN_VOID Here is the action I take to activate..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery the app and native heap public static void logHeap Class clazz Double allocated new Double Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize.. MB of df.format available MB df.format free MB free in clazz.getName .replaceAll Log.d APP debug.memory..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android the class that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass the package MainActivity Get the method that you.. that you want to call jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID clazz messageMe Ljava lang String V Call the method on the object.. jstr env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? context in block_number Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Class clazz Class.forName telephonyManager.getClass .getName Method method.. telephonyManager.getClass .getName Method method clazz.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony method.setAccessible true ..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES and output mix objects JNIEXPORT void Java_com_swssm_waveloop_audio_OSLESMediaPlayer_createEngine JNIEnv env jclass clazz SLresult result create engine LOGD create engine result slCreateEngine engineObject 0 NULL 0 NULL NULL assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS.. SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result JNIEXPORT void Java_com_swssm_waveloop_audio_OSLESMediaPlayer_releaseEngine JNIEnv env jclass clazz destroy URI audio player object and invalidate all associated interfaces if uriPlayerObject NULL uriPlayerObject Destroy.. NULL engineObject Destroy engineObject engineObject NULL engineEngine NULL void OnCompletion JNIEnv env jclass clazz jclass cls env GetObjectClass thiz if cls NULL jmethodID mid env GetMethodID cls OnCompletion V if mid NULL env CallVoidMethod..
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? No results. Nothing to query return c.moveToPosition 1 while c.moveToNext String pkg c.getString 1 String clazz c.getString 2 int badgeCount c.getInt 3 Log.d BadgeTest package pkg class clazz count String.valueOf cnt finally c.close.. String pkg c.getString 1 String clazz c.getString 2 int badgeCount c.getInt 3 Log.d BadgeTest package pkg class clazz count String.valueOf cnt finally c.close In order to add a badge count to your application icon ContentValues cv new ContentValues..
newInstance failed: no <init> const u4 args JValue pResult ... find the nullary constructor init dvmFindDirectMethodByDescriptor clazz init V if init NULL common cause secret this arg on non static inner class ctor LOGD newInstance failed no init n dvmThrowExceptionWithClassMessage.. class ctor LOGD newInstance failed no init n dvmThrowExceptionWithClassMessage Ljava lang InstantiationException clazz descriptor RETURN_VOID Here is the action I take to activate the activity in a timer handler. move on to Activation ePNSplash..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery this code in my app to output the current used memory used by the app and native heap public static void logHeap Class clazz Double allocated new Double Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize new Double 1048576 Double available new Double Debug.getNativeHeapSize.. Log.d APP debug.heap native allocated df.format allocated MB of df.format available MB df.format free MB free in clazz.getName .replaceAll Log.d APP debug.memory allocated df.format new Double Runtime.getRuntime .totalMemory..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android jstr env NewStringUTF This string comes from JNI First get the class that contains the method you need to call jclass clazz env FindClass the package MainActivity Get the method that you want to call jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID clazz messageMe.. clazz env FindClass the package MainActivity Get the method that you want to call jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID clazz messageMe Ljava lang String V Call the method on the object jobject result env CallObjectMethod jstr messageMe Get a C style.. JNIEnv env jobject obj jstring jstr env NewStringUTF env This comes from jni. jclass clazz env FindClass env com inceptix android t3d MainActivity jmethodID messageMe env GetMethodID env clazz messageMe Ljava lang..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE try Toast.makeText context in block_number Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Class clazz Class.forName telephonyManager.getClass .getName Method method clazz.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony method.setAccessible.. in block_number Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Class clazz Class.forName telephonyManager.getClass .getName Method method clazz.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony method.setAccessible true ITelephony telephonyService ITelephony method.invoke telephonyManager..