android Programming Glossary: clearly
Override Power button just like Home button begin by rephrasing your question a bit. If I understand clearly you'd like to disable all physical buttons on the device for..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android Dropbox with my app in a matter of hours as the SDK was clearly described and had good examples of usage. Google Drive seems..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size it does not exist with GridLayout . This limitation is clearly mentioned in the documentation excerpt below. That being said..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event and views but the documentation for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click events. Calling..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android getting the NoClassDefFoundError for a class that I could clearly see was included in the jar checking out the ReferencedLibraries..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? or just the enclosing rectangle though. The Region class clearly only keeps track of the containing rectangle. You might consider..
Detect application heap size in Android a bath in the Android jacuzzi. This distinction is not clearly documented so far as I know but I have tested this hypothesis..
Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? in HomeScreen. I hope I have explained the problem very clearly. Please let me know if this is actually possible. android bitmap..
Change the background color of the options menu layout inflater share improve this question This is clearly a problem that a lot of programmers have and to which Google..
How to get the number of unread gmail mails (on android) Gmail Unread Count Sorry if it seams a bit insistent but I clearly lack the knowledge to find this out on my own from the source...
What is Context in Android? it on the developer site but I am unable to understand it clearly. android android context share improve this question Putting..
WebView and HTML5 <video> tags like the native browser that would be best. I'm clearly missing something obvious.. but I have no clue what. android..
Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS? one file doesn't exist and the other file is 0 bytes. So clearly I mis understood what TrafficStats is doing. Can anyone shed..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work but I do not understand clearly how the process works. Is the javascript code being compiled..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 about decodeResource returning an immutable bitmap but clearly that must be the case. Is there a different call I can make..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd the end of it's ScaleAnimation which it does but you can clearly see that it is changed some miliseconds before it finishes...
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? my awesome caption in the EXTRA_TITLE field There is no clearly defined differences among EXTRA_TITLE EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT...
Android - disable landscape mode? there are many devices where portrait is not the clearly popular orientation. When users are on devices with hardware..
Problem to load flv video in webview flash share improve this question You don't state clearly what your Android version however I can confirm that the flash..
How to Parse JSON Array in Android with Gson I can log JSON output server is responsing to client clearly. Here is my JSON output id '1' title 'sample title' .... id..
Making an alarm program - not working second later the broadcast receiver code is not executed. Clearly I am misunderstanding something. android share improve this..
EditText causing memory leak D dalvikvm 18841 WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 32ms Clearly a memory leak. Yes i know it causes the Activity to be recreated..
How do I load a contact Photo? getId return public void setId long id id Clearly I'm doing something wrong here but I can't seem to figure out..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox and if I click on the middle line it is being checked. Clearly I'm missing something here Do remember when I long click the..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means that given the same..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market storage however is enormous... I have at least 1.5GB free. Clearly there is some download cache limiting policy at work. Very annoying..
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality? the relative orientation of the marker to the device. Clearly this is just planar image recognition. To do object recognition..
Override Power button just like Home button question with a great deal of commentary behind it. Let me begin by rephrasing your question a bit. If I understand clearly you'd like to disable all physical buttons on the device for the duration of your activity. This is inclusive of the power..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android Drive Docs API for Android I integrated Dropbox with my app in a matter of hours as the SDK was clearly described and had good examples of usage. Google Drive seems to only have a one size fits all Gdata SDK which is very heavy..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size this question The principle of 'weights' as you're describing it does not exist with GridLayout . This limitation is clearly mentioned in the documentation excerpt below. That being said there are some possibilities to use 'gravity' for excess space..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event previous answers are not correct. They work for other widgets and views but the documentation for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click events. Calling this method will raise an exception. Better use OnItemSelectedListener..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android way. This worked fine until my update. After my update I was getting the NoClassDefFoundError for a class that I could clearly see was included in the jar checking out the ReferencedLibraries classes . The solution was to remove my jars from the build..
How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point? . I don't know if that would really check against the path or just the enclosing rectangle though. The Region class clearly only keeps track of the containing rectangle. You might consider drawing each of your regions into an 8 bit alpha layer..
