android Programming Glossary: clickablespan
android span click event 0 0 a return str private final class CallbackSpan extends ClickableSpan private String m_data private String url_main public CallbackSpan.. span before set new span. Please see below The onClick of ClickableSpan is not working for URLSpan EDIT You can capture any span click..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text span int flags strBuilder.getSpanFlags span ClickableSpan myActivityLauncher new ClickableSpan public void onClick View.. span ClickableSpan myActivityLauncher new ClickableSpan public void onClick View view context.startActivity getIntentForActivityToStart..
Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView ClickableSpan in clickable TextView I have a textview that can contain clickable.. .newSpannable test link span span.setSpan new ClickableSpan @Override public void onClick View v Log.d main link clicked.. listener for the whole textview and then the one for the ClickableSpan is called. Is there a way to prevent android from calling the..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length.. line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet improve this question What you can do is create a Custom ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String.. ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? InternalURLSpan class public class InternalURLSpan extends ClickableSpan OnClickListener mListener public InternalURLSpan OnClickListener.. y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length.. line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText end if Character.isLetterOrDigit possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan.. possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE.. start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan getClickableSpan final String word return new ClickableSpan..
clickable word inside TextView in android link new SpannableString devFull.length 1 local vars ClickableSpan cs new ClickableSpan devFull.length 1 String linkWord String.. devFull.length 1 local vars ClickableSpan cs new ClickableSpan devFull.length 1 String linkWord String devDevFull new String.. devDevFull 0 linkWord devDevFull 0 cs i 1 new ClickableSpan private String w linkWord @Override public void onClick View..
android span click event str String pattern a zA Z str str.replaceAll pattern a href 0 0 a return str private final class CallbackSpan extends ClickableSpan private String m_data private String url_main public CallbackSpan String url m_data url.substring 0 url_main url public.. message.setSpan span start end flags You need remove origin span before set new span. Please see below The onClick of ClickableSpan is not working for URLSpan EDIT You can capture any span click event by extends LinkMovementMethod import android.text.Layout..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text int start strBuilder.getSpanStart span int end strBuilder.getSpanEnd span int flags strBuilder.getSpanFlags span ClickableSpan myActivityLauncher new ClickableSpan public void onClick View view context.startActivity getIntentForActivityToStart strBuilder.setSpan.. span int end strBuilder.getSpanEnd span int flags strBuilder.getSpanFlags span ClickableSpan myActivityLauncher new ClickableSpan public void onClick View view context.startActivity getIntentForActivityToStart strBuilder.setSpan myActivityLauncher start..
Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView ClickableSpan in clickable TextView I have a textview that can contain clickable links. When one of this links is clicked I want to start.. Spannable span Spannable.Factory.getInstance .newSpannable test link span span.setSpan new ClickableSpan @Override public void onClick View v Log.d main link clicked Toast.makeText Main.this link clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. set an OnClickListener everytime I click on a link first the listener for the whole textview and then the one for the ClickableSpan is called. Is there a way to prevent android from calling the listener for the whole textview when a link is clicked Or..
Android TextView Linkify intercepts with parent View gestures Layout layout widget.getLayout int line layout.getLineForVertical y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link 0 .onClick widget.. layout.getLineForVertical y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link 0 .onClick widget else if action MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet MKJParekh android textview linkify spannablestring share improve this question What you can do is create a Custom ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override.. improve this question What you can do is create a Custom ClickableSpan as below class MyCustomSpannable extends ClickableSpan String Url public MyCustomSpannable String Url this.Url Url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds Customize..
ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable? meesageTextView.setFocusable false The InternalURLSpan class public class InternalURLSpan extends ClickableSpan OnClickListener mListener public InternalURLSpan OnClickListener listener mListener listener @Override public void onClick.. Layout layout widget.getLayout int line layout.getLineForVertical y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link 0 .onClick widget.. layout.getLineForVertical y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x ClickableSpan link buffer.getSpans off off ClickableSpan.class if link.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP link 0 .onClick widget else if action MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText iterator .next String possibleWord definition.substring start end if Character.isLetterOrDigit possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan.. definition.substring start end if Character.isLetterOrDigit possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan getClickableSpan.. clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan getClickableSpan final String word return new ClickableSpan final String mWord mWord word @Override public void onClick..
clickable word inside TextView in android links they amount always will devFull.length 1 SpannableString link new SpannableString devFull.length 1 local vars ClickableSpan cs new ClickableSpan devFull.length 1 String linkWord String devDevFull new String 2 for int i 1 i devFull.length i obtaining.. always will devFull.length 1 SpannableString link new SpannableString devFull.length 1 local vars ClickableSpan cs new ClickableSpan devFull.length 1 String linkWord String devDevFull new String 2 for int i 1 i devFull.length i obtaining 'clear' link devDevFull.. 'clear' link devDevFull devFull i .split a link i 1 new SpannableString devDevFull 0 linkWord devDevFull 0 cs i 1 new ClickableSpan private String w linkWord @Override public void onClick View widget here you can use w linkWord link i 1 .setSpan cs i..