Detect application heap size in Android rudely flushed out of memory while your elephantine app takes a bath in the Android jacuzzi. This distinction is not clearly documented so far as I know but I have tested this hypothesis on five different Android devices see below and have confirmed..
Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android? . And then we can display those bitmaps in Gallery view in HomeScreen. I hope I have explained the problem very clearly. Please let me know if this is actually possible. android bitmap share improve this question there is a way to do this...
Change the background color of the options menu or not. Any idea would be welcome android user interface layout inflater share improve this question This is clearly a problem that a lot of programmers have and to which Google has yet to provide a satisfactory supported solution. There..
How to get the number of unread gmail mails (on android) particular subject my question remains Q How can I get the Gmail Unread Count Sorry if it seams a bit insistent but I clearly lack the knowledge to find this out on my own from the source. PS I would like to clarify that I want to do it without having..
What is Context in Android? is a Context class and what is it used for I read about it on the developer site but I am unable to understand it clearly. android android context share improve this question Putting it simply As the name suggests its the context of current..
WebView and HTML5 <video> to keep updating an app. So if I can convince WebView to handle tags like the native browser that would be best. I'm clearly missing something obvious.. but I have no clue what. android html5 video webview android webview share improve this question..
Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS? bytes . When I open the two files and check their contents one file doesn't exist and the other file is 0 bytes. So clearly I mis understood what TrafficStats is doing. Can anyone shed some light on how it's working it's magic Thanks for the help...
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile Nearest information I found is an answer here How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work but I do not understand clearly how the process works. Is the javascript code being compiled into a binary code what compiler is used then or is it just..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 the bitmap is immutable. The documentation doesn't say anything about decodeResource returning an immutable bitmap but clearly that must be the case. Is there a different call I can make to get a mutable bitmap reliably from an application resource..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd to true. I want my view to change it's background drawable on the end of it's ScaleAnimation which it does but you can clearly see that it is changed some miliseconds before it finishes. The problem is that it flickers because the new background appears..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? existing codes shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TITLE my awesome caption in the EXTRA_TITLE field There is no clearly defined differences among EXTRA_TITLE EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT. So there is no clear share protocol. We could always..
Android - disable landscape mode? Keep in mind that unlike the fairly uniform iPhone experience there are many devices where portrait is not the clearly popular orientation. When users are on devices with hardware keyboards or game pads a la the Droid 1 4 Xperia Play or the..
Problem to load flv video in webview layout_height match_parent WebView LinearLayout Update android flash share improve this question You don't state clearly what your Android version however I can confirm that the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with..
How to Parse JSON Array in Android with Gson with Gson I want to parse JSON arrays and using gson. Firstly I can log JSON output server is responsing to client clearly. Here is my JSON output id '1' title 'sample title' .... id '2' title 'sample title' .... ... I tried this structure..
Making an alarm program - not working first code snippet gets executed without crashing but one second later the broadcast receiver code is not executed. Clearly I am misunderstanding something. android share improve this question I assume you are missing registering your receiver..
EditText causing memory leak free 15591K 17452K paused 3ms 10ms total 66ms 12 28 12 26 43.030 D dalvikvm 18841 WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 32ms Clearly a memory leak. Yes i know it causes the Activity to be recreated from the ground up and this is what I want because i have..
How do I load a contact Photo? setPhotoUri Uri photoUri this.photoUri photoUri public long getId return public void setId long id id Clearly I'm doing something wrong here but I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. Thanks. android contactscontract share..
Android Click on listItem checks wrong checkbox if I click on item 4 the checkbox on line 6 is being checked and if I click on the middle line it is being checked. Clearly I'm missing something here Do remember when I long click the line contextMenu opens everything works great. This is the..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means that given the same seed SecureRandom will generate different data pre and post..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market this cache hence the problem. The phone's overall internal storage however is enormous... I have at least 1.5GB free. Clearly there is some download cache limiting policy at work. Very annoying for you. Free bytes in cache for a few phones Samsung..
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality? render on the marker and the border makes it easy to determine the relative orientation of the marker to the device. Clearly this is just planar image recognition. To do object recognition on a 3D object is a more complicated problem and I don't